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Fans Panic Amid General Hospital Cancellation Rumors!

Fans Panic Amid General Hospital Cancellation Rumors!General Hospital spoilers tease that back in January, the future seemed bright for fans of General Hospital. After all, the show is celebrating its 60th Anniversary this year and to celebrate that, a primetime special aired in January.

The special celebrated the grand history of the soap but as it ended, an announcement was made that seemingly made the shows future even brighter. After two year, Steve Burton would be returning to the show in the iconic role of Jason Morgan.

General Hospital Spoilers – General Hospital Made A Major Change Behind The Scenes

Mere days after Burton’s return was announced, the show announced that head writers Chris Van Etten and Dan O’Connor would be replaced by Patrick Mulvaney and Elizabeth Korte.

Burton also announced that Jason’s return story was being re-tooled by the new writers, whose episodes began airing in early May. At first, things seemed to be going well, but fans were more annoyed with the changes made than anything.

GH Spoilers – Ratings For General Hospital Continued To Shrink!

Despite Burton’s returns and the writing changes, ratings continued to decline. Jason’s return wasn’t bringing viewers back like the powers that be had hoped.

By the end of May, yet another change was announced. Mulvaney was let go, with Korte remaining as the sole writer.

It will be well into summer before Mulvaney last episodes air. But a second change to writing staff leaves fans worried for the future of the soap.

General Hospital Spoilers – Is General Hospital Ending?

It’s obvious that ABC is will to make changes to help improve the ratings, but are they making the right changes? If ratings don’t go start to improve there is every possibility that the show could be taken of ABC’s schedule after 60 years.

Fans are desperately hoping that the show can be saved, but hope seems to be falling as fast as the ratings?

GH Spoilers – What Do You Think?

Were you happy with Jason’s return? Do you agree with the writing changes? What would you do to improve the show in your opinion? Anything can happen in Port Charles so stay tuned to General Hospital airing weekdays on ABC.

And don’t forget to check back right here regularly for all your General Hospital news, information and spoilers!

  1. Alexia says

    Jason’s return is moving way too slow
    3 day wedding… bored
    Way too much violet. She’s cute but this is more an adult show
    Spencer not coming back is an issue
    Rumors and misleads about Nina leaving show
    Sonny’s story line is very upsetting as mental health is big issue and Messing with meds story booo and plus it’s been done before with Sasha
    The blaze story bored now and her mom needs to go
    Tracy is awesome
    Everything is so cluttered as the stories are not flowing well. And all the characters have done a 180. It’s whip lash
    And Gregory’s sudden death felt rushed and was just a plot twist for Finn to completely fall off the wagon. Alexis dang girl get on the horse and become a lawyer again And Kristina reallly you don’t know your dad was a thug. Come on….

    1. Sandra says

      I’m in agreement

    2. Silvana De Nardis says

      Well said, couldn’t agree more

    3. Susan says

      Sonny’s med story is too much. How long can this go on? Everyone is against him. Gregory is gone. (bad mistake)
      This Pikeman thing is boring me to death. Who cares at this point?
      MICHAEL EASTON IS TOO VALUABLE TO LOSE. Stop with the mistakes and give us good storylines.

    4. Gammalinda48 says

      I 100% agree with you!! Now the writer’s have to get Sonny back on his Correct dosage of his meds!! I don’t care if they arrest Mickey Mouse for tampering with his drugs, this has been going on way to long!! Hey maybe this will be Alexis’s first case being Sonny’s lawyer, and she’ll go against her daughter whose the DA !! Let’s pay attention to GREGORY’S PASSING which I’m so ANGRY with the writers for letting Gregory pass away!! This Actor made GH Storylines no matter which one it He was the Best Actor out of all GH Actors!! I ( we ) were So SAD to see him leave, many different storylines could have been made if they kept Gregory alive!! I wanted so much to see Tracy & Gregory to really hit it off!!! This was the Biggest Mistake GH Writers did which could lose FANS ( ME )…..

