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Royal Family News: Nervy Prince Harry MIA A Second Time in His “Phone Hacking” Trial

British royal family news reveals that Dirty Prince Harry is having his day in court at the moment, as one of a number of names suing Mirror Group Newspapers (MGN).

The group maintains that MGN “used illegal methods such as phone hacking to gain information for stories over a ten-year period.”

Except that Harry is not actually in court all the time, or even when he should be. The judge was astonished on Monday that Harry was not there because he chose to attend a kid’s birthday party. Another example of entitled Harry thinking the sun revolves around him.

The Duke of Sussex also missed the proceedings on Thursday, keep reading to find out why he seems to be present for a case he has long squawked about, on a random basis.

Royal Family News: Nervy Prince Harry MIA A Second Time in His “Phone Hacking” Trial

Royal Family News: Prince Harry Does What He Wants

Harry’s lawyer, David Sherborne, was in court today but his star client was MIA. According to HELLO! Harry was in the courtroom on Tuesday and Wednesday and answered questions for around 8 hours.

At the end of his testimony on Wednesday it was assumed he is finished giving his evidence, as wonky and contradictory as it was, therefore he now has “no official obligation” to be there.

Royal Family News: Harry’s Contradictory Testimony

It’s hard to predict what scattershot Harry will do next, but the outlet reports that it is unlikely that the duke will be seen back in court now. Given how much he loathes the UK it’s expected he’ll hop the first commercial flight out of London and be back to California in time to tuck his kids in, or check into that rumored private hotel room of his.

While Harry was in London trying to prove his case, and doing so badly, Meghan Markle and their two children, Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet, stayed home, just as they did for King Charles’ May 8 coronation.

Royal Family News: What is Prince Harry’s Court Case About?

The case Harry is attached to claims that Mirror Group Newspapers “used illegal methods such as phone hacking to gain information for stories over a ten-year period.”

On Wednesday Harry huffed “I believe that phone hacking was (done) on an industrial scale across at least three of the papers at the time … that is beyond any doubt. For my whole life the press has misled me and covered up the wrongdoing. For me to be sitting here in court knowing the defence has the evidence in front of them, and Mr Green suggesting I’m speculating, I’m not entirely sure what to say.”

The courtroom heard about Harry’s childhood and relationship with Chelsy Davy. He does seem to have a fetish about dragging his ex partners into the public mud, writing as he did about his loss of virginity in Spare.

Unfortunately Harry’s hindsight is not yet 20/20 as he testified that the media was to blame for his “doomed” relationship, not anything he did. And, it was duly noted in court that Harry’s testimony and the info in Sapre do not align which is a polite way of saying ‘recollections may differ.’

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Editorial credit: Zeynep Demir Aslim /

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