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Royal Family News: Tyler Perry Celebrates “Princess Meghan” With Controversial Picture

Royal Family News: Tyler Perry Celebrates “Princess Meghan” With Controversial PictureBritish royal family news shows that Megan Markle Duchess of Excess had a birthday this month. How did she celebrate? Was it with a cheesy cringe video like she did last year? In that savage video she demanded that unemployed women get back to work after their Covid break–while she sat in her impeccable mansion preaching and allegedly mocking Queen Elizabeth.

This year Meghan left it up to her benefactor Tyler Perry to celebrate her highness.

Royal Family News – Tyler Perry Celebrates His Benefactee Meghan Markle

What did Perry do to show his Meghan Love? He tweeted a picture of the wife of Prince Harry apparently kissing a little girl’s hand. No, not her own child’s hand, no one is supposed to see Lili! Nor talk about her apparently because after she was born last June, the BBC reported it. Harry then threatened legal action against them. Thus is the world of delusional grandeur the pair live in.

After viewing the photo, social media lit up with a conspiracy theory according to GeoTV: “the Duchess was actually kissing her own thumb instead of the girl’s hand.” Careful now innocent commentators of opinion, the Markle’s might sue you! Harry did say that the First Amendment Right to Freedom of Speech was “bonkers.” Be afraid Mr. and Mrs. Joe and Josephine Average Working Person Who Don’t Own a Private Jet, you could find yourself the target of a lawsuit if the Markle’s are displeased by you.

Royal Family News – The Markle’s Are Suers

So, what is the truth about the picture posted by Perry—is Meghan Markle kissing her own thumb instead of girl’s hand as social media has speculated?

Tyler Perry shared the picture with caption, “I’ve had a front row seat in your life for the past few years. I’ve watched you endure things that would have broken a lot of people. I’m so incredibly proud to see how happy you, your husband, and your kids are now. It fills me with joy to say Happy Birthday Princess Meghan.”

Royal Family News: Tyler Perry Celebrates “Princess Meghan” With Controversial Picture

Royal Family News – Princess Meghan Is A Sight

Meanwhile, back in the UK, Meghan is no Princess. She was booed, along with her court jester husband, when they showed up in June to celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee. They were jeered in front of a church no less, which shows the level of “Princessness” Meghan really enjoys.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Editorial credit: Featureflash Photo Agency /

  1. Linsey says

    Oh my heavens, the things she has “endured”! Privilege, wealth, status. Membership in an elite family, which she actively sought. When she realized she couldn’t play everything her way, she took her ball and went home. She threw away all of her future potential. She could have had so much, if she had only behaved herself. But she just didn’t, and still doesn’t, have the dignified personality and humble attitude for royalty. She couldn’t maintain the false appearance. The real person will come out, eventually. And in her case, the negative came out exploding with lies and false accusations. The Royal family is better off without her. Now, Harry is beginning to realize what he’s gotten himself into. Caught in a bad situation, if he divorces her, he (or Grandma) will pay big child support, unless he takes his kids back to the UK. That would be the ideal situation for the kids, especially since Archie is showing signs of autism.

    1. MT says

      Ok Dr. Spock! Your hatred for The Duchess has no bounds. You are now making a baby your target of hate.

    2. Sherr says

      Lmao y’all love to have melt downs over this woman! Haters! Happy Birthday Princess Meghan!!!

  2. M says

    And you do not know the Duchess of Sussex I gather! Haven’t you and other media outlets learned that unless you’ve “walked in her shoes” you don’t know squat about her! Think about that!

  3. Patty says

    What a load of horse manure. What about the people she has bullied and the heartache she has caused? That laid break people.

    1. Janice Robertson says


    2. Sherr says

      Omg get over it & stop reading the tabloids lol

  4. Ariane says

    You all are a disgusting bunch of racists. Everything you’re wishing on her you should get tenfold. Miserable bitches.

  5. Kathy says

    She’s not a princess. Hello she is a Dutchess

  6. Janice Robertson says


  7. D says

    I’m not throwing shade, or even giving an opinion here.
    Is MM a Princess?
    I thought she was a Ditches?
    Shows how much I know about Royalty.

    1. D says

      I meant DUTCHESS.

  8. Jennifer says

    Who is this horrid writer? Calling Harry a court jester & snide racist comments about Meghan shows what this site is all about. Garbage.

  9. Sally says

    Leave Meghan & Harry alone. Enough.

    1. Patricia says

      They need to let the public alone. Their PR firms keeps them in the media constantly so they are going to be talked about.

  10. Pearl Francis says

    I think every one must Harry and Meghan alone and let them raise there kids Jesus is love we all soon die if they are happy with them self and kids we must happy two Harry is not going to leave is wife and kids for no one he love is kids and wife ok

  11. Patty says

    So if one doesn’t care for Meghan Markle it’s because they are racist? Maybe they don’t like liars and bullies.

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