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Royal Family News: Prince William Finds It Impossible To Be There For Erratic Prince Harry Anymore

British royal family news reveals that Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Prince William, Duke Of Cambridge relationship is having a hard time. The bond between siblings is incredibly elastic—one can stretch and strain it, pull, and twist it but it has an incredible propensity to return to form in the end. Unless the siblings are Prince Harry and Prince William according to many royal watchers.

These two who survived through childhood traumas played out on a world stage are now said to be estranged to the point of peril. Will, they ever repair the damage that has reportedly been rendered, will they prove to be resilient in the end, or has the elasticity between them stretched too far?

According to one royal watcher the relationship has gone beyond slights and snubs to the point of no return. The expert says that William views the relationship as changed in a large and fundamental way.

Will Prince William be there for Prince Harry as he once was in the past?

In the book Battle of Brothers: William and Harry— The Inside Story of a Family in Tumult, writer Robert Lacey digs deep into the actual reality of the rift between the men.

According to Lacey, Prince William told a friend that after the stunt Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, pulled in regard to the birth of their son, Archie Harrison, he threw his hands up. In effect, William simply felt that there was nothing else he could to be there for his younger brother.

In Battle of Brothers, Lacey concludes that there were tensions prior to Meghan’s disruptive arrival but that her presence made the drama more intense and frequent. According to Lacey, the straw that broke the camel’s back involved the way in which they set out to deceive everyone regarding Archie’s birth; who does that and why? A newborn child is one of the greatest joys a family can experience and instead of embracing his family upon the birth of his first child Harry circled the wagons and kept them removed from the joyous event, something had to hurt his family members incredibly.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle welcomed their son Archie Harrison by unwelcoming his family

It wasn’t just that Harry and Meghan did things their own way and threw centuries of royal tradition out the window. For instance, they did not welcome Archie at the Lindo Wing maternity at St. Mary’s Hospital in London as several royals have done. Instead, they chose Portland Hospital, an American-owned, ritzy, private facility in what had to be seen as a purposeful move by Meghan.

Second, they made the palace release untrue announcements about the event; the Palace announced that Meghan was in labor after she delivered Archie and had gone home with him. Then, in a bewildering act that some royal watchers have called bizarre and paranoid, Harry and Meghan refused to allow members of the public to witness Archie’s christening and refused to identify his godparents, both of which flew in the face of royal tradition.

All of this subterfuge led William to tell a friend, “I’ve put my arm around his shoulder all our lives together. I can’t do it anymore.”

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  1. Jezz says

    I don't know how true this comment is but we all say things when our loved ones are testing us. I think William would find it in his heart to offer Harry a hand if he was down. I have said before least said soonest mended. When having difficulty with a loved one distance, respect and being thoughtful are often the best approach. Harry is showing signs he doesn't need or want his family these days unless it is on his and Megan's terms, so I can sympathize with how his family might be feeling, especially when they have previously been close. This will hopefully all calm down. Harry and Megan are becoming less of a public interest, so hopefully they can go on to have the private life they said they want. As for the Royals they will keep serving their people for as long as they are wanted. Let's face it Americans don't care much for royalty, if they did we wouldn't have gone to war for independence. It stands to reason Harry and Megan have moved to the best place to be just ordinary people.

  2. Guest says

    You make many good points, hopefully fences can be mended.

  3. Jezz says

    Thank you. I don't have any dislike for this couple, they just worry me with their actions and lack of thought. They are getting into some serious political matters. If the US wanted the royal influence and a member of royal family in their politics there would not have been a war. I would think Parliament and the Queen must be deeply concerned about this.

  4. Guest says

    Harry is a grown-a** man he should act like it.

  5. Guest says

    They are the most lower than shit assholes, they were given everything and the third rate actress couldn’t handle it ( what no Oscar for my performance) his mistress will always be third rate. She was a nothing bit player in a tv series but believes she was God’s given to the world and the idiot mr markle fell right into her act, good riddance to them both

  6. dustycat says

    The way you talk about the royal family is disgusting ,wash your mouth out .!!!!!!!.

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