    5. Linda Laird says

      Well said. Everything is drawing out way too long. No conclusions, just waiting in the wind. Some don’t make sense. Sasha not at the wedding??? Sonny, way too long. Come on Ava, be the hero, don’t play along with the messed up meds. Jason, needed more of a “come back”. He’s too much in the background. I loved the wedding. Love Gregory Harrison (loved his character) Will miss him. But I love GH. Don’t leave. Just get the stories better.

  2. […] Laura has been mostly well received even though there was a time when her service was called into question. Laura weathered that storm however, and hasn’t had any problems since. But times might be changing. […]

  3. We don’t need anymore talk shows, YUCK, keep GH on

  4. Laura says

    Stop with the Heather poisoning and Laura wanting her to released with all the killings Heather did. This is so way out there and boring to watch Laura who is so righteous that she always has to do the right thing. She killed alot of people

  5. Deb says

    If the ptb would just listen to the fans we wouldn’t have low ratings. We have been complaining about Nina ever since Nixon falls. They leave to many open ended plots and who purchased Wyndemere or who killed Austin. One day Dex is enamored with Sonny as is Anna,Laura and now everyone hates him and wants to help Heather. Come on get real.!!!! Bring back mobstercwith heart of gold. Maybe get rid of Korte and Valenti.

  6. Stan says

    Here’s a new storyline… Carly & Jason convince Kristina to trick Don’t into getting a blood test to make sure he’s on his meds by saying she forgives him if he takes the test… Forget about Finn off the wagon & create a storyline where Alexa continues to help him get back on track & hopefully create a stronger character… Jason & Sony need to be back together & with Sony back on the right meds he splits from Ava & apologized to Dex who definitely should be back with Jocelyn… Sony need to get back with Carly.. Spinelli & Maxie get married already..Lastly get rid of Drew or get better writing for his character!!

    1. Sue says

      What he said… yes!

      1. Cindi says

        What Stan says plus a couple other things. Cut the crap and get JaSam back together enough shit, they are the super couple. Get Sonny and Carly back together. And get lucky back from parts unknown to be back with Liz, he’s the only guy she should ever have been with. If you manage to do that, maybe will start watching again and your ratings will be where you want. Writers, listen to your viewership for chrissakes. Do you want to keep your jobs? That’s how you do it.

    2. Cindy says

      I 2nd and 3rd that!!!! Absolutely the stories have left the rails, Jason being gone for 2 years to be a informant to save Carly how Lame he would never give the police or Feds any leverage!!

  7. […] too easy? We did wait more than a year for Spinelli to declare his love for the Maxonista, but will her worst fears of breaking his heart again come true? Or will they ride off into the sunset — […]

  8. […] Sonny warned Dante not to trust Dex Heller (Evan Hofer), his former employee who recently joined the police academy. Sonny also insinuated he could count on Dante if he found himself in trouble with the cops. […]

  9. Lori Thompson says

    Please leave GH alone and make the writers do their jobs and write everyone in scenes and not just the regular everyday people. Lori

  10. Lori says

    The writers are the professionals. Maybe a look back to the writing of the more successful/higher ratings shows. All the actors need good story lines that aren’t left dangling or forgotten for many episodes.
    Do not stop watching or we’ll end up without a show!

  11. Because nnie says

    The writing is all over the place! I don’t understand why Sonny world has to be turned upside down? No one is being allowed to be happy! I understand Soaps are not happy ever after, but we need happiness in between your sadness! I still remember Luke and Laura’s wedding! There is no hype, no great love stories like that now!

  12. Laurel says

    I want the old Sonny back and soon. He is a great actor but enough is enough.

