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Royal Family News: Judge Will Most Likely Toss Samantha Markle’s Lawsuit Against Meghan Markle

So much for wanting to get the supposed “truth” out, right? There’s a new report that says there’s a very good chance that the judge in Samantha Markle’s defamation case against her estranged half sister Meghan Markle might toss it out. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News – Judge Will Most Likely Toss Samantha Markle’s Lawsuit Against Meghan Markle

Samantha is suing the Duchess of Sussex for defamation as she believes that Meghan has ruined her reputation on a worldwide scale because of some of the things she’s said about her in her interview with Meghan Markle and also because of the things that were written in the biography, Finding Freedom. Meghan told Oprah that she always felt like she was a single child growing up, which apparently offended Samantha for some reason.

Samantha also claims that both Prince Harry and Meghan Markle never invited her to their royal wedding in 2018 because they were supposedly afraid that she would expose them for all of the lies they’ve supposedly told. That, and Samantha also says there’s no truth to Meghan’s “rag to riches” story.

Royal Family News: Judge Will Most Likely Toss Samantha Markle’s Lawsuit Against Meghan Markle

And not the New York Post says that Judge Charlene Honeywell is really struggling to see how anything Meghan has said about Samantha in the past is close to being defamatory and how this is even a lawsuit to begin with.

Royal Family News – What’s Next For Meghan Markle?

Of course, many royal critics commented on the matter with, “I think that the defamation bar is probably too high in this case, and I would not be surprised if it were thrown out. Just getting them to the deposition would have proven the point, but it doesn’t seem that the case will get that far,” along with,

“Please make the woman who only called herself Markle after Megan and Harry got together GO AWAY!!! Your fifteen minutes need to be over already!! Your half sister can’t stand you. Your kids can’t stand you and you lost custody of them ages ago anyway. The public can’t stand you!!”

Tell us British Royal Family fans, how do you feel about this story? Contribute to the buzz by dropping us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. We’ll make sure to update you with all of the latest information about King Charles, Prince William, Kate Middleton and the rest of the firm right here.

  1. Sherry Wickham says

    If Harry just flies in-and-out All you would have to do is change the hour of the birthday party.

  2. Shirley Chatman says

    U people need to STOP and leave Harry and Meghan’s alone. We the USA love Harry and Meghan’s and their children. Some are saying the children of Williams and Kate hate their uncle and his family
    This is a bri to far. To but children in this. All of u want News for the tabloid

    1. dorothy hobbs says

      Yes,please leave Megan and Harry alone. Let them live their life as they choose to. Let them be free to choose as they want.

    2. Jane says

      We, the USA love Harry and Meghan. Speak for yourself, not the entire nation, please! Not all people feel breathless over the toxic duo who have maligned their families and everyone else who doesn’t play to their agenda

    3. Jane says

      That comment do sn’t seem to jive with the 98% view of the Wales. I doubt they discuss M and H with their kids.

  3. Jane says

    It would be too bad if judge throws out Samantha’s lawsuit.

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