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Tigerlily Taylor & Adnan Abdelfattah Had A Convenient Baby?

Tigerlily Taylor - 90 Day Fiance - TLC

90 Day Fiance fans saw that Tigerlily Taylor married Adnan Abdelfattah in Jordan at the speed of light. Then, she went on to quickly have a baby with him. But now, as more news arrived, some TLC fans suspect that they made a baby of convenience. Read on to find out more. 

Tigerlily Taylor Married Adnan But Why?

90 Day Fiance fans saw that Adnan Abdelfattah behaved very badly during the Tell-All for Before The 90 Days, Season 7. In fact, he threatened to kill people, stormed off, and drew a lot of criticism. So, they wonder if he’s been fired by TLC

TLC fans initially liked Tigerlily Taylor, but then she seemed to lose it and she started acting as if she was some demure little queen when fans knew she wasn’t like that. Some people wondered if Adnan got handsy with her. But, she still had the baby, cementing their relationship. 

Tigerlily Taylor Had The Baby For A Reason?

90 Day Fiance fans found out via Screenrant that Tigerlily married Adnan Abdelfattah “technically” without getting an official divorce from her second husband, “Darren Taylor.” That might mean that their marriage isn’t recognized Stateside. So, fan on Reddit wondered if they had the baby so Adnan could remain in the USA.

Fans Discuss Tigerlily Taylor, Adnan, and the baby - Reddit 1
Fans Discuss Tigerlily Taylor, Adnan, and the baby – Reddit

TLC fan u/entropykat shared the news about Tigerlily Taylor, saying:

I think this was already posted but no one seems aware: Tigerlily never divorced her ex husband. Adnan is not here on a spousal visa.

TLC Fans Discuss The Convenient Baby

Of course, a lot of people discussed religious marriages, divorce, and more in the comments section. But, some people talked about the baby. One of them suggested, “…they probably had a baby, so Adnan can file for citizenship since his child is a United States citizen.”

However, others disagreed. A reply read, “You can’t “file for U.S. citizenship” just because your child is one. When your child turns 21, they can file a petition for you to become a legal permanent resident…”

Tigerlily Taylor’s man not having the baby for convenience was then supported by yet another 90 Day Fiance fan who wrote, “Rumour has it he’s here on an investment visa. I don’t know much about what this is though.”

What are your thoughts on Tigerlily Taylor allegedly not being divorced when she hooked up with Adnan Abdelfattah? Does that mean he can’t come in on a spousal visa? Did they have the baby so quickly so he could claim residence as his child is an American citizen? Or, is that not possible yet? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below, and come back here often for all your 90 Day Fiance news and updates.

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