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The Young And The Restless Spoilers: Kyle Faces Losing Summer – ‘Skyle’ Second Marriage Not Guaranteed

CBS The Young and the Restless spoilers document that Kyle Abbott (Michael Mealor) needs to treat Summer Newman (Hunter King) much better. Doing that can help this edition of Skyle to be successful.

It’s fair for all viewers to question the assertion that’s been made, based on Summer having forced Kyle into initially marrying her. However, it’s also reasonable to argue that Mealor’s character should have never agreed to a marriage when he wasn’t fully committed to Summer at the time.

The Young And The Restless Spoilers – Lola Abbott Is Still Married

The divorce process has been underway for a number of months. Neither Lola Abbott (Sasha Calle) or Kyle are disputing the terms.

Lola confronted Kyle, after recognizing that he seemingly hadn’t ever gotten over Summer. Fans who rightfully bought into Kola were understandably bothered by Lola’s implication. Then, when Kyle finally acknowledged that Lola was right, a re-read of the past began.

Looking back Lola was a rebound, or at least that’s how Y&R decided to write it. However, Kyle did love Lola, just not nearly as much as he still loved Summer.

Y&R Spoilers – Summer Newman Has Matured

Summer was a generally sweet character before she left Genoa City, Wisconsin, in the mid to latter part of the 2010s. That’s why Mariah Copeland (Camryn Grimes) applied the Snowflake tag.

King’s role in the nighttime show Life In Pieces necessitated some breaks from Y&R, which included an extended period where Summer was off-screen.

The write-back of this character included the down-grading of Summer’s personality. She was fully self-involved and treated others very harshly, most especially Kyle.

However, Summer’s half-liver gift to Lola, while not selfless at the time, served as the debatable starting point of the further evolution of King’s character. Today, Summer is no longer mean and she wants to be with Kyle for all the right reasons. Professionally, she’s also come into her own and takes her responsibilities in life seriously.

The Young And The Restless Spoilers – Kyle Abbott Must Maintain Consistency

Kyle loves this Summer because she embodies the pure characteristics of her younger days and projects the mature aspects that responsible young adults embrace. Is she perfect? No. Neither is Kyle.

Skyle has the potential to marry and sustain that fully committed bond, which could also include the children they’ve begun speaking about. But in order for that to happen, Kyle, not just Summer needs to demonstrate consistent maturity.

Kyle seems both happy and peaceful, as his sincere easing of tensions with Theo Vanderway (Tyler Johnson) suggests. Going forward Kyle needs to keep himself in check, which would follow Summer’s lead.

CTS is a leading source for everything linked to The Young and the Restless. Check back regularly for Y&R spoilers and news!

  1. Guest says

    The rewrite of kola story is was a lie. The previous writers who wrote kola love story wrote it beautifully. The present writers change it up and try to do it with lie instead of examining the story and exploring possibility of creating a new narrative without damaging the original story in generally. The evidence on screen never showed kyle had divided heart between Lola & Summer all fans saw was he loving his wife and he never really pull away from her. It also showed summer pinning on screen. Kyle woke up one morning and said I love someone else that`s it really looked like on screen. Kyle and Summer love is problematic and in my opinion bad for tv, because they grow up together but they grow as uncle and nice, Kyle was victor son for his early childhood years , Summer came back to town and decided she wants to sleep with Billy kyle`s uncle and kyle & summer who suppose to be the love of each other life but yet kyle was never angry or showed it towards summer. what kind of love story is Y&R writers telling fans. Summer & Kyle love story narrative change a long time ago and trying bully fans or convince fans to believe it was terrible idea because it has lots of whole in story plot and copying kola love story to convince it should been summer and kyle is not going down well with fans base. Kyle and summer do not belong together and that` why previous writers never invest in them to do love story or even try to keep them.

  2. Guest says

    I disagree with article on number of things, one way kyle went about to save Lola life and all he did for her you cannot just throw way like Lola was random girl and he did not love her. It is very hard to rewrite kola history and many fans have problems with it because it do not make sense. Kyle and summer has always fail because they do not belongs together and the writers cannot wrote for them.Sky love story is repeat of kola and it is honestly terrible. I do not think it would work between them , they are toxic. The writers are lying to fans and trying convince them sky works but Kyle made more progress with Lola despite silly problems that can be easily work without divorce and separation . sky love story change forever when Kyle did all those things for Lola that cannot be change with rewrite lie. The fans base would never believe it.

