Royal Family News: Prince Harry’s Pet Journalist Says His Memoir Will CELEBRATE Queen

British royal family news shows that Prince Harry is set to drop a memoir this year and based on his history of shredding his family to bits, royal experts are predicting that the tome will be a way of settling scores. As if he hasn’t already done that enough.

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Based on Prince Harry’s penchant for trashing his family members—they cut off his allowance, they passed on “genetic pain,” wah wah—it’s been reported that the 95-year old queen has “lawyered up.”

Royal Family News – Harry will Settle Scores in New Book?

Now, one of his mouthpieces is clacking that Hollywood Harry is, “going out of his way to make sure his upcoming tell-all memoir doesn’t shine a negative light on the Queen,” according to Good To Know.

As usual, one must read between the highly lacquered lines to understand exactly what is and isn’t being said here. Harry seems to understand the folly of going after his grandmother. But he has viciously attacked the rest of the family in ugly ways that defy decency and common sense.

Royal Family News – Will Harry Use His New Book To Tell History?

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It’s been reported that Prince Harry’s ghost written memoir is all about, “betrayal,” yet his pet journalist says otherwise. Omid Scobie is going to bat for Harry, doing his best spin control by saying Harry, “wants to celebrate his close bond with his grandmother, rather than launch an, “attack on the institution.’”

And yet the news of Harry’s memoir has allegedly brought more tension to his reportedly estranged family relationships, “especially between Harry, Prince William, and their father, Prince Charles.”

Harry and his publisher have described the book as “wholly truthful” versus the half or no truths Harry has been accused of letting let fly? It has been written that, “Prince Charles is also said to be worried that Harry will publicly blame Camilla for his childhood pain, with reports it could even affect his future role as King. Even the Queen has reportedly been left feeling “anxious” and “in despair” over it.”

In the nick of time here comes Scoobie Doo to set the record straight. The Markle’s pet journalist, what else would one describe the man who calls himself Meghan’s “soul mate?” Exactly where that leaves Harry is a matter best left to the three of them.

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Royal Family News – Scoobie Doo Is Barking

Scoobie Doo told the Royally Obsessed podcast, Prince Harry really is going out of his way to make sure that there isn’t material in there that can be seen as negative towards the Queen or her reign in any way whatsoever, and he really wants to celebrate her life and his relationship with her in that book.”

“I think as much as the press want this to be a burn book and an attack on the institution, this is more just about his story, and of course, his story is so much more than just a few years of his life as the Duke of Sussex.” Take these words with a boulder of salt folks.

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