Royal Family News: The Only Service Meghan Markle And Prince Harry Know Is “Self-Service”

AMP in the post

British royal family news reveals that last night the first teaser for the upcoming Oprah tell-all with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle dropped. Hard to believe, but based on those few seconds the Markle’s managed to bury themselves deeper into the muddy abyss of self-pity. Will they ever stop wallowing long enough to put on the big boy and girl pants and act like the people they think they are?

In the trailer tease a heavily made up Meghan hangs on to her baby bump like it’s a life preserver and stares at Oprah with a look that says she’s about to turn on the waterworks at any second.

According to supreme royal skewer, Piers Morgan claims that the, “most jarring part of the Oprah tease, Harry says ‘it’s been unbelievably tough for the two of us but at least we have each other.”

Royal Family News – The Markle’s Will Give It All They’ve Got On Oprah

As he correctly points put, “It really does take a staggering degree of self-wallowing narcissism to say those words after a year in which 2.5 million people have died in a global pandemic and tens of millions have lost their jobs and are suffering horrific financial hardship.”

AMP in the post

“To say them from the gloriously safe luxury of a Californian millionaire row, as the glorious year-round sun beats down on you and your family while you bank gazillions trading off your royal status, is the most tone-deaf load of entitled garbage since Marie Antoinette was told that starving French citizens had no bread and sneered: ‘Let them eat cake!’”

At the same Harry’s grandfather, Prince Philip, has been hospitalized for days and at 99 years of age one must assess his condition as dire.

Royal Family News – Wil Prince Philip Still Be In The Hospital When The Markle’s Talk To Oprah?

But what really rattled Piers was the couple’s lecture to the Queen on ‘service.’

“The only service these two self-obsessed, rankly hypocritical, professional victims know is self-service.”

AMP in the post

They recently made a major change to their Archewell website which underscores the constant hypocrisy they spew: “Welcome to Archewell. Through our non-profit work, as well as creative activations, we drive systemic cultural change across all communities, one act of compassion at a time.”

“This all sounds great,” he notes, “until you remember this a couple who’ve been at bitter compassion-devoid war with both their own families for years.”

The show airs on Sunday, March 7 and the promo promises it will be a mud slinging accusation fest for the ages.

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  • Guest

    Watch out Oprah Markle loves to sue
    She needs the money
    She is so fake boohoo lol

  • Guest

    They should join the Lions.

  • Guest

    They have nothing to offer, esp now with so many other things going on in the world. Why waste airtime on this when Oprah could be interviewing people with real solutions to real problems??? Just go away and stay away H&M.

  • Guest

    Just a glimpse of the clip for the interview with Oprah was enough to make me sick….these two should be ashamed of themselves…their selfishness is staggering. It is obvious that Me-again is acting "again" playing for sympathy holding on to her baby bump and clutching Harry's hand, and looking as though she is about to burst into tears. You could say she has made an effort to mimic Princess Diana in Diana's Martin B. interview……heavy Kohl lined eyes, black dress, breathless voice and the upward gaze…or sidelong upward gaze, and the intense look that Diana did so naturally, and attractively, with her beautiful, lovely eyes, comes across as "the thousand yard stare" when Me-again tries to do it……..and Me-again has a slight strabismus. Me-again is holding on to Harry, trying to look as much like a victim (of something), as her meagre acting skills will allow her, but only coming across as a pathetic performance that anyone can see is totally false and put-on to garner sympathy.

  • Guest


  • Guest

    He is terrible his mother will be turning in her grave at all this disrespect it was Charles who lied and cheated.

  • Park Avenue

    I can just imagine her, looking in a mirror, of course, trying to duplicate "That Look" for maximium pity.
    Ms Female Empowerment. Ha! Make me laugh (sick)

  • Park Avenue

    Disgusting, at best.
    Their sense of timing -(on EVERYTHING )-is a Shakeapearian tragity, at the very worse

  • Park Avenue

    One thing,
    Orcha can afford some very high-power Attornys.
    Not so sure about The Wannabes

  • Park Avenue

    Still with Diana v Charles?
    This is Harry and Megan
    Welcome to 2021

  • Guest

    Anne W. was absolutely correct in her assessment of Me-again! What Anne said, when Me-again came on the scene is bang on…Me-again "is" trouble!!!!!!! Heghan and Marry's current antics, in light of what the Royal Family, particularly Her Majesty , are going through is disgraceful. Where is all that compassion and "caring" they preach about spreading around????

  • Tabbycat

    You and this writer are bitter, hateful, jealous harpers. All this woman has ever done is marry Harry and breathe. That royal family and the UK tabloids did all they could to try and destroy her.

  • Guest

    Need Henry the eighth to rise up from his grave to give the order to behead the tw o traitorous low life’s as soon as possible, Oprie will be revelling in her interview with the scum that should never have been spawned half caste markle, of course Oprie is one of them so she is delighted that one of her kind destroyed her white slave boy Harry’s family, she wasn’t happy killing off her own family except mummy dearest, so sick of their whining cry baby victim crap, Harry makes sure he brings in his dead mother as often as possible to gather as much sympathy as he possibly can

  • Guest

    Yes she had an agenda since she met Harry. She snared him to make herself important and in the public eye . I guess she thought that once married the world was her oyster
    But her SELFNESS and ARROGANCE soon made her difficult to deal with
    Right after she married the poor henpecked Harry royal insiders were telling tales about her making people quit or broke down in tears. These are not lies to counter act her interview with Oprah
    Harry I feel so sorry for