  13. Judy Escoto says

    I agree with what everyone else is saying. We need good writers. Now Sonny hates everyone!! What is up with that? Someone take him in for a blood check up and get his meds fixed. I’m surprised that his own kids have not recognized he is off his meds, Carly and Jason did; but he won’t go get them checked. Ava needs to get out and help Sonny get the real medication. Why did Gregory Chase have to die so fast? It seems disease just goes berserk on GH instead of lasting a while. He was a great actor in his story line. Why would you mess with that? Was hoping we would see a love interest with he & Tracy to bring love back into their lives. All these new writers want to do is cause chaos on the show.

  14. Maria says

    Please keep GH – do not cancel this show!!!! Have Jason and Carly work together and finally realize that Sonny is not getting the right dosage; Sonny should have Ava move out; Alexis should get her law license reinstated and come back and help Finn get over the loss of Gregory; Please end this Pikemen saga! I hope that they can bring back Britt Westbourne and have her reunite with Jason (they were great together (their time before was cut too short); continue to develop the relationship between Dex and Jocelyn; finally bring back Lulu; Sonny and Carly should finally get back together – they were great together (the chemistry was there) !!!!

  15. Nancy says

    I’m happy Jason Morgan is back
    so sorry to see Gregory go maybe bring him back as a twin.
    maybe put Sonny in witnesses protection
    due to his pills being tampered with.
    Jason should take over Sonny territory.
    Iwill always be a faithful fan

  16. Dianne Smith says

    I think the current writing and storyline is a travesty and is a big reason for the ratings deterioration! The current Sonny/Jason/Carly and others involved around Sonny is awful and killing the show!! I hope the new writers can drop the current direction and resurrect the show stat! I’ve watched GH for over 50 years and this is the worst…, way to kill a show!!!

  17. Megan says

    Cancel the Show. It sucks and its run its Course!

  18. Patti B. says

    I agree! Sonny needs to find out about his pills. Then he can tell Kristina & everyone. Hope they catch Valentin at his bad doings. I’m sorry they made him bad. We want to see Jason & Sonny together again as friends & colleagues. Would love to see Spinelli & Maxie marry. And stay happy!

  19. O…:) says

    Bring back the real Antonio Sabato jr. And Brenda!!

  20. Diane T Odom says

    I’m very happy Jason is back but enough about Pikeman. Send John on his way Let Sonny find out about his meds and that Eva knew. Laura needs to stop being so soft hearted when it comes to her brother and Heather. I don’t like the new Laura. Valentin needs to be caught and delt with. Bring some harmony back to the show. I don’t want to lose the last soap I watch

  21. Carlene says

    I don’t think it’s the actors and actresses who are the problem. They are performing only what the writers give them. The writers are the problem!!! They have changed everyone on the show in some way or another. Don’t recognize Anna, Laura and especially Sonny. Very tired of the same stories done over and over. We have seen Sonny off his meds and Sasha with her medication problems. They bring people back from the dead over and over. There are too many people on the show who are not relevant to the show. Hat Daddy Ashford and without Spencer Trina is not needed. She needs to go back to acting school and learn how to show emotions.
    They let Gregory die when fans were yelling NO. They could have rewritten the story and had him misdiagnosed. There was such great chemistry between him and Tracy that it could have been a beautiful love story ending with so much romance but no the writers only want violence.
    Valentine is not listening to the fans and letting the writers have too much lead way. It’s only a matter of time GH will be gone if TPTB don’t wake up and smell the coffee (Corinthos) Love having Jason back but need him and Sonny back together and Sonny married to Carly. Nina was never close to being capably of being a mob wife.

  22. G says

    The writers changed to much

  23. Mamalind says

    I’ve been watching GH since it started I’m 75years old please don’t cancel my favorite show it’s what I look forward to every day I am truly a fan that loves everyone on the show please keep it going

  24. Kathy says

    GH stories and acting have been incredible well done! The wise and intelligent conversations and story lines are inspiring and educational! It really should be a nighttime drama. Kudos to many healthy loving helpful examples of how to live a life that cares about healthy relationships and growing into our full humanness! I look forward to continued great writing and storytelling as it brightens my day!

