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Royal Family News: Prince Harry’s Next Calculated Move Is Appearing On Strictly Come Dancing?

Prince HarryBritish Royal family news reveals that the bank Prince Harry Duke of Sussex has invested in a pricy PR team, ahead of communications and a press secretary may finally be paying off. He just appeared on Strictly Come Dancing and darn if his heartwarming endorsement of an old friend didn’t nearly erase the heartburn of his weekend PR stunt in Los Angeles National Cemetery.

Strictly Come Dancing fans were gobsmacked to see Prince Harry appear on Saturday’s show, his first UK appearance on tv since Megxit, to encourage his friend and fellow veteran JJ Chalmers.

The Duke of Sussex wanted to support the Paralympian who he met after the Royal Marine was in an explosion in Afghanistan. What a coincidence.

Prince Harry’s Next Calculated Move Is Appearing On Strictly Come Dancing?

Prince Harry said: “When I first met JJ he was unsure of himself, but then to see you shine through Invictus and feel like yourself again that was a start of an amazing journey.” It appears as though Harry were seated in his Montecito living room, as his clothes are fully matched to the bolster pillows.

JJ told the audience: “The simple fact is if Prince Harry had not created the Invictus I would not have had that catalyst moment that changed my life forever, I wouldn’t be here without him.”

Harry then praised JJ saying: “I’m so proud, genuinely proud you’re in this position now, you’re not a dancer, proving you can do anything you put your mind to which is amazing.”

Did Prince Harry Just Go On Strictly Come Dancing As A PR Stunt?

The exchange was heartwarming, without a doubt. But why did Harry choose to do it? It smells of a PR stunt designed to blot out the stinky blunder he made by having a photographer capture him in a cemetery after the Royals refused to place a wreath for him on Remembrance Sunday. For that, he was roundly and rightly criticized. What better way to apologize to veterans than to honor one on a beloved UK tv show?

Will Prince Harry Go On Strictly Come Dancing To prove He’s Like Everyone Else?

Stunned fans immediately called for Prince Harry to go on the show and compete. Will he do it? It could depend on what his PR team, head of communications, and press secretary tell him to do. Money may not buy happiness but it can buy a whole lot of hindsight.

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  1. Guest says

    Fool! You can't put lipstick on a pig.

  2. Guest says

    He is a complete asshole him and his mistress are lower than shit, volunteers for the homeless in LA but makes sure he is now dressed down to blend in but he made sure his photographer was there to take his photo, another PR stunt to try and over shadow the Royal family

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