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Royal Family News: Prince Harry’s Threat To Sue Queen Elizabeth Met With OUTRAGE

Queen ElizabethBritish royal family news reveals that Prince Harry is again the subject of public outrage after putting hoof in mouth. What has he done now? He has threatened legal action against his grandmother. When will this all end? Harry’s juvenile comportment is not role model behavior, yet he is now the father of two children, not a royal playboy getting busted for nude pool in Vegas. Grow up Harry, be better.

Prince Harry Was A Nude Pool Boy

According to the Daily Mail, “Prince Harry has threatened Her Majesty’s Government in an extraordinary security row.”

What it boils down to is this: Prince Harry ditched the monarchy but still demands all the perks and privileges with none of the duty nor the honor.

He has demanded that he be given his very own, “UK police protection team, claiming it is too dangerous to visit the UK without Scotland Yard bodyguards.” Home Secretary Priti Patel made the only logical decision to be made given Harry’s actions, and that is to treat him as he has demanded, a private citizen, not a member of the monarchy.

Prince Harry Is No Longer  Part Of The Monarchy

But Prince Harry’s lawyers have threatened, “to go to the High Court if his family are not provided with security while they are in Britain, which they have offered to pay for.” And they have offered to work for Netflix and Spotify, too.

As would be expected due to Harry’s clueless petulance, “Last night there was anger at the unprecedented legal threat against his grandmother’s government as security sources hit back saying: ‘Scotland Yard is not available for hire.’”

Harry’s unrelenting ignorance is becoming cause for concern, and maybe someone should check he is not actually suffering from a treatable condition?

The Gall Of Prince Harry Is Unremitting

Harry ditched the monarchy in a blaze of unglory a full two years ago, in an ugly and unprecedented move termed Megxit. Since then Harry has allegedly argued all that time about, “security arrangements,” according to the Daily Mail.

What to make of Harry reportedly claiming he would pay for the services out of his own pocket? “Scotland Yard does not have a pool of specially trained officers sitting idle,” and as one source said, “You can’t just hire the services of Scotland Yard as and when you feel like it.” Earth to Harry: just give it a rest already and be the adult your kids deserve to be proud of.

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  1. Guest says

    Of COURSE Harry would be concerned about his kids getting kidnapped; they are not like other kids visiting Europe! He has even offered to pay for this Security himself. What kind of grandmother doesn’t care if her own grandkids get kidnapped!! Disgraceful.

  2. Guest says

    He made his decision to abandon the family let him stay where he is. After all he left with no concern over the family. They moved on and so should he.

  3. Guest says

    There's a simple solution to this, send a senior royal who has police protection to escort them to and from visiting their royal family. If Harry feels like playing at being a working royal when he feels like it ordering the UK police force about he should have thought about that before he stepped down, that's on him that he no longer has UK police protection. Every other visiting celebrity manages without taking up the UK police force time, which has enough to do as it is. Again showing how foolish he is, because he should have thought about a this before dropping his resignation on the Queen and his family at short notice. I am sick of hearing about this spoiled brats petulant demands. He insults his Queen and Royal family in a sensationalized TV interview and now he wants to use their police force as he chooses. The Queen and UK need to show this little upstart whose boss.

  4. Park Avenue says

    And just how do the whistle up "Security" just for THEM?
    NOTE: They had Security when they were 'Working Royals'.
    They QUIT, leaving the Security Team without employment. So, now he and the ungrateful Mrs. waltz back to UK and….
    …….VIOLA! Instant Security. (Custom made for a Non-working Ex-Royal and his hand-me-down wife)

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