  25. Nancy says

    I like Burton, I did not like that he refused to follow ABC’s medical guidelines. He left and everything blew up!!!
    Sonny is being sadly manipulated by someone reducing his Rx meds!!
    Drew is wound up, messing in everyone’s life’s, he needs to go!!!
    Finn’s character is all over the place. Not sure what can be done for him!!
    Laura wanting to release Webber, is ridiculous!!!
    Makes the writing of the writing ridiculous!! That boat has sailed!!

    Writers get it together!!! Too many good actors , following the writers simplistic story lines!!
    Put your heads into it!!!!
    Shame to lose GH because of poor writers!

  26. Cindi says

    One other thing. This messing with Sonny’s meds story really pisses me off. Ava didn’t learn from the last time when she messed with Morgan’s meds and he died because of it? This whole storyline makes no sense and it’s really an insult to viewership. Ava’s not that stupid, and the writers really need to figure out what to write because they don’t have one original bone in their bodies.

  27. M. Spellen says

    First, Jason’s return should have just been about saving Sonny from the Pikeman fiasco, not about Carly facing RICO charges. Second, anyone in Sonny’s inner circle should be able to see that his manic behavior is due to low-dose meds. Third, Gregory should have been misdiagnosed and lived to see a second grandchild. What happened to this year’s Nurses Ball? Lastly, Spencer needs to return. Even though the actor who played Spencer has moved on, the part should have been recast, and we would have a summer wedding to look forward to (Trina and Spencer).

  28. Willcook says

    We understand the bipolar spiral bring back the old Sonny who was likable, good looking and powerful. He has taken enough hits from other mob leaders and he needs a win with his reenforcer back. Sonny needs his family back.

    Brennon and Pikeman need to be exposed by his double agent friend Valentin then he and Anna can get back together.

    Nina and Drew can be a couple just clean them up and spice up Drew’s business.

    Just a few thoughts. Writers get your act together.

  29. Theresa Mitchell says

    This story line is way out , Jason working for the feds should not have been in the story line at all he hate cops , I’m over Nina & Drew I’m pissed with Sam’s character she is a hypocrite and Carl you are smarter than that character why is it taking this long to solve the med crisis, and where is Mack Scorpio The storyline is taking a bad turn

  30. Valerie says

    The temporary writers during the strike did a great job. Bring them back please!

  31. FrankisaGH"Lifer"50Plus says

    When I saw the headlines in my feed today about the rumors surrounding GH’s potential cancellation, my mind immediately flashed back to the 1978 when Gloria Monty joined the show as EP and had the mandate by ABC-TV to turn the show around in a matter of weeks or it was going off the air. Times were different then, obviously, but the headlines are sounding hauntingly the same. There is a huge difference between then and now: 46 years of GH storylines, characters, actors, good and bad ratings, tons of awards and accolades, and great writers, directors, producers, and crew members have come and gone through the show in front of and behind the camera. I can’t imagine that the problem with this latest loom of cancellation rumors lies with any one person or team of folks affiliated with the show. And after watching the episodes airing this week (May 20) following Brook Lynn and Chase’s wedding where Gregory dies and the fantastic acting performances by Gregory Harrison, Michael Easton, Jophielle Love and the rest of the “Chase” family featured in Gregory’s death scenes, I certainly do not believe the cast of actors of GH have anything to do with the apparent rating slip. On the contrary, these folks are the backbone of the show and deliver every day they appear on our TV screens. I have a full, busy, professional life with a family, mortgage, bills, and everyday problems just like everyone else in the world. I worry about my loved ones, deal with chronic illness, have sick and infirmed elders in my family to care for, and worry about the future of our country and even the next national election. And because I’m of a certain age, issues like healthcare and matters facing older adults like long term care are starting to become a real concern for me, even though I was born on the tail end of the baby boom generation.

