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Bold and the Beautiful POLL: Who Is Most Likely To Expose Thomas?

'The Bold and the Beautiful' POLL: Who Is Most Likely To Expose Thomas?Among the characters who remain in Los Angeles, California, and have been knowingly wronged by Thomas Forrester (Matthew Atkinson) on ‘The Bold and the Beautiful’, who is the most likely to expose him? Considering Emma Barber’s (Nia Sioux) death, Shauna Fulton’s (Denise Richards) return to Las Vegas, Nevada, and Xander Avant’s (Adain Bradley) exit for England, only a handful of local characters exist who are primed to stop Thomas.

Flo Fulton Logan (Katrina Bowden) and Zoe Buckingham (Kiara Barnes) are motivated to remain silent. Neither person is currently aiming to bring down Thomas.

While Flo is conflicted, she’s enjoying the lifestyle her Logan ties afford her and has reconnected with Wyatt Spencer (Darin Brooks). Zoe fears that her father, Reese Buckingham (Wayne Brady), and she will go to prison if the baby swap truth is ever revealed.

Emma’s push off one of California’s most famous roadways permanently eliminated her as a threat to Thomas’ manipulative schemes. Xander could have used GPS knowledge against Atkinson’s criminal character, but has instead opted to leave Zoe and return to the country where Reese is living. That may preview an interaction between both men, though time will tell if B&B plays that angle, or uses it as a way to end this storyline.

Viewers haven’t forgotten about Sally Spectra (Courtney Hope). Thomas’ actions are still fresh in her mind, as she holds him responsible for spurning her breakup with Wyatt. While Sally doesn’t know about the baby swap, she holds a grudge against this former boyfriend that could result in follow-up actions.

Liam Spencer (Scott Clifton) has been wronged far more than he realizes. At present, Thomas is simply the man who’s taking advantage of Hope Logan’s (Annika Noelle) vulnerability. Based on that alone, Liam recently told his former wife that he’ll find proof Thomas is a fraud.

Brooke Logan Forrester (Katherine Kelly Lang) believes that Thomas is unbalanced and a threat to her daughter. While not being directly wronged, Brooke’s maternal instincts will keep her on Thomas’ tail.

Fans of ‘The Bold and the Beautiful’ rightfully express their opinions on a regular basis. So, among the characters who remain in Los Angeles, California, who is most likely to expose Thomas? Please vote in our poll below!

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  1. Loopy Cooney says

    I hope it’s Xander. He is the only one who has tried to get the truth out except for poor Emma. I just hope it comes out before the wedding. What Thomas did today with that ghost thing he needs to have that poor little guy taken away from him. What a horrid thing for a father to do to a little boy. He should be thrown in jail for that say nothing of the other crap he’s pulled. Let me at him. I want to make him pay for being so stupid.

  2. Guest says

    I think it just might be Douglas. I think that he might overhear his dad talking about Beth being alive and he will run and tell Hope!! It would serve Thomas right if it happened like that!!

  3. Loopy Cooney says

    Never thought of that. That would be awesome. 🙂

  4. Guest says

    I don’t know who will finally have the guts to tell . Certainlynot any of the ones that know . I never saw a more spineless cowards . I think the truth will come out another way . I think it’s dragged on long enough . Don’t feel sorry for anyone but Hope . I hate Thomas . Emma would have told it if he had not killed her I hope he is. Charged with murder . As for Steffy she bought a baby so no tears for her . Please wrap this baby story up .

  5. Guest says

    I am so fed up when would this torture stop.

  6. Guest says

    That would be a good one!!! But they need to move the story on, this is stretching out way too long!!!

  7. Guest says

    I agree, they’re really dragging this out, its like groundhog day!!
    Where did they get creepy Thomas from?? He looks like Beavis!!

  8. Guest says

    HURRY UP!! whoever y’all got in mind to tell it.. Just HURRY UP ALREADY!!

  9. Mals says

    Who cares who does it. just get it done already! Hopefully, somebody puts a bullet in his head, and nobody will care who. How’s that for a storyline! Just end this quickly, or I’m going to end watching this show, as my friends and family already have. Stop insulting our intelligence, and trying our patience. Enough already! Whoever came up with this dragged out storyline, should be put on the unemployment line!

  10. Mals says

    He does look like Beavis, but acts like Butthead!!!

  11. Guest says


  12. Guest says

    This storyline will end sometime in August,I dont watch it anymore,I just read up on it,every 2 or 3 days,I cant do it, Thomas is THE DEVIL

  13. Guest says

    Sick of Beth storyline….

  14. Guest says

    How can the writers rob Hope of the most precious months of her daughter life..this is a sick story line thath

  15. Guest says

    How can Flo enjoy her new found life with Wyatt and robbing Hope of her future with Liam and their child..get this cold heart woman off of this soap..because I can’t stand her.

