Royal Family News: Prince William is Meghan Markle’s Worst Nightmare
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British royal family news shows that King Charles is now calling the shots for the clan, and as such at least one royal expert predicts that Prince Harry is in for a lifetime of “exile.” Let’s unpack what the speculation is all about.
Royal Family News: Prince Harry In Exile?
Already Charles is reportedly making sweeping changes. It’s been said that 100 staff are facing walking papers, so are the Duke and Duchess of Sussex safe from the sword? According to Fox News, the Markle’s just don’t bring that much to the table to make them irreplaceable.
Of Meghan: “She’s a former actress who listed herself as a “supermodel” on her resume prior to landing the biggest role of her career, after she fell in love with a prince from the most famous royal family in the world. of Harry: “He’s a prince by birth with no career direction but ready and happy to trade on his good looks and having no responsibility in life. They were a match made in heaven.” Superficial heaven that is.
Royal Family News: Prince Harry Happy To Trade On his Royalty?
Markle allegedly told cronies that her FIL, “liked me a lot, and we get on well.” That was until she and her hubby trashed him on TV and whatever platform was willing to accommodate them the last two years.
King Charles is in charge now, but the outlet claims that he is not the royal that Meghan and Harry should be worried about. The one to worry about instead is William the Prince of Wales who is married to Kate, the woman Meghan called a bullying name twice on her Oprah Winfrey tell-all.
Royal Family News: Will Harry Win Over William?
A source told Fox News that, “What frustrated Meghan most was that she could not make William like her. She relayed this back to Harry, who remained perplexed at this situation. After all, ‘everyone loves Meghan, right?’” Right. And pigs routinely fly.
Meghan apparently saw William, not 73-year old Charles as the future of the monarchy, “and her ticket to a new starring role.”
Royal Family News: Will Meghan Win Over William?
Meghan may have an ace up her sleeve however: “Charles simply cannot fathom just how he has ended up like this with Harry when they were once so close, and now Meghan holds the key to that.”
“She knows he will need her if she is to allow Harry back to any kind of relationship with his father, and Charles is very aware of this. Let’s face it: she booted her own father as he did not fit the remit when she elevated herself to her latest role, so Charles won’t get a look in.”
But William is no Charles. A source maintains, “William cannot abide Meghan despite what you saw at the recent Windsor walkabout. He is playing the very long game. And, make no mistake, she is terrified of him simply because, throughout all of this, William has not once shown any incline to her charms. This is annoying Meghan beyond belief.”
Royal Family News: Meghan Was An Actress
Will William change his mind one day? “Harry alone will always be welcome, but no one — and I mean, no one — trusts the deluded head, thoughts and mind of Markle. It’s as simple as that,” the source concluded. But she was a supermodel once, right?
Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.
Editorial credit: simon123 /
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The sooner that that ghastly Markle woman shuts up, the better for,all of,us. She is an absolute,PAIN and only out for what she can get to,keep herself in designer clothes. I pity for Prince Harry who was once such a happy fellow. He looks cowed now, no sparkle left anymore.
I think what people today want from the monarchy is calm, intelligent, stability, royals who are well-behaved, genuinely care about people and value their privileged positions as senior royals. We have enough challenges in our own lives, complicated family situations, financial struggles and worries from, are we supporting adequately ethnicity and diversity to global warming and unnecessary wars. We don’t need the additional stress of pandering to a prince who has repeatedly said publicly he doesn’t like his country and isn’t happy with his privileged lot in life. People keep saying if Harry wasn’t with Meghan Harry would be ok again but seriously would he? This UK, family hating prince could divorce Meghan and pick another partner with a personality unsuitable to a life of royal service. Lets stop trying to fit Harry back into a role he has said he doesn’t like, working for his country which he doesn’t like or care much for. He would be better left to build his private life making money in Hollywood and leaving royal duties and responsibilities to Charles, William and other family members who are loyal to their country, appreciate their privileges and royal duties. Harry needs to stop slandering the UK and trying to using it and its connections when he feels it suits him. Harry seemed to care more about taking part in the pomp of the Queens funeral and dressing up in a military uniform of a country he has repeatedly slandered than he actually cared about visiting his sick and near death grandmother, that says it all about Harry. Harry is simply no longer suitable to represent the UK and Commonwealth no matter who he is married to. So ets forget about him being anything other than some royal relative of who visits his family occasionally in private and away from royal service.
Very well stated. Prince Harry doesn’t even deserve the Prince Title although it’s his by birth rights. I admore King Charles and the Prince of Wales for SLIMMING down the Monarchy. Harry moved to America so let him stay there.
Meghan has continuously tried to ruin the Royal Family and so has Harry. The POW needs to tell both of them to ” put a sock in it” and ignore them. They’re irrelevant.
I just had a marvelous idea! M+H and Kamala and Pelosi should all move to some deserted island. M+h can be King and queen and Kamala and Pelosi can wear whatever party hats they want and the rest of us can all be happy.