Royal Family News: Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Asked To Keep Their Uneducated Views About COVID To Themselves

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British royal family news teases that British journalist Piers Morgan is among those exasperated with the know-it-all Hollyweird preachers Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Sparring with celebs, no matter how minor, comes with the territory he’s ruled as an editor at several tabloids and on his own CNN show.

But his irritation with the Ginge and Whinge Show has led him to actually ban the two from his popular morning show Good Morning Britain. One suspects he does not care what they think of him calling them, “hypocritical brats.”

Piers Morgan thinks Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s attitude toward the coronavirus pandemic is appalling
Most recently the pithy, tell-it-like-it-is commentator spilled his irritation to the Daily Express over Markle’s ignorant attitude about the coronavirus pandemic and the way they have conducted themselves while the death toll across the world mounts.

“I think the way the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have conducted themselves during the pandemic has been starkly at odds with the Sussexes, and to their great credit,” he said. “They understand what to do. I thought Harry understood that but he has got no interest in duty. He has been completely bamboozled in a way that we saw the last time American lady [sic] entered the Royal Family.”

He is referring to American divorcee Wallis Simpson whose decimation of the monarchy he has compared to Meghan’s Megxit move.

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Piers Morgan Thinks That Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Should Behave With Much More Decorum Than They Have

If it were up to Piers, Harry and Meghan would behave with more compunction, like William and Kate Middleton. The world now knows that Prince William contracted COVID in April, but chose not to reveal his diagnosis so as not to alarm an already taxed country that was already confronting Prince Charles and Prime Minister Boris Johnson being stricken by the disease.

Making his point, he eviscerated Harry for a comment he made in April claiming that the media was exaggerating the effect of the coronavirus outbreak in the United Kingdom. Keep in mind, this was the same month his brother and father were struggling to stay alive after contracting the virus.

According to Harry, “[Things are] better than we are led to believe through certain corners of the media,” which led world-renowned Professor Karol Sikora to wonder what in the world qualified Hollywood Harry to utter such a statement. At the time he popped off, the United Kingdom was suffering hundreds of deaths from the coronavirus daily.

Piers called Harry out by saying, “Even more disgracefully, Prince Harry accused the British media of exaggerating the scale of this coronavirus crisis. How the hell does he know how bad it is from his Hollywood hideaway – did he call his father Prince Charles, who has been suffering from the virus many thousands of miles away?” Touché Piers.

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  • Jezz

    I think it is clear Harry performed and functioned professionally under the influence of his royal family and their advisors. He performed his duties as a senior royal, a head of the military, a person of standing, as someone the public could respect and support. Now he has cut loose he doesn't appear to have some educated, professional people for guidance and now his immaturity, foolishness and lack of knowledge is blindingly evident. There is a reason politicians, Royals and the like have a team of advisors, it's because even the most educated and knowledgable people can't just reliably make a speech without having a team to play devil's advocate and point out pitfalls and errors of judgement. Harry is damaging his own reputation and is loosing the respect of the public. We don't know what the real driving force is behind Harry's predicament, family disagreements, wife's influence, whatever the reason Harry isn't a young man, he is almost 40 so he is old enough to take responsibility for his errors, actions, conflicts and influences should not be clouding his judgement, he's a grown man. The public loved Harry, if he is/has fallen from grace he needs to take responsibility, evaluate what actions he has taken to encourage this. If he doesn't care, fine settle for a life from the public and media. But if he wants to be an influence on the public and the world he first needs to take a critical look at his recent actions before jumping in front of the media.

  • Guest

    Yes he is definitely correct the traitor and the destroyer just open their yaps and bellow out stupid words, they need to stop and divorce themselves completely from the Royal family, take away their titles let’s see how many so called friends they have

  • Guest

    They are falling fast. It's one thing when the emperor has no clothes on but another when he is a walking joke that isn't funny.

  • Guest

    Rule of thumb: Think before you speak!