  16. Guest says

    I am to, thishas become boring and I have stop watching it..the writers needs to be in the unemployment line until they can come up with some more story lines.

  17. Guest says

    Xander is going to tell but only if he escapes Thomas first.

  18. Guest says

    i think the bold n beautiful is dragging before you know it BETH will be in collage very tierd of the same thing over & over HOPE wake up its so boring

  19. Guest says

    Thomas is a child abuser… that ghost stunt was a mental child abuse! Will stop watching show.

  20. Guest says

    Whoever it is I hope it’s soon before Hope marries Thomas

  21. Guest says

    This story line has drug on way too long. I’ve started skipping episodes and may even stop watching.
    Enough is enough!

  22. Guest says

    I cant believe Xander is leaving and not telling secret!! I really hoped he would tell!

  23. Guest says

    The truth needs to hurry up and come out sooner the better few people going to get hurt like Ridge steffy and Wyatt. Steffy going in up loosing the baby and Liam. Ridge is going to lose his son because he going to prison a seen all the signs but but ignore them. Wyatt fell in love with a crook that was involved black marketing. They need to get this done sooner the better so so hope and get her baby back.

  24. m Imhausen says

    I’m wondering if Emma is really dead. Maybe someone found her and she’s being cared for in a facility, maybe she will tell Hope and Liam

  25. Guest says

    This soap is dragging on so long, losing INTEREST about the baby. It’s being to long and allowing Thomas to keep killing on the show.

  26. Guest says

    I wish the expose Thomas real soon taking to long

  27. Guest says

    I don’t watch as much as I used to. Hope ending to all this come quick and new story line begins. Sick of Hope. Liam has got to keep away from Steffy. He thinks he is such a big man. Bring him down to size. Finally, clean up this miserable series.

  28. Guest says

    Great Idea. What would Thomas do? Try to kill Douglas?

  29. Matthew Yvon says

    Flo helped, kidnap,sale,and help with illegally adoption. A old flame and guilt wasn’t enough reason for Flo to stay in town They could have made her interesting they could of had Flo tying up loose ends concerning Beth ,keeping Zoe from talking,use Wyatt to keep tabs on everyone,bump heads with Sally over Wyatt,Use her Logan paternity to stack up on some money. When Thomas found out about Beth. Flo could told Thomas whenever the secret comes out am going. You need me to keep the secret I dnt need you need to pay me. The writers could came up with something like this. It’s not that hard to come up with a better way to extend or full a storyline for a 30min Soap Opera. Use your imagination and come up with something better

  30. Guest says

    Who freaking cares! Just reveal truth about Beth already! Hope and Liam should know the truth! This has been dragging on WAY too long! If Hope marries Thomas before the truth is revealed I might just stop watching all together! Hope and Liam should have Beth and reunite! They deserve to be happy! How can Flo live with herself and carry on with Wyatt when she knows how important honesty is to him? And poor Sally getting dumped for much less! This is ridiculous! Dragging this out! Who cares how it will affect Steffy! She manipulates Liam all the time! I hope ander breaks in during the wedding and tells truth about Beth and how Thomas killed Emma! Thats what should happen!! Xander save the day and get on with this! Its been dragging on long enough! Enough already!

  31. Guest says

    I hope its Xander he is a good guy and is the only one that wants the truth out

  32. Laurie Ann says

    Okay firstgive Hope her baby back FOR GODSAKE hasn’t she been miserable long enough. Second Thomas needs some serious jail time for killing Emma and scaring Douglas like that. Third put Liam and Hope back together. Fourth instead of a half an hour make this show an hour long!

  33. Loopy Cooney says

    He played Austin on the Y&R for a short period of time and was married to Summer. I didn’t like him then either. Now I can’t stand him

  34. Guest says

    Its time to rape this storyline. You got Hope with postmodern and know body is seeing this Liam with no back bone less of a man and a black man being a coward, come on now who’s writing this

  35. Loopy Cooney says

    i don’t watch only once or twice a week now. It is so boring I want to throw up. Today I sat down to watch it and promptly fell to sleep so didn’t see it anyway… sad. NOT!!!

  36. Loopy Cooney says

    An hour long? We’re already board stiff. Who could stand another half hour every day.

  37. Guest says

    Enough already it was told 2 weeks ago that that the baby traum was coming to a end Now Now it’s another 2 weeks just end it already ENOUGH OF THOMAS STEPPIE RIDGE With their loose screws family screw up MOM buying a baby END IT

  38. Guest says

    It is dragging too long, tell hope that her baby is alive and arrest Thomas, send him to jail.

  39. Guest says

    Thomas is a bad actor. Can’t stand the guy and the story line. I think Douglas overhearing the news is a wonderful idea but of course you know Thomas will make Douglas sound delusional. He would probably ship him off to some mental ward then so he could be with Hope alone all the time. He’s creepy enough to do so. And honestly she needs to get a spine.

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