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Shocking Claim: Yet Another Insider Goes Off On Meghan’s Potential Bid For U.S. Presidency!

Meghan MarkleThe crazies have come out of the woodwork apparently as yet another British tabloids scream that Meghan Markle plans to run for the U.S. presidency. Not just that, but somehow there are those who are insanely suggesting that Meghan enter the race as a Democrat in a bid to replace Democratic front runner, Joe Biden. Evidently, some believe that Meghan might stand a better chance going toe to toe with Donald Trump than Biden ever could.

This seems ludicrous on the face of it since there are only a few months left before U.S. elections, and Meghan Markle has zero experience in elected office. That hasn’t stopped some Royal commentators like Beverly Turner, a British television and radio presenter, from suggesting that “the Duchess of Sussex is intending to run for the highest position in US politics.”

As Ms. Turner said of Meghan Markle during an interview, “She will run for President, I have no doubt about it. I have no doubt, I think this is all part of the plan. It may not be very soon but it will be.”

Of course, Ms. Turner’s comments as well as those of British tabloids, which reported that Meghan Markle had told an “acquaintance” about her hopes to run for POTUS, were panned by Kensington Palace. As Yahoo! News reported, a palace rep said “The conversation you describe with an associate is fictitious.”

The truth is that Kensington Palace is likely correct even though it’s quite clear that Meghan Markle has become increasingly public with her political opinions since moving to the United States. Meghan does not meet the requirements to run for the presidency of the United States right now, and could not remotely go up against President Trump at this time.

In part, this is because it is a requirement that presidential candidates have to have lived in the United States for an uninterrupted period of 14 years, and Meghan just got back from living in the U.K. Moreover, there would be those who would call into question Meghan Markle’s loyalty. As a member of the British Royal family now … to which nation would Meghan’s allegiance lie? With so much talk in the American media of foreign influence on elections, could Meghan run for the highest office in the land while married to the very face of foreign influence?

The answer is that it’s incredibly unlikely that either the USA or the U.K. would allow such a thing. Both Meghan and Prince Harry would have to divorce, or Harry would have to renounce his titles and his status as a British Royal. Likewise, Meghan Markle would need to give up her titles as well as British citizenship.

The bottom line is that even if Meghan Markle wants a career in U.S. politics, there are a lot of challenges she would need to overcome. Many believe that Meghan cherishes her status as a British royal. Indeed, Meghan would not be likely to give that up. Therefore, many “insiders” believe that she and Prince Harry would try to leverage what they have for further financial gain and perhaps status … but they won’t take the insane risk of chopping off their lifeline to one of the planet’s greatest ivory towers.

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  1. Guest says

    What Meghan wants, Meghan gets!

  2. Loopy Cooney says

    God help my American friends if this should ever happen.

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