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Young and the Restless Spoilers: Is Adam Newman Really The Bad Guy – Nick Is No Saint

Young And The Restless Spoilers: Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) - Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow)The Young and the Restless spoilers document that Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) is experiencing grief that is somewhat similar to when his mother, Hope Wilson (Signy Coleman), died. Adam’s grief, over the perceived loss of his father, Victor Newman (Eric Braeden), is overwhelming.

Self-reflection hasn’t been a component of Adam’s calculation since his memory was restored through Chloe Mitchell’s (Elizabeth Hendrickson) missed shot. But an orchestrated event, where Adam has been led to believe that Victor collapsed and died as a result of taking double-dose medicine, is impacting his psyche.

Longtime Y&R viewers are watching the erstwhile Victor basher embrace the role of being his father’s defender. Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) has a longer and deeper history of going at it with his dad, yet takes every opportunity to project his feelings onto Adam.

Young And The Restless Spoilers – Brother Battle Continues To Rage On

Grossman’s alter ego has been honest about the type of relationship he’s had with Victor. But anyone who’s witnessed the repeated, massive battles Nick and Victor have waged through the years knows that their volume of fights dwarfs the number of father-son eruptions Adam has had with Victor.

It was just last year when Nick disguised himself as J.T. Hellstrom (Thad Luckinbill) in order to take advantage of his father’s weakened state. While Adam’s medicine manipulation was even more reckless, Nick arguably doesn’t have a moral leg to stand on whenever he shoots his mouth off about his brother.

Phyllis Summers (Michelle Stafford) was stunned to learn that Adam’s endgame plot involved taking over Newman Enterprises so he could dismantle it. His scheme was intended as part of a plan to humiliate his family members, most especially Victor.

Young And The Restless Spoilers – Victor Newman’s Tough Love In Action

Adam’s reply to Phyllis, when she said that Victor offered him the top spot at Newman, represented classic dysfunctional thought. He didn’t want daddy’s gift, but wanted to earn control of the family conglomerate so it could be destroyed. However, Y&R viewers have seen just how shaken Adam is. He’s been led to believe that his actions created the worst possible consequence that can’t be fixed.

Victor has often stated how his life was shaped by the cruelty Albert Miller (George Kennedy) imposed on him. Braeden’s character puts that lesson into action through his version of tough love. Sure, Victor’s plan to fake his own death is outrageous. Allowing Adam to wallow for whatever length of time is wrong, regardless of the intended result, which is to wake his son up. Even more awful is causing whatever number of his friends and family to suffer the faux loss.

At the same soapy time, Adam’s view of reality needed to change. Victor believes that this diabolical plan will help his son. Once revealed, Adam and the others who are affected will rightfully feel manipulated. But time will tell if Victor’s goal of family unity is realized eventually.

Don’t forget to come back later for more The Young and the Restless (Y&R) spoilers, news, and casting updates!

  1. Kenya Sanders says

    No but nick didnt try to kill his own dad

  2. Guest says

    Adam is disgusting and a total criminal! No way to justify him now!

  3. Guest says


  4. Guest says

    Adam didn’t either

  5. Kenya Sanders says

    That not so adam has been a devil.ever since he came out of hopes birth canal

  6. Guest says

    Victor is way worse than Adam. The writers might not know or care because it doesn’t appear they bother with the history of the shows past stories or characters. So in case they read this just a couple of reasons to make my point.

    1. Victor brought mentally sick people to town to get revenge. This in more than one case resulted in innocent people getting killed or dies (Austin, Tracy’s daughter too).

    2. Victor had Jack kidnapped and couldn’t care less if he was killed in the process.

    3. He let a crazy person live with his grandchilds mother, thus causing sexual and mental abuse and bringing a dangerous person in contact with his family and friends.

    4. He exploited Sharon’s mental illness to take revenge on her for actions she was was not mentally responsible for.

    This is just a few situations, so no I don’t think Adam is as bad as Victor.

    I did like today how Sharon went to Adam. I would like to see her help him. I would like to see them marry, her have IVF and they have a little girl. I don’t mind Adam being a formidable business man fighting Victoria and Nick in business, dirty deals etc but let him be a happy family man, don’t bring him down to Victor’s level. I think it would be fun Adam trying to keep his dirty business schemes from kind hearted Sharon.

  7. Guest says

    Adam didn’t fall far from his father’s tree but he is nowhere near as horrible or sick as Victor.

  8. Kenya Sanders says

    Why did victoria get arrested

  9. Kenya Sanders says

    victor is bad ass the star if the show i love him

  10. Kenya Sanders says

    Love myself some Victor Newman

  11. Guest says

    I HATE the way Adam is treated by all of those people in PG who were just as bad if not worst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My heart breaks because he just wanted his family back. I want to see him go down. Find a way to redeem him like y’all did for Victor, JT, Nick, Phyllis, Victoria, ……..everyone else!

  12. Guest says

    Yes, Victor is worse. But that doesn’t make his son, who POISONED someone, acceptable. I hate them both and won’t watch again (only recaps for years) when Victor is truly dead and both are gone.

  13. Guest says

    He POISONED him. In essence, same thing. He KNEW death was a possible even if unlikely outcome and took the chance anyway. Eff Adam. And Victor, for that matter. Evil and eviler…

  14. Guest says

    He’s Satan.

  15. Guest says

    No matter what went on between the two brothers and father is no one should ever try to kill they parents in cold blood and that is what Adam did he is cold blood murderer that is not in the law

  16. Guest says

    Have you tried watching Hallmark shows instead? I think you might enjoy some of them.

    Like you I do not like the constant evil plots. However I do appreciate the show needs some drama for other fans. Perhaps if the writers could write with some balance and give us some heartwarming stories too. It is really overboard just now with vindictive cruelty.

  17. Guest says

    I understand Victor is beloved by fans but that doesn’t make Adam’s character worse ethically.

  18. Guest says

    Could the said the same of Victor many times. Writers just write a different story until fans forget, like Victor having Jack kidnapped. Even Jack doesn’t care these days!

  19. Guest says

    I completely agree with you.

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