Royal Family News: Prince Harry Swears He Didn’t Dump His Royal Life

British royal family news teases that Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex is either so starstruck or brainwashed that he willingly rapped the theme song to the “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” while trespassing on the grounds of the actual family home.

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It happened during his late-night talk show appearance on The Late, Late Show with James Corden. He also told some whoppers, like that he had to step away from his work as a member of the royal family to protect his wife and son.

“It was stepping back rather than stepping down,” he told Corden. “It was a really difficult environment, which I think a lot of people saw, so I did what any father or husband would do and thought, ‘How do I get my family out of here?’ But we never walked away, and as far as I’m concerned, whatever decisions are made on that side, I will never walk away.”

Of course he’s playing the semantics game. He purposefully, willingly and deliberately left, ditched, abandoned the royal family and his country. If he prefers to think of it as “walking away,” maybe that’s what he needs to do in order to live with himself and his egregious actions.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Is Using Semantics

The appearance was Harry’s first interview since his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth stripped him and his wife Meghan Markle of their remaining royal duties earlier this month. Next up is a sure to be incendiary Oprah Winfrey interview on March 7.

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Based on the couple’s endless snubs and breaches of protocol, the Queen had no choice but to announce on Feb. 19 that it wasn’t possible for the couple to, “continue with the responsibilities and duties that come with a life of public service.”

Harry and Meghan immediately responded by issuing a statement that, “service is universal” a response seen by many as disrespectful to the queen.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Is Going on Oprah

During the giggly segment, which didn’t touch on the couple’s commercial ventures except for Harry to insert somewhat awkwardly that he and Meghan watch Netflix at night, Corden and the prince galivanted throughout Southern California like high schoolers playing hooky. Never mind that that the state is in lockdown. These two privileged people can apparently do whatever they want.

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At one point they walked up the driveway of the mansion where the opening of Will Smith’s “Fresh Prince” was filmed. Really, someone in his PR camp thought this was a good idea.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family spoilers, news and updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Jezz

    Is Harry suffering from dementia? He doesn't seem to remember his statements, actions or even choices! He left his duties with a statement about protecting his privacy and family! People were disappointed but respected his decision. Then he proceeds to confuse matters with his demands for privacy followed by photos in a veterans cemetery, pictures and information about his son and the court case for privacy again followed by two interviews with Corden and Oprah discussing his personal life! How can he blame the public for feeling nothing he says can be taken as genuine and truthful. The sad thing is I don't believe he is aware he is doing it. He is giving the impression that he is so wrapped up in himself and his quest for what he wants he is not even considering his statements or actions. It is scary Harry cannot seem to comprehend what he has done to bring himself to this situation. I should think his family is worried about his mental state with all this conflicting behaviour.

  • Guest

    In my opinion,
    ..First ,I don't believe Prince Harry trespassed that place of Bell air…No was pre set …
    If prince Harry can love other people as what was shown…I don't believe he could turn his back and left the royal family just like that…he seemed Ike an embracing person..he is just caught in this situation when he married a woman of black heritage (half).who happens to have the same interests.
    It's 2021..a lot is changed from the technologies alone much more to human adaptation
    .of some sort.
    The monarchy itself has accepted some changes -minutely…
    Sometimes we don't see we are in it subtly…but once we noticed…we react…to reject..although it's still ok long as we are not harmful or other human being.

  • Guest

    Well not supporting your family with your grandfather in hospital, going against your agreement you made to your grandmother, talking trash to public for money, using Diana’s name to make money, keeping their grandchild away from them, stating grandchild is never going to England, he’s caused stress on his grandparents and will not fly over to see them during this time, hope he can handle it if they are gone without ever apologizing in person for the stress he’s caused them

  • Guest

    It’s called DENIAL

  • Jezz

    What ever it is it's sad for a man almost 40 with a family to be not being able to make statements and decisions and stick to them. Everyone can have a change of mind about something but when addressing the public some stability and self-control is necessary to be taken seriously.

  • Guest

    You are so right he needs to get checked into a mental health place as soon as possible instead of ramming it down everyone else throat, privacy my ass, he and the half caste markle bitch are loving and putting themselves out in front to hog as much spotlight and media attention as they possibly can, interview on a bus rapping to a song joke sitting with Oprie if he is allowed to sit beside his mistress and speak the script that his mistress wrote for him as we know he has no mind of his own, you will notice markle will be on first to spout all of her hatred of the queen and family, then he maybe allowed on at the end,