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Royal Family News: Will Prince Edward Make This Move To Spite Prince Charles?

Edward And Sophie British royal family news reveals that the monarchy is in a semi-state of chaos at the moment, with various members pulling this and that stunt. For instance, yesterday it was leaked that bombastic Prince Harry is writing a tell-all. And heir to the throne Prince Charles is reportedly snubbing his little brother Prince Edward, perhaps planning to cheat him out of a promised title.

Now comes word that Edward and his wife Sophie aren’t about to let Mr. High and Mighty ice them out of the title Duke of Edinburgh.

Royal Family News – Will Prince Charles Cheat His Brother Out Of A Title?

Royal insider Richard Eden reports that in light of Chuck possibly keeping the title for himself when he becomes King, “I hear that Edward’s family may start using a new moniker of their own.”

He further explains, “When the Earl and Countess of Wessex’s daughter, Lady Louise Windsor, turns 18 in November, she will be legally entitled to style herself Her Royal Highness Princess Louise.” Her cousins do this already, with Prince Andrew’s daughters known as HRH Princess Beatrice and HRH Princess Eugenie.

According to Eden, “If Prince Charles is going to play silly games over titles, Edward and Sophie might need to ensure that they use the titles their family already have. Louise is a humble teenager and doesn’t act like a princess, but she is one — that’s a fact.”

Royal Family News – Is Prince Charles Causing Hurt Feelings?

Eden affirms that a Letters Patent issued in 1917 does, “assign a princely status and the style of Royal Highness to all children of a monarch’s sons.” And Sophie herself said in an interview last year that it would be up to her children Lady Louise and her brother, James, Viscount Severn, as to the titles they use in the future.

She stated, “We try to bring them up with the understanding that they are very likely to have to work for a living. Hence we made the decision not to use HRH titles. They have them, and can decide to use them from 18.”\

Royal Family News – Will Edward’s Kids Use Their HRH Titles?

She then added that it was not likely they would do so. But that was before news of Charles allegedly playing name games was known.

In recent days Charles’ friends have expressed that he might not allow Edward to be the Duke of Edinburgh despite the fact he agreed to it previously when the Earl and Countess were married in 1999.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

  1. Guest says

    Why Would Anyone Care
    What Titles These SNOBS
    Think Are Important, Some
    One Should Tell Them That
    Thier BLOOD Isn't Actually
    BLUE & Most Of The World
    Could Care Less About Thier
    Is A DISGRACE, & It's To Bad
    The Queen Wouldn't Bestow
    WILLIAM & KATE To Succeed
    Her, At Least WILLIAM & KATE
    Would Bring Some Honor
    & Class To The THROWN
    Something His Father Could
    Never Do.

  2. Guest says

    Prince Edward should do what he can to get his Title. Charles is being an ass about this . Don't blame Harry for doing what he is doing. Charles needs to pay for what he did to Dianna.

  3. Guest says

    I believe all this nonsense is in fact nonsense. I am sure the media or any outside magazines etc,. would not have any real inside information so maybe they should just give it up.

  4. Guest says

    Charles should not be King! e does not deserve it after what happened to Princess Di. A

  5. Guest says

    Did you mean, could NOT care less

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