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WOW! Meghan And Harry Were Destined For WHAT When Prince Charles Becomes King?

Meghan And HarryAs many may or may not know, Prince Charles has a plan for when he becomes King. Many reports have indicated that Prince Charles views the British monarchy as one that is bloated and that needs to be “streamlined.” In keeping with that view, many believe that Prince Charles wants to cut out a great many current “working Royals.”

In essence, Prince Charles reportedly wants only the “core members.” Some news outlets even suggested that this meant Prince Charles would strip all members of The Firm of all titles and salaries … except for his sons and their respective families.

Of course, that can’t happen now that Prince Harry, who is Prince Charles’s youngest son, has fled the U.K. for the hardship of living in an £18 Million, an eight-bedroom, 12-bathroom palatial estate owned by movie mogul, Tyler Perry. According to insiders, this shot Prince Charles’s plan all to hell since Harry and Meghan Markle was reportedly to be part of Prince Charles’s “inner circle.”

Now, Prince Charles will be forced to find other senior members of the British Royal family to fit among his closest associates within The Firm. This will indeed have to be the case since most know already that when Meghan Markle and Prince Harry stepped back from their Royal duties and left the U.K. they also gave up the right to some of their royal titles as well as any money that would have come their way as members of The Firm.

On the surface, this was all a good thing for Meghan and Harry since the two of them suggested in many media appearances that they wanted financial independence from Buckingham Palace. Harry and Meghan’s plans haven’t exactly played out according to what most would consider the definition of “independence” though considering the fact that the couple continues to mooch off of Prince Charles’s Duchy of Cornwall. This remains the case even though Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been out of the U.K. for quite some time now.

Indeed, it’s an open secret that Meghan Markle has become desperate to find work. Whether this is because Meghan is loathed to take even more money from others than she has already is also an open question. One has to wonder what exactly has been going on since there were initial reports that Meghan Markle had taken meetings with American movie producers, casting agents, talent agents, and directors.

Apparently, nothing came of Meghan’s efforts in that department, or perhaps she simply changed her mind once she decided to jump into the social justice fray.

Prince Harry as well hasn’t seemed to keen on finding his own source of income. Instead, he too is evidently content to live off of his father’s wealth. This may be all one can expect, however, considering the fact that Prince Harry doesn’t have a university degree, has never worked as an executive for any company and refuses to apply for an American green card. That means Prince Harry can’t even work as a department store clerk in the U.S. (Not that anyone is suggesting that privileged Prince Harry should have to get his hands dirty.)

The bottom line is that with Prince Harry and Meghan residing in California, it’s not likely that their little family will be able to fall in line with Prince Charles’s plans for a smaller monarchy. With how political Harry and Meghan have gotten of late, there are some who are not so quiet about their belief that this might not be such a bad thing.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with The Royal Family right now. Come back here often for all The Royal Family spoilers, news, and updates.

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