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Prince William Plans To Snub Prince Harry For His Coronation

Prince William Plans To Snub Prince Harry For His CoronationIt looks like the hate is certainly real. There’s a new report that says Prince William probably won’t invite his brother Prince Harry to his own coronation, whenever that will happen.

And of course, Harry’s wife Meghan Markle will get snubbed as well. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Prince William – Plans To Snub Prince Harry For His Coronation

Prince William plans to snub his own brother, Prince Harry, for his coronation. Roya Nikkah, who is a royal correspondent who happens to have close ties with the royal family, suggested in a new interview that if there’s one person that is going to be left off the invite list for Prince William’s coronation when he becomes the king of England, you better believe that it will be his own brother, Prince Harry.

She even put it this way, “If, god forbid, we were to have another coronation in the next few years, would Harry be there? I don’t think William would invite him. And I don’t think Harry would come. That’s an extraordinary thing, isn’t it?”

Of course, the internet sure did have a lot to say about the matter. Many people even commented with, “William’s nature has always been stubborn and difficult, but yes, I put so much of this estrangement at Camilla’s feet.

The idea that she facilitated this to destroy Diana’s sons’ relationship is just so cruel and horrendous,” along with, “William is a grown man. If he cared about the relationship with his brother, he could and would have made the effort. He didn’t and deliberately went to the media himself to bitch and moan about Harry. This rift is all on William and William alone.”

What’s Next Between Prince William and Prince Harry?

Another critic wrote, “Harry doesn’t care. He is never coming back to be Will-not’s scapegoat and target for handouts. He succeeded on his own and doesn’t need Will-not. Incandescent can kick rocks. Where is Kate and how much money are the royals mooching off struggling taxpayers? How much money does Will-not sponge per drunken, unprepared appearance? What exactly is his tax rate compared to the average citizen?”

 So far Buckingham Palace has made no comment about the matter.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. Also, watch this space as we have a feeling there is so much more juicy drama to come.

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, We’ve got you covered.

Photo by grand-warszawski – Deposit Photo

  1. Maryjane says

    Who is writing this garbage. Harry made his choice. William did nothing to Harry. This article must have been written by Omid Scobie, Megan’s lover.

    1. Maria says

      You are correct Prince Williams has never been jealous of his brother the clown

  2. Giovina says

    Such a sad situation
    It may change you never know

  3. Maria says

    Prince Williams has nothing to be jealous of his brother the clown

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