Royal Family News: Prince Charles Tells Prince Andrew Stay Out Of Sight!

British royal family news reveals that Prince Charles has reportedly told his disgraced brother Prince Andrew how to conduct himself between now and his civil case court appearance in fall. Charles has allegedly told his younger brother to stay, “out of the line of sight.”

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That could be impossible given that he reportedly will stand beside their mother Queen Elizabeth in March at a memorial for their late father. Prince Philip died last April and there will be a remembrance service for him next month at Westminster Abbey.

Royal Family News – Is Prince Charles in Charge?

It’s been claimed that Charles has warned Prince Andrew he may have to move from his current residence, Royal Lodge, amid the ongoing events of his sexual abuse case in the US. And for now, “Prince Charles has effectively banished under fire brother Andrew from Windsor Castle, it has been claimed,” according to the Mirror.

The outlet reports that, “The future king, 73, has allegedly told his younger sibling, 61, to stay ‘out of the line of sight’ and it could mean the Duke of York and ex-wife Sarah Ferguson eventually moving out of Royal Lodge.” Sarah and Andrew have been divorced for years yet still cohabitate.

Royal Family News – Will Andrew Be Forced To Move?

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Not only does it appear that Prince Charles is calling the shots, “Sources reportedly say the Prince of Wales and wife Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, 74, are on the warpath ahead of Andrew’s trial in New York later this year.”

Apparently Charles thinks that he was “misled” by his brother, “when the scandal surrounding pedophile friend Jeffrey Epstein and sex-trafficking victim Virginia Giuffre first reared its head. Prince Andrew is understood to have assured him the allegations would come to nothing.”

That is not the case, and after was unsuccessful in trying to have the case against him thrown out, last month the Queen stripped him of his royal privileges and titles. At the time she stated that he will face the trial as a private citizen.

Royal Family News – Andrew Is A Private Citizen

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A source told The Sun, “Charles wants Prince Andrew out of the line of sight and out of the picture. He has been warned to keep his head down. Charles does not want Andrew to be photographed every other day looking happy and waving as he is driven to the castle.”

Charles’ influence is rumored to be growing in the wake of his father Prince Philip’s death last year. Since then his mother has been in rumored ill health and speculation is growing that she will appoint Charles king before she dies. This is her Platinum Jubilee year, meaning she has spent seven decades on the throne.

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Prince AndrewPrince CharlesThe Royal family News
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