  3. Guest says

    Great article. In real life, people grow and change. These characters are all young and of course there actions are at the mercy of the writers, but it’s perfectly reasonable to believe that young people grow and change. I don’t know what you were watching, butI could see that Kyle was becoming aggregated with Lola and she becoming aggregated with Kyle. I think the writers should have taken more time with the them growing apart, but it was obvious it was happening. It happens sometimes, you think your in love with someone, but then you get married and start living with them, you start to realize the life you have with them is not what you want. Kyle and Lola should have taken the time to really get to know each other before they got married to began with. I think the story line is perfectly reasonable that he didn’t think through his feelings about Summer before marrying Lola and finally realized Summer was the one he truly loved.

  4. Guest says

    I honestly do not know what you were watching and where your observation came from but what you are saying makes no sense. I think you are confuse on my points . Kyle, Lola and summer story started since 2018 and you are commenting like it started yesterday. I read on other comment you said you find kola boring and so I would not expect proper analysis of facts on screen correctly . Kyle and Lola had problems like any married couple and it was very silly . Do people get divorce because they can pick a house ? Yes , Lola supported Theo but just like jack and other members of family and it was only so because Theo manipulated her and kyle was not smart enough to expose Theo. kyle and Lola both becoming aggregated with each other is lie . I saw more deeper conflict with other soap couple than what happen between them . Kyle and Lola never pull away from each other has they had issues like any other couple on show. I saw cane and Lilly has more intense argument than that and They kept them together. Kyle think he was in love with Lola is lie that writers/ sky fans try convince themself. These are things Kyle did for Lola : Kyle married summer who he did not want anything do with to give Lola a liver and went on tv begging for her to get liver. He plan the wedding her dream and many more things he did for her. Do men do those things for women they do not intend to stay with or love is ridiculous claim by you.

  5. Guest says

    I know the actors and actress are at mercy of writers that is why I never really blame kyle for what happened with Lola because they just want to switch couple but they did not understand fans now days study the story plot and can see when story do fit or make sense. Summer know Kyle because they grow up as nice and uncle. Kyle early childhood he was victor son . summer is the one who kyle did not even want to talk to ,it was Lola and Jack encourage him to a have friendship with her. How come he love her and did not want a relationship with the so call love of his life. Lola and Kyle break up because writers felt guilty. sky has no love story. Yes, you think storyline fit perfectly reasonable because that`s what you sky fans tell yourself to enjoyed a lie for love story. Kyle and Lola know each other reasonable well ,how come he plan the perfect date and wedding for her. Their problems was workable ones but only sky fans do not see that because they want her with Kyle. Lola and kyle suit each other better and they were cheated for silly loveless reunion of sky that is overused and down couple who fans are really tired of that the writers never give proper love story ever. Now they are using everything that happen to kola to sell sky love story.I do hope when story turns around you will say the storyline is perfectly reasonable because it will change. Lol

  6. DJ2005 says

    I will say again, I think the writers should have taken their time with Lola’s and Kyle’s break up. I agree that it did seem quick and somewhat out of the blue. They were just beginning to show some discord in their relationship and then it was just over. I still believe that it’s reasonable for someone to change there minds about someone, especially if they didn’t take the time to get to know them in the first place. I do like Skyle much better, but if the writers decide to put Kola back together, I really won’t care. It’s just the cycle and history of Soaps. A couple is madly in love this year and next year that couple doesn’t exist anymore. Both people have moved on to other people and so on. I try not to get too invested.

  7. Guest says

    Please get rid of that bad actress. Elena. She is such a downer!!!!

  8. ole man spirit says

    It truly broked Lola's heart when she saw Klyle and Summer both with ring cases and she knew then that she had completely lost forever her one and only true love to Summer Newman.

  9. Guest says

    Hate how writers changed Lola and Kyle's love story. Kyle wanted Lola he didn't want Summer . Summer did not respect Kola's marriage. Kyle fought to be with Lola for such a long time then writers expect us to think he just changed his mind and oops he is in love with Summer . The story was not believable and I hope this romance ends very soon , in fact I have not really watched since the spilt but do read up on what is going on. I really lost my need to watch each day. I have been disappointed by the Y&R storylines .

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