Royal Family News: UK Public Votes To Keep Shameless Prince Harry Out Of The Royal Family But He’s Not Listening

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British royal family news reveals that the public at large wants nothing more to do with Prince Harry following his outrageous Los Angeles National Cemetery stunt on Sunday. The Fresh Prince of Montecito had the severely misguided idea to use the hallowed ground as the backdrop for a PR stunt and it has blown up in his face as anyone with half a brain could have predicted. Who in the world is advising this fool—he is utterly wasting his money unless he wants to go down in history as one of the most loathed creatures to roam the earth.

Harry chose to trod all over the cemetery grounds, with a celeb photographer clicking away, in a bid to polish his tarnished image. What he managed to do was cement his reputation as a selfish dimwit to the point of no return if poll numbers are any indication.

Prince Harry was told no by the Royal Family and he had a hissy fit that further underscored his elitist idiocy
Following his latest blunder, took a poll to ascertain how his utterly distasteful stunt went over with the kind of people who have loved ones buried in public cemeteries as opposed to Westminster Abbey.
The result? Don’t even think about returning home any time soon Just Harry. According to the poll results, the people you snubbed have just snubbed you back.

Harry’s tantrum came after the Royal Family, which he left to pursue, “financial freedom,” in the US declined his request to lay a wreath at the Cenotaph on his behalf for Remembrance Sunday.

Prince Harry May Have Finally Cooked His Own Goose Past The Point Of Medium Rare

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Earlier this year, Harry and his wife Meghan Markle humiliated his family with a very public divorce and it was agreed that after fleeing to America he could no longer carry out royal duties. And yet Harry has pushed and tested this decree that he agreed to time after time, the latest being his asinine request for his family to do his work for him.

The Royal Family remembers the fallen troops on Remembrance Sunday and it is obvious, to everyone but Harry, that he cannot be a part-time royal from the comfort of his millionaire mansion.

Harry was reported to be, “deeply saddened,” after his request to lay a wreath was denied due to him no longer being a working member of The Firm.

Can Prince Harry Ever Be Expected To Do Right By The Royal Family?

In response, Harry and Meghan pulled on outrageously expensive designer duds, hired a photog, and then strode the grounds of the LA cemetery like they owned the place. They then offered up tons of staged photos of them laying wreaths.

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The poll asked: “Is there any way back for Prince Harry after Royal snub?” Nearly everyone who voted (91%) said no with one angry voter accusing the thirsty pair of turning, “an act of remembrance into a photo opportunity.” Are you listening, Harry?

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  • Jezz

    This kind of amateur publicity is what caused a media frenzy around His late mother Diana and we all know how that ended. I thought the reason for Harry to leave the royal family was to protect his privacy and family. After this publicity stunt I'm left thinking it was just a pack of lies.

  • Guest

    He is out of the Royal family but he expects them to do his bidding, I am surprised that the American families who have loved ones buried there are not up in arms about this publicity stunt with their celeb photographer parading around as if he knew each and every person there. I know most Americans do not like the Royal family but why are they allowing the two lower than shit get away with exploiting this cemetery visit while because of COVID most relatives could not go to pay respects to their loved ones

  • Guest

    They need to forgive him he was in love and you know when you’re in love you can’t see straight

  • Guest

    Harry has been second banana to William and it obviously annoyed him to no end, How better to receive the craved attention he needs, marry a divorced American who was a second rate actress, whine about unwanted publicity, be totally disrespectful by walking on graves and notify the press where and when you will be at a certain location, Adbidr everyone one about the ecology and carbon footprints although he and Meghan don’t give a hoot about either issue by their actions. Do as I say not as I do, is how they live, my father is buried in. A military cemetery and I am outraged at how disrespectful they both were. What happened to how he felt every time he heard a camera click? He got over that malady quickly.

  • Guest

    If everyone would mind their bees wax
    and stay out of other people business
    In time it will get better for the Royal Family. Question- how many of you
    Ungrateful gossipers are getting paid to voice your opinion. Point well taken. If people in this world would take care of all of their business it would be bed time and get ready for the next day. You gain nothing but some wasted oxygen that could’ve been used to help your child with their homework. The Royals wouldn’t let you past the front gate. Literally
    Put your energy some place elsewhere.