Royal Family News: Princess Diana And Prince Charles’s Life Together Chronologically – Netflix The Crown Inspires A Look Back

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British royal family news shows that the UK’s royal family is less than pleased by the latest season of The Crown. The Crown is an account of the highs and lows across the years for The Firm.

Right now that drama is taking a hard look at Prince Charles, Princess Diana, and their disastrous marriage. Some royal watchers have condemned the harsh portrayal of the pair.

Here’s a timeline of their romance as it happened in real-time.


Charles met 16-year old Diana while he was dating her sister. Awkward.

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Four years later, Charles described his impression of Diana: “I remember thinking what a very jolly and amusing and attractive 16-year-old she was. I mean, great fun, and bouncy and full of life and everything.”

February 3, 1981

Charles proposed to Diana at Windsor Castle. Diana described the moment: “[Charles] said, ‘Will you marry me?’ and I laughed. I remember thinking, ‘This is a joke,’ and I said, ‘Yeah, OK,’ and laughed. He was deadly serious.”

February 24, 1981

Charles and Diana announce their engagement to the world. Asked how he’s feeling, Charles says he’s “just delighted, and happy. I’m amazed that she’s been brave enough to take me on!” Then, when the interviewer presses them on whether they’re in love, Diana quickly responds, “Of course!” But Charles, says, “Whatever ‘in love’ means.”

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July 27, 1981

Monday before her wedding day, Diana made a stunning discovery: a beautiful bracelet her future husband intended to give to his former girlfriend Camilla Parker Bowles. According to Morton, Diana considered calling off the wedding after discovering the bracelet, which confirmed her worst suspicions about Charles’s relationship with Camilla.

July 29, 1981

Charles and Diana married in a lavish ceremony at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. Despite her misgivings, Diana recalled being blissfully happy on her actual wedding day. “I remember being so in love with my husband that I couldn’t take my eyes off him. I just absolutely thought I was the luckiest girl in the world. He was going to look after me. Well, was I wrong on that assumption?”

August 1981

Diana discovered that Camilla had given Charles a set of cufflinks, “So I said ‘Camilla gave you those didn’t she?’ He said ‘Yes, so what’s wrong? They’re a present from a friend.’ And boy, did we have a row. Jealousy, total jealousy.”

September 15, 1984

Diana gave birth to Prince Harry following a pregnancy that was described as difficult. “Charles always wanted a girl,” Diana said. “Harry was a boy. [Charles’s] the first comment was, ‘Oh God, it’s a boy.’ His second: ‘And he’s even got red hair.'” Diana took this personally since red hair runs in her family, and the tense moment was a harbinger of an increasingly unhappy marriage.”


Although they remained close throughout Charles’s marriage to Diana, it’s not clear exactly when Charles and Camilla began a physical affair. According to People, though, it was in the year 1986.

December 10, 1992

Charles and Diana officially separate, having been estranged in private for some time. Prime Minister John Major made the announcement to the nation before the House of Commons and stated that the couple would not be divorcing, and would continue their royal duties separately.

June 1994

Charles publicly admitted to his infidelity for the first time during an interview with British journalist Jonathan Dimbleby. As reported by The New York Times, Charles was asked whether he had been faithful throughout the marriage. He responded, “Yes… Until it became irretrievably broken down, us both having tried.”

November 1995

It was Diana’s turn to tell her side of the story, in her first-ever public solo interview. During the infamous

interview with the BBC’s Martin Bashir, Diana said bluntly: “There were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded.”

August 29, 1996

Four years after their split was announced, Charles and Diana’s divorce was finalized.


Diana perished in a tragic car accident in Paris on August 31, 1997.

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Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    I thought they were famous for never complaining.