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Rumor Alert: Kate Middleton Is Currently “Detoxing?”

The last time that Kate Middleton was scene in public was back on December 28th and of course, everyone is curious as to what is going on behind closed doors.

While the palace has assured everyone that the Princess of Wales is doing fine in her recovery after her supposed abdominal surgery, some critics think there’s more to the story. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News: Rumor Alert: Kate Middleton Is Currently “Detoxing?”

Is Kate Middleton detoxing from her royal life? That’s what a lot of royals can’t help but ask. Apparently, some think that she might be in rehab or that she might just be exhausted from all to work and needed an emotional break.

Rumor Alert: Kate Middleton Is Currently “Detoxing?”

Either way, critics can’t help but wonder why the British tabloid media is being so secretive about it all, seeing how they would have printed a Meghan Markle rehab story almost right away.

That said, Kate Middleton is not expected to make a public appearance until well after Easter, if at all.

Of course, many royal fans and critics have taken to X to comment on the matter with, “I hate to think that William could do her any physical harm.

This house of cards is coming down, and somebody official should have the guts to explain it,” along with, “My worst guess is that there are death threats constantly and her digestive system gave out. Maybe a nervous breakdown. Maybe otherwise. She needs a break and not til Easter will we know for certain, so prepare for a long 5 weeks.”

Royal Family News: What’s Next For Kate Middleton?

Another critic wrote, “Seriously the speculations is crazy. It was announced that she wouldn’t be back until after Easter. She dated him for 10 yrs before marrying.

The out of nowhere abuse and addiction speculation is only sharing how much others want to believe horrible things without merit.”

So far Buckingham Palace has made no comments about the matter although at this point it’s doubtful that anything will be said.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. 

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  1. Barbie says

    Perhaps we’ve all placed Princess Kate on a golden pedestal, believing only the best of her. Yes. She is royalty; nevertheless, she should come forward to let her ‘worshippers’ recognize she is a mother with three precious children and there is a possibility she will become the next Queen Consort when William becomes King. How I wish she’d share whatever is happening. Maybe not all but enough to let us know she is in recovery mode.

    1. Sharon says

      Well said. People just to leave her a breat and leave her alone so that she rest and recover as her doctor told her. Yes we all love Catherine and miss seeing her beautiful smile. Just keep the nasty remarks to yourself. Yes she is the future Queen so since King Charles is sick and they are so close she is trying her best to comeback ASAP

  2. Diane Berthelot says

    I think this article is disgusting! She has a right to privacy involving her health …physical or mental. Leave her alone.

  3. Kiki says

    Maybe Princess of wales did a facial lift although she is beautiful but as we say “two birds with one stone “.
    Wishing her speedy recovery.

  4. Sharon says

    First off, the person who wrote this should learn the difference between scene and seen. Secondly, if Kate was dead or comatose, or injured by her husband, don’t you think her parents or other family members would say something? Give it a rest.

  5. Chantel says

    It would be nice to know what’s going on with Princess Catherine, however, I don’t think we will ever find out. I don’t think abdominal surgery is the reason she is off until after Easter though. I think it’s something much more serious whatever it is. It has been nice that King Charles disclosed his Cancer, yet she has asked for privacy so I guess we will just have to live with it.

  6. Sam smith says

    It’s a shame that people are so interested in the famous that they don’t stop and think that these are real living people. They have the same lives we do and the same drama in their lives and raising kids and they’ve got the spotlight on them. Honestly it’s none of our business as much as we feel That they feel like family and that we only want the best for them, we can do all the speculating in the world, but it doesn’t change whatever is going on. They need their privacy as much as we need ours. We don’t go airing our laundry to anyone that will listen or go to the magazines and I think that the English press are doing a wonderful job of leaving , Kate Middleton to get through whatever she is going through. My thoughts, love, and only good wishes go out to her as a human being and may need a little support and to let her know she has a friend out there in the world, who would like to be there for . It’s a pipe dream, I know. But there really are people out there that truly do care and if you do leave them alone and they will let people know what we need to know or they won’t. Their family they are going through something and they don’t need millions of people trying to peek through their windows.

  7. Toni says

    It is sad that people jump to the worst case scenario about Princess Catherine. She just had major surgery and everyone is just in a frenzy over why she hasn’t been seen even though they stated she would not resume duties until after Easter. It’s ridiculous…and downright pathetic.

  8. Judy says

    I find it odd that the KING announced his having cancer, but princess Kate’s condition is kept a secret. Perhaps she was having the difficulties that Diana was having. However, the palace will KEEP Kate’s secret, but, there was no consideration for sweet Diana, the PEOPLE’S PRINCESS. If It was Meghan, there would be no consideration for her either. Everybody in the world would know what the deal was with Diana or Meghan. The KING’S cancer diagnosis is made public but Kate’s is a secret. What is wrong with this picture?

  9. Shelly says

    If she needs an emotional break from the royal family or her duties I can understand that. We all can get so stressed out that we need to decompress. That’s human nature. Let’s just stop speculating and wait till she speaks about it herself when she is ready. God bless Kate.

  10. Michele DeHaan says

    I wonder if she didn’t have a hysterectomy or something like that. That’s something I can see her wanting to keep that private. I rather doubt it’s something like William beating her, or she’s in rehab. She has been a rock and I can understand her needing a rest. Leave her alone and let her recuperate.

  11. Isabelle says

    For whatever reason Catherine is out of sight..she needs to do what she needs to is not necessary for her to say everything she going to do .. let’s just give her some space and live your own life in the meantime..just wish her much love ..

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