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This Is Why King Charles Can’t Reunite WIth Prince Harry

This Is Why King Charles Can’t Reunite WIth Prince HarryAs much as he does want him back in his life again, it looks like it’s just not going to happen anytime soon. There’s a new report that suggests King Charles wants to reunite with his son Prince Harry, but unfortunately there’s one thing that is getting in his way. And you probably won’t believe what it is, either. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

This Is Why King Charles Can’t Reunite WIth Prince Harry

This is the reason why King Charles can’t have the reunion that he wants with Prince Harry, even though he would very much like to.

It seems like if there’s one person that’s stopping King Charles and Harry from putting their feud behind them, it’s Prince William.

One source close to the situation even told the Daily Beast, “William wouldn’t dream of telling his father what he can or can’t do in relation to his other son. But what is true is that Charles’s absolute priority is the unity of the monarchy, and given the extent of William’s animosity to Harry, Charles can hardly roll out the red carpet and invite Harry and the kids to stay at Balmoral for the summer holidays—however much he would like to.”

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That said, this really shouldn’t surprise anyone as the Prince of Wales has made it pretty clear that he wants absolutely nothing to do with Prince Harry or his wife, Meghan Markle.

He simply won’t forgive them for everything that they have said in their multiple tell-all interviews and for the way Harry threw him under the bus in his book, Spare. 

Apparently, Prince William also thinks that it’s not a good idea to have King Charles reunite with Prince Harry because that will give the Duke of Sussex a chance to put his foot back in the door at Buckingham Palace. And that’s the last thing William wants to see happen right now.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. Also, watch this space as we have a feeling there is so much more juicy drama to come.

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, We’ve got you covered.

Editorial credit: Richard Juilliart /

1 Comment
  1. Susan says

    Charles is King and Harry is his son. William should butt out, especially as his father is quite ill.

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