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General Hospital Spoilers: Should Peter Be Redeemed & Live Happily-Ever-After With Maxie, Or? Vote Now!

General Hospital Spoilers: Should Peter Be Redeemed & Live Happily-Ever-After With Maxie, Or? Vote Now!ABC General Hospital spoilers and updates reveal Peter August (Wes Ramsey) has made several enemies since he arrived in Port Charles. Peter or Heinrick Faison came to work as CEO of Aurora media knowing full well that he helped kidnap Drew Cain (Billy Miller) and turned him into a fake version of Jason Morgan (Steve Burton).

Peter has since made Drew disappear as well as Holly Scorpio (Emma Samms) and got Sam McCall (Kelly Monaco) sent to prison. So what do fans want to see happen to Peter August? Vote for the outcome of your choice.

General Hospital Spoilers – Should Peter August Be Redeemed?

General Hospital’s Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) seems to have every sign of being pregnant with Peter’s baby. Maxie supports Peter and believes he has changed. However, Maxie has no idea that Peter is behind Drew’s disappearance, the attempt on Andre Maddox’s (Anthony Montgomery) life, or the disappearance of Holly.

Maxie truly believes that Peter has been redeemed. Should Peter be allowed to have a family with Maxie and their child? Does Peter deserve happiness when he has ruined the lives of so many others?

GH Spoilers – Perhaps Prison Is The Deserved Fate

General Hospital’s Peter is just as bad as his father Caesar Faison (Anders Hove). Peter worked with him side by side. Peter knew about the plan to steal Drew and to kill Jason. Peter had Jason held hostage for five years. However, when Peter wanted rid of his father, he didn’t have the guts to do it himself.

Instead, Peter lured his father to Port Charles and got his half brother killed. Peter was also the last person with Faison before he died leading one to believe that he did something to him after Jason shot him. Peter deserves to be punished for his crimes and prison just might be the right punishment.

General Hospital Spoilers – Should Cesar Faison Resurface To Get Revenge?

Perhaps General Hospital’s Faison should be resurrected and allowed to punish Peter himself. After all, Peter set up Faison to be killed by Jason. Peter also set it up where his brother was put in harm’s way. Faison would want to come after Peter and make his pay for Nathan West’s (Ryan Paevey) dead. Peter is the reason Faison returned to Port Charles. Peter published the article about Faison’s son knowing that he was putting his brother in danger. Should Faison be the one who brings his son to justice? Will Faison return from the dead to make Peter pay.

Peter needs to pay for his crimes and Jason hasn’t been allowed to take him out. Peter is not the man that Maxie has been lead to believe. Once Maxie learns the truth she is not likely to want anything to do with Peter at all. What will happen to Peter? Cast your vote on what Peter’s fate should be.

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  1. Guest says

    It shouldn’t have been written like that in the first place. Peter made his mistakes and he admitted it. This other stuff he did should be a dream and everything should go back before this all started. He’s a good guy. I say leave him alone. Bring back Billy Miller while you’re at it. Billy should have been left alone and stayed as Jason and Steve Burton should have been Drew. That’s my honest opinion!!

  2. RavenJackal says

    I believe that Peter can be redeemed because it has not been clear as to why he has been doing the things that he has been doing from the beginning. I believe that in the end Peter will come through for Anna, Maxie, his child and everyone else that he loves. I believe that there is more to this situation with Peter which will come to light down the road.

  3. lbc says

    Due to the way the Peter character has been written, I don’t think viewers will ever know what he has actually been doing with the various misdeeds he has done. Viewers are not sure if Maxie is even pregnant and I hope that if she is that Peter whether redeemed or not will at least be exposed for his misdeeds. At one time I felt there was more to Peter that had been revealed, but when he continued to do bad things, gave me reason to consider that he just may be a little better bad person than his dad. Never gave in to the the story that he was Anna’s child as I believe he is Alex’s child and also the possibility that Alex has replaced Anna. It is sort of questionable to me that Anna/Finn would not have married by now as something always comes up to take Anna away and then return over and over again. Now it is time for Anna’s vacation again and she will be missing for another three months. For some reason I never cared for the Peter character from the day he met Drew for an interview – someting about him just did not sit well with me. In my opinion, both Peter/Nelle would be characters that would be very hard to put on a redemption road and they follow the road to redemption.

  4. RavenJackal says

    I believe that there has been more everything that Peter has been doing. I believe that the reason why he has been doing what he has been doing will come into play at some point. I believe that Maxie is pregnant and may find out what has been going on with Peter. Maxie told Anna that she intends on making sure to protect Peter’s happiness. Anna is Anna. Anna has been trying to protect and find Peter all this time. When Anna and Peter met the night of the Nurses Ball she went to meet Peter without telling Jason and the broke her promise to Robert when she told Peter that she was his mother to save him from Jason. I believe that it is completely possible that Anna and Robert are really Peter’s parents and Robin’s twin brother. It was an interesting first meeting between Drew and Peter. I believe that Drew is alright somewhere. Peter does not work as a bad guy. He works best as a complex person who is overcoming all the darkness he has lived through. I think that it would not take much to get the situation with Peter fixed and made right. I mean I think that Nelle is on the road to redemption as well.

  5. Guest says

    No way!

  6. Guest says

    I believe Maxie and Peter belong together and they will be okay Maxie will be pregnant and her and Peter will work together to fix this mess the are so perfect for each other and more to the story ❤️

  7. Guest says

    I think Robert should fid out hes his son & he helps him go straight.

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