Ginger Zee Showing Too Much Skin On Good Morning America?
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Ginger Zee found herself embroiled in a hot debate on social media regarding her choice of outfits on Good Morning America.
The longtime meteorologists’ efforts to bring attention to the No New Clothes Challenge seem to have backfired and her own wardrobe came under fire on X (formerly known as Twitter). Is Ginger Zee showing too much skin on GMA? Keep reading for all of the details.
Good Morning America Star Called Out
It all started with an innocent snapshot on Ginger Zee’s Instagram page. The Good Morning America host shared a photo of herself for the #NoNewClothes challenge.
Zee was clearly trying to support the initiative, which tries to cut down on consumer waste and encourages individuals to wear their old outfits rather than buying new.
In order to reduce the amount of clothing being thrown away, supporters are also shopping at consignment and goodwill stores.
Ginger Zee’s post went left quickly though when a Good Morning America viewer hopped in her comment section and began roasting her for wearing inappropriate outfits on the weather segment.
Ginger Zee – Gets Roasted
The disgruntled GMA fan ranted, “That’s fine but when one has to wear work clothes that are inappropriate with a slit clear up to mid thigh or higher and a neck line that reveals cleavage (being flat chested doesn’t make it appropriate) then it’s time to purchase and/or borrow appropriate business attire!!!”
Ginger Zee entertained the troll briefly and snapped back that “Fashion Is Subjective.” But, the Good Morning America star quickly threw in the towel, it clearly wasn’t going to be a productive conversation.
This isn’t the first time Ginger’s wardrobe or things she has said on GMA have turned in to a scandal, and it [probably won’t be the last time.
Do you think that Ginger Zee’s Good Morning America outfits are a bit over the top for a weather segment? Or do you agree with Ginger? Let us know in the comments below and keep checking back here for more celebrity news and gossip.
Editorial credit: Ron Adar /
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I’ve been watching Ginger since she began on GMA and have never seen her wear anything inappropriate for morning t.v. or ANY time t.v. for yhat matter. Even the photos she posts sometimes of Ben & herself going ‘out on the town’ are always tasteful & gorgeous!! Love u Ginger and all of your ‘projects’, Earth info on everything, climate change, your books and of course Adrian & Miles!!❤️
There is no question she has a right to show skin on gma unfortunately not the case on world News when she has to report on storms.
Ginger has never worn anything inappropriate. Trolls will troll. She is smart, thoughtful and an amazing weather anchor. If you want to tslk inappropriate let’s put Laura Spencers name instead if Ginger. The network needs to keep her behind scene. Her ski NY boney knees need to be covered up. She needs to stop dressing like a teenager. Her voice is very irritating. I always have to turn away when she is on . Please give her less much less time. Ginger you rule and as always very humble. Keep it up!
The world we live in today. Ginger is such a good person and some toxic person has to make a nasty comment about her. Stay true to yourself Ginger.
I don’t see anything wrong m g with anything Ginger Z wears. I admire her honesty in all that she does. She is one of my favorites.
I agree ginger dresses just fine for morning tv. She doesn’t dress like a teenager but very age appropriate that person is just looking for their 15 minutes don’t listen or give them anymore thoughts.Ginger you look marvelous!
I love Ginger and Lara Spencer. I think they are both talented and give pizzazz to the show.
I think people are too judgemental. They are Two class acts. I say turn the channel if you can’t handle it. By the way, I am an 80 year old broad and love everything about the show. Been watching as long as I can remember.
Every time I see her , I think something is off. Her clothes are a little tacky and ill fitting. Her accessories don’t compliment but are distracting. Shes never professional. She tries to be fashionable but looks uncomfortable. She needs advice from Robin.
Ginger, your outstanding and a class act to boot! People and their opinions!
God Bless!
What are they calling to much skin I’ve never seen anything that she wears that is unprofessional she always dresses very appropriately. What I find that is inappropriate is Robin Roberts marriage which was televised the problem is it is very inappropriate and very wrong according to the Bible. This group on Good Morning America is very above the law group. I see how they all handled Amy Robach they pretty much disowned her and turned their Bach’s on her.I think they need to look at this stuck above the law group and replace everyone of them.
Yes, Ginger you rule and as always very humble. Keep it up!
Ginger Zee is one of my favorite meteorologists on ABC and I’ve never felt that she dressed inappropriately! Leave her alone with the pettiness and let her do her job! Ginger, don’t dwell on anything these trolls have to say… they are a total waste of your time! You are doing a great job!
People need to just shut up! You don’t like it? Don’t look! I guess some people are so perfect that they think it’s their job to let others know how imperfect they are. Please!!?? Move on and keep scrolling #HateTrolls. I love Gingers outfits. It’s a heck of a lot better than watching a thirty year old in a granny dress.
I was a little taken back with some of the outfits G wears on GMA that are too revealing for daytime TV. You can be discreet and stylish without revealing too much!
Totally supportive of Ginger’s wardrobe choices! She’s got the style to pull off everything and looks great in anything! Wish I could do the same! People need to get a life out of the gutter!
I’ve watched Ginger since she started with GMA and found her delightful. I am 76 years old and very old fashion. However, Ginger presents herself as a professional with a vast knowledge of the weather. What I appreciate the most is a meteorologist with a sense of humor. It’s refreshing to see Ginger captivate GMA’s audience with her wit and charm. You go girl!!
I remember when she did the weather in Chicago. Always thought she did a great job and was a babe in addition. She can wear whatever she wants to wear.