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The Meghan Markle And Sarah Ferguson Collab We’re Waiting For

Could Meghan Markle and Sarah Ferguson be cooking up a little something together?  If the Royal Family outcasts aren’t working on a collab together, why?! 

Meghan Markle has basically gone rogue at this point, it’s anyone’s guess what kind of publicity stunt she has up her sleeve next.  Partnering with Prince Andrew’s wife would certainly raise a few eyebrows.

We highly doubt there’s any truth to the royal family rumors surrounding a Meghan and Fergie project.  But, it’s really not that far-fetched of an idea if you really think about it. 

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry spend a lot of time with Beatrice and Eugenie.  So, it’s not absurd to think they have shared a few dinners or visits with their mom, the Duchess of York.

The Meghan Markle And Sarah Ferguson Collab We're Waiting For

Meghan Markle And Sarah Ferguson – A Missed Opportunity

Meghan and Fergie actually have a lot in common.  They’ve both basically been massacred by the tabloids.  And, the duo can also bond over how horribly they think the Royal Family treated them after they married in to the fold.

Besides their mutual distaste for the royal family but love for the royal family’s money, Sarah Ferguson and Meghan Markle have something else in common.  Both women are involved in children’s books.

Sarah Ferguson has penned over a dozen children’s books, ranging for the early 1990’s until present.  Some of her most popular books include Tea For Ruby, the Little Red series, and the Helping Hands series. 

The Duchess of York also has a YouTube channel where she reads children’s books out loud called, “Storytime With Fergie and Friends.”

Royal Family Children’s Book Authors

Meghan Markle also fancies herself a children’s book author.   Two years ago she released the book “The Bench,” which was meant as a nod to Prince Harry and their son Archie.

Of course, Meghan would probably not want to touch Fergie with a ten foot pole publicly because of the Prince Andrew’s scandals.  But, we can only imagine the amount of shade a children’s book by those two women would contain. 

We’re a little sad it will most likely never happen.  Would you pick up a book by Meghan Markle and Sarah Ferguson? 

Let us know in the comments below and keep checking back here for more Royal Family news and updates.

Editorial credit: Alan Fraser Images /

Editorial credit: Featureflash Photo Agency /

1 Comment
  1. Deborah says

    Sarah is much more accomplished than Megan will ever be.

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