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The Young And The Restless Spoilers: Tucker’s Leverage, Diane’s Lies

The Young And The Restless: Tucker McCall (Trevor St. John)The Young and the Restless spoilers show that since Tucker McCall (Trevor St. John) has arrived in Genoa City, everyone has been trying to figure out what exactly he’s doing there and what his connection is with Diane Jenkins (Susan Walters).

There are multiple theories going around, and from what Nikki Newman (Melody Thomas Scott) has gathered, it seems they were close in Los Angeles as she heard that Diane would be seen in a black escalade-like car. Was she doing dirty work for Tucker?

The Young And The Restless Spoilers – Tucker McCall’s Leverage Over Diane Jenkins

It definitely looks like Tucker has a lot of leverage over Diane as she is frightened to see him in her room and he explains that he thought they had an understanding. Diane’s face instantly changed and she got incredibly tense.

Was she a worker for Tucker McCall and what does he have over her that she is so worried about? It looks like he’s about ready to ruin everything she has been working for and the relationship she has been trying to mend with her son, Kyle Abbott (Michael Mealor).

Y&R Spoilers – What Has Diane Jenkins Been Running From?

Diane has been doing everything she can lately to maintain peace with Phyllis Summers (Michelle Stafford) and repair her relationship with Kyle and even Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman), who we just saw lay a big kiss on the other day. However, whatever it is she is hiding is threatening to come out soon, and honestly, I don’t know that I want it to.

I may be one of the few ones who has liked Diane’s storyline since coming back, but trying to make things right with your son and repent for your past has been sitting well with me. It’s the bitterness from Phyllis and Nikki that has driven me crazy. They walk around thinking their butt doesn’t stink while trying to throw Diane under the bus. It’s completely hypocritical.

However, everything is once again on the line and this time it’s not from Phyllis and Nikki, but Tucker. I think she used to run money for him or maybe she was his realtor and helped him funnel money from his homes somewhere. I don’t know but things are about to get dicey.

What do you think? Will Tucker McCall end up being Diane’s kryptonite or will Jack and his family rally behind her to keep her safe and in Genoa City? Share your thoughts and remember to keep watching the CBS soap to see what happens next!

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Y&R right now. Come back here often for The Young and the Restless spoilers, news, and updates.

  1. Jazz says

    Diane is smoothly evil. She leaves rot wherever she goes. She wants Jack’s family and estate. Phyllis and Niki are comic reliefs and fun to watch. Hope they help to expose Diane for the fake she is.

    1. Suzy says

      I agree evil for sure don’t like her Wish she would go away. And put Chelsy back in hospital she has ruined 2 little boys life she is selfish and just can’t stand for people to be happy something is wrong with her

      1. Dg says

        So true. Chelsea needs to go back to nut house. Why she told Conner I have j kids. Adam is going to be ticked and he should be. She only cares about herself. I hope Johnny and Connor have nothing g to do with her. At least until she get her head screwed on correctly.

        1. Norma says

          I do not have any sorrow for Dianne, she was and is despicable, I hope she leaves on the same road she came in on! With no return! Who ever has pity on Dianne needs to go back and read her history!

  2. Laurene says

    Maybe Tucker is Kyle’s real father…

  3. Danko says

    I think Diane was a hooker in California

  4. Jezz says

    I would love to see Tucker buy out Chancellor Winters and run his mothers and sons company with his son Devon. I don’t like how Lilly has come along, convinced Devon to merg companies and now she wants to peddle Devons family businesses. Devon clearly doesn’t like the idea of selling shares in the family business. I also don’t like Devon and Lilly are supposed to jointly running the company but she constantly behaves like shes the boss and Devon is subordinate to her. Devon should be just as concerned about Lillys as he is Nate because Lilly is really making company moves that could be detrimental to Devons family businesses.

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