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General Hospital Rumor: Was Ryan A Guinea Pig For Helena’s Experiments?

General Hospital Spoilers: Ryan Chamberlain (Jon Lindstrom) General Hospital spoilers tease that during Ryan Chamberlain’s (Jon Lindstrom) time working on “projects” for the DVX, Ryan himself could have been a “project”. This may have caused his total break with reality, as described by his twin Kevin Chamberlain (Jon Lindstrom) to Laura Collins (Genie Francis) on the Wednesday, March 13th episode of General Hospital.

Kevin had known Ryan was alive since May, 2018, about a month before Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) entered Ferncliff and started becoming concerned about the person in the next cell. The person had been tapping SOS on their mutual wall and was howling and screaming at times.

This was consistent with what Kevin told Laura what Ryan was like, until he found some meds that worked on him. But what could have caused Ryan to deteriorate so much, and display such bizarre behavior?

General Hospital Spoilers – Could Ryan Have Been Tortured?

If he was howling and screaming, that seems to indicate evidence of having been tortured. Could it be that Ryan, like Drew Cain (Billy Miller) may have been a guinea pig for some of Helena Cassadine’s (Constance Towers) mind control experiments, which ultimately went disastrously wrong?

General Hospital viewers know that Andre Maddox (Anthony Montgomery) perfected the memory transfer techniques. He was building on Dr. Arthur Cabot’s (Time Winters) early works, which he spoke about to Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) and Dr. Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton) during the March 14th episode.

General Hospital viewers should also recall a few years ago, when Robin Scorpio (Kimberly McCullough) thought she found Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) in a laboratory where she was held captive by Jerry Jacks (Sebastian Roche) and was tasked with developing a protocol to bring Stavros Cassadine (Robert Kelly Kelker) back to life, who was in stasis.

General Hospital Spoilers – Could Helena Have Tried To Control Ryan?

Drew Cain, (Billy Miller) who still looked identical to Jason at that time, was also in stasis, which is a state of suspended animation. Robin wanted to bring him back to life, and ultimately did. Later it was found that Drew had a chip implanted in his brain to control him.

Could Helena have tried to control Ryan as well, but instead of controlling his mind, caused him to lose it? After all, something had to go wrong for Drew to be in stasis from this process, so something could have gone horribly wrong with Ryan as well.

Of course, Ryan may be dead now and out of his misery and everyone else’s misery as well. But until his body is found, he could be out there somewhere and perhaps General Hospital writers want to keep the possibility of his survival open. Then further questions can be answered about Patients Two and Three, which would be Kevin and Ryan. Either that, or so Ava Jerome (Maura West) can finish him off! Stay tuned to GH and keep checking General Hospital spoilers frequently to see what happens.

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  1. Guest says

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    1. Guest says

      We need more Mob Squad??? Bahahaha! Watch night time TV and leave the soapy daytime stuff alone! I want the Cassadine stories back! GH back to being a hospital. Stories involving the hospital and the nurses lives. Mob Squad belongs on night time TV.

    2. Guest says

      I agree with the part about making more stories about patients and their diseases and lives. Short and sweet. Let love last and be joyful for a while. I also wish they would send some of the characters off on adventures like they did with Luke and Laura, Anna and Robert, etc. I like Sonny going off with Robert to find Dante, good to see him back even for a short while. I hate them killing kids especially in the same way they have done it before (Stone and Robin). I don’t want Oscar to die. I want Drew and Kim to have their son. I know by today’s show that they want to break our hearts again. Didn’t we just lose Nathan. Give us a moments peace from death. Have a guest writer for an episode. Maybe someone from a nighttime show or even from the movies to break up sameness. I even miss the crazy stuff like miracle santas at christmas or fortune tellers who see the future or a mystery object that affects everyone’s life. Do something the same that we enjoyed and different to surprise us. I think that maybe about to happen. Any way let Cassadine medicine or Finn or Robin
      save Oscar.

    3. Guest says

      Please….! There is nothing any more boring than watching an hour of nurses and doctors wandering around, playing with non-existent patient records, fiddling with their stethoscope, standing over a comatose patient, ordering yet another round of tests, and deciding which storage room or closet to meet their current affair for a quick screw . ….

    4. Guest says

      So you were never a fan of Chicago Hope? St. Elsewhere? Doogie Howser? M*A*S*H? Hospital dramas have had success for years and GH is no different, successful for 50 yrs. I’ll assume you like the Mob Squad shoot em up kill em kind of show.

  2. Guest says


  3. Guest says


  4. Guest says

    I always loved Helena Cassadine’s character

    1. lbc says

      Helena just like Leisel, does stir things up in a love to hate fashion.

  5. Guest says

    Yes! Drew was her ‘experiment’, why not Ryan? Faison and Dr. O were in cahoots so sure, Ryan has lost his mind because of Helena. But Helena is nothing without Luke!

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