Royal Family News: Kate Middleton EXHAUSTED By Meghan Markle’s Endless Chatter

British royal family news reveals that there has been a lot of drama played out in public this year, in large part due to the conduct of relocated ex-royals Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan Markle.

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All of the bruhaha has reportedly left at least one senior royal spent and exhausted. This particular royal was dragged at least twice in the salacious tell-all interview the couple had with Oprah Winfrey on March 7.

Royal Family News –  Kate Middleton Is Sick And Tired Of The Drama

According to body language expert Andrea Gordon, Kate Middleton appears physically spent and tired. She is the mother of three young children and that would tucker out any mom, but there is another reason for her tired appearance, so says Gordon.

The royal expert told Express that this year Kate Middleton has reportedly been feeling, “exhausted and unsettled,” ever since the Markle’s Oprah interview. In the loose lipped fest Meghan called Kate out twice and both Harry and Meghan dragged their families through the mud.

Royal Family News – Kate Middleton Is Always The Picture Of Decorum

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Gordon told the site, “Kate’s baseline behavior is usually one of composure and quiet self-assurance – we see this in her often used neutral stance, unhurried, open hand gestures and direct eye contact.”
“She is generally in full control of the situation and herself… These clips show a different Kate, an unsettled, slightly exhausted Kate.”

And that would be totally understandable. Not only is she a fulltime mom and wife, she has a full time job as a royal and the country is now in its third coronavirus lockdown which presumably means she is back to teaching them at home.

Royal Family News – The Royal Family Has Been In An Uproar

During the interview, Meghan’s first verbal grenade was launched squarely at Kate. She insisted that Kate made her cry prior to her 2018 wedding to Harry. As it turns out the story has been much reported over the years, each time Meghan being the aggressor. But according to the former actress, “it was the reverse.”

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It strains credulity to think how tightly Meghan held on to that minor aggrievement for years, making it her very first dig at the royal family when she got the chance. The royals responded to the interview with a statement saying that the couple’s claims would be addressed internally and privately. The Markle’s claimed the interview would be the last the couple spoke yet they continue to leak info to the media.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    And who can blame Kate!!!!! We have all had about all we can take from Nut-Meg. We don't need any more of her endless, egotistical, preaching and spewing her venom, and fantastical lies and fabrications. I should think that the people of Sussex, too, are very embarrassed to have this treacherous woman and her hapless husband as their "mascot"!!!! I wonder if The Royal Family could do something about that?

  • Jezz

    Kate received a lot of criticism in her early days, just like Megan. Kate was called work shy by some media. They suggested she was with William so she could have a lazy life! In response she didn't go snarling in media interviews she did what we all expect of a future Queen and someone we can look to for a good example. She carried on with what must have been her training for royal life and service. Kate through dignity, intelligence, persistence and demonstrating with her actions to naysayers her loyalty to her service to the people and to the Queen. Megan could have taken that path if she wished. She had a community of people desperately looking for representation but Megan didn't want to put in the time, she wanted to fast track and just be given people's respect and loyalty, it doesn't work like that, people like to see commitment and loyalty. Kate is a shinning example of that. She might be tired but she has proven she has the strength and fortitude to weather this bump in the road.

  • Park Avenue

    Remember when a bunch of jerks put Kate's picture on about every bus in London
    With the caption
    "WAITY KATIE"???

  • Jezz

    I didn't know it was on buses but I did know that the papers were full of that comment and many more hurtful ones. People seem to think because Kate white the bullying doesn't count! I agree with you just because Kate had the strength to Rize above it doesn't mean it hurt any less.

  • Guest

    If we in America feel we need a long break from Harry and Rachel then I can understand the Royals needing a long break. No one wants to associate with liars

  • Guest

    They wanted quiet as they said that’s why they left England and well we all know that was a lie, Rachel just wanted to be in charge of the photographers snapping her picture . The world needs a break from these two

  • Guest

    Kate has handled a difficult situation well. MM is toxic.

  • Guest

    I agree, enough is more than enough. How many times do we have to gag!

  • Park Avenue

    Wouldn't you cry if your little girl looked like this for a Formal and Royal Wedding?
    Pippas' Wedding
    The Disaster
    Eugenies' Wedding