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Royal Family News: Prince Harry Regrets Last Three Years, Shows “Doubt” When Trashing His Family?

British royal family news reports an ironic twist in Prince Dirty Harry’s betrayal of his family—he’s now betraying himself! Three years on from Megxit, Harry and his wife Meghan Markle are best known for their bizarre rants against the royals. They have accomplished zero of the lofty goals they announced, such as providing “uplifting content” that rescues the world, one act of kindness at a time. So how twisted is it that one expert explains how karma has bit Harry, that he is now betraying HIMSELF? Let’s unpack what this sordid tale is all about.

Royal Family News: Harry Betrays Himself

According to a body language expert, Harry displays anger and doubt whenever he trashes his family. And he trashes them constantly.

How does Harry’s demeanor change when he talks about his family? According to Express, Jesús Enrique Rosas describes how “Harry scratches his nose when asked to defend himself about doing everything so publicly with leaving the royal family.” Kind of like Pinocchio?

Royal Family News: Prince Harry Regrets The Last Three Years, Shows “Doubt” When Trashing His Family?

He brings up the royal’s interview with fan boy Anderson Cooper saying he got “really tense” when asked about “leakings and planting of stories.” And, in a rather telling sign Harry referred to the royals as “the family” rather than “my family.”

Royal Family News: Prince Harry Trashed His Family

Lately Harry has been going it alone: in May 2023 he went alone to see his father’s coronation ceremony, and later he flew to the UK for a court trial, without Meghan.

This week rumors emerged that Harry called his brother Prince William to suggest the traitors return to the royal family. The source said that William’s reaction was surprise and he told Dirty Harry he’d have to get back to him; Meghan was said to be furious with her husband’s move.

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And yet in another interview the disloyal son told ITV’s Tom Bradby that he wants “to get my father back. I would like to have my brother back. At the moment, I don’t recognize them, as much as they probably don’t recognize me.” That’s where Harry is wrong. Everybody recognizes what he is.

He is a nasty man-child who has monetized his familial relationships so that he and Meghan can live in a McMansion. The same mansion he presumably was left in when Meghan paraded herself at the Montecito Farmers’ Market last week. She wasn’t alone though—she took the dog. Now who’s betraying whom?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

  1. Robyn says

    Your the ones that walked away from The Royal Family.
    Made up stories about your family. You did all the HURT to your Grandmother the Queen! Never thought what you both were doing to her at the end of her life! She lost her life mate Prince Philip and you two rip out her heart.

    1. Sherry says

      Absolutely and totally agree with you 1,000%, I could not have said it any better. Thank you!

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