    However, GH and the actors on the show have created a world of characters for me who are a microcosm of real people. I am a master’s degree level educated, career professional, and the show has been my personal refuge from the stressors of life for fifty years. Like golf and a nightcap is to some people, GH and the residents of Port Charles is to me, and I absolutely admire the actors and everyone associated with the production of the show for putting it on the air and letting folks like me continue to “make believe” as a grown up. The showrunners for the most part over the years have delivered a quality, realistic depiction of current social issues and a glimpse into the real life daily things some of us are facing: Sonny’s ongoing struggle with mental illness, Robin and Stone’s groundbreaking HIV and AIDS storyline, Monica’s breast cancer and the subsequent impact her mastectomy had on her marriage to Alan, Alexis’s alcoholism, Mike’s Alzheimer’s disease, Anna’s polycythemia, Gregory’s ALS, Britt’s Huntington disease, and even the many amnesia storylines, while most have been used as vehicles by the writers as subplots or to explain away long-lost characters who “return from the dead” or something along that nature, there have been instances where more realistic portrayals of amnesia have persisted. Such is the case with the character of Jason, who had been on a completely different career trajectory before the car accident he was involved in with his brother AJ. Today GH might look very different had the powers that be had chosen to give Jason back his memory – we may be looking at Dr. Jason Quartermaine instead of mob enforcer Jason Morgan. And the whole show may look completely different. Perhaps it may not even be on the air? Who knows. What I’m’ saying is that Steve Burton would have shown us a completely different side of his acting, and one that may have missed the side that showed us his interpretation of mob enforcer Jason Morgan, who has obviously resonated with fans all these years. Back to my point about the actors on the show. They are the draw who keep me coming back to Port Charles everyday. They breathe life into the characters who make me laugh, cry, feel anger, elation, thrilled, and put me on the edge of my seat. But mostly they put a lump in my throat when they show their humanity and reach down into themselves to reveal a piece of their soul to bring a true authenticity and realness to the characters they each portray.

    I hope GH is not cancelled. At the very most, the show should be moved to a streaming format like NBC did by moving Days of our Lives to Peacock. Perhaps GH can move to HULU permanently? The show deserves at least that much. The fans deserve that much. I’m sure there is a segment of audience that would be willing to pay whatever subscription fee necessary if it meant the show could remain in production. Sixty years is a long time to suddenly drop a quality drama like GH. Another consideration is perhaps Frank Valentini needs to pull a Gloria Monty and take a look at what she did all those years ago when the show was on the brink of cancellation and examine her strategy. I’m not suggesting do the same thing because that wouldn’t make sense – it was decades ago and a different era, but it might stir some new thinking and imagination.
    Good luck to everyone. Godspeed. Please SOS – Save Our Show! GH Forever!

    1. Jane says

      I agree with you. I’ve been watching since the beginning as well, the early black and white TV days. The show was and still is my relaxing escape from the day’s stresses.

    2. Judy In South Carolina says

      I have been watching since 1978-1979 and all of these fans sound like they are actually HOPING for a cancellation. Yours was the first post I read that made any positive sense. As far as moving permanently to streaming (on Hulu or another service) many GH fans are older and not yet “comfortable” with the whole new tech formats. And we already pay WAY too much, collectively, for cable/satellite/other to subscribe to another method of watching. Not the case with me – I’m just sayin’.

      Everyone needs do less complaining and just continue to watch or one day we’ll see GH join the cemetery of All My Children and One Live To Live. ABC/Disney has long wanted to get out of the “soap business” and these disgruntled fans are opening the door.

      Finally, ALL soaps go through lulls and if you love your show you stick with it.

      1. Sue says

        Yes we are. ABC only is interested in pleasing plots meet woke needs.

  32. CE-CE says


  33. Salky says

    Gh is so bad . I watch on fast forward maybe 5 minutes. The show is so bad. 50 year watcher done.

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