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General Hospital Spoilers: Trina Is Not Buying Anyone’s Lies – Knows The Truth About Taggert

General Hospital; Trina Robinson (Sydney Mikayla)General Hospital (GH) spoilers suggest Trina Robinson (Sydney Mikayla) knows that everyone is lying about her father, Marcus Taggert (Réal Andrews). GH fans know that right now, there is a concerted effort by Jordan Ashford (Briana Nicole Henry) and her husband, Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) to cast blame for the framing of Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober) onto Trina’s dad.

General Hospital Spoilers – Trina Robinson’s Angry, Rightly So

As GH viewers know, in recent episodes Jordan began to carry out Sonny Corinthos’s (Maurice Benard) master plan. Sonny’s strategy to save Jordan’s son, TJ (Tajh Bellows), to get rid of Cyrus forever, and for Jordan herself to remain unscathed by her involvement in illegal activities, requires a single lie to be told … over and over. That lie, of course, is that it wasn’t Jordan who tampered with evidence in order to put Cyrus behind bars. Instead, it was Taggert and the rest of Jordan’s dead teammates. And, of course, Jordan knew nothing about her partner’s actions at the time.

Now, GH fans may find themselves thinking that Trina is completely right to be angry. Trina knew her father. Trina knew that Taggert was an honorable man who would never break the law “in order to ultimately preserve it.” The fact that so many people are pushing a story that Trina knows in her heart simply cannot be true is infuriating to her! Indeed, after more than a month of watching Jordan bumble around, allowing herself to be blackmailed, and now defaming the name of one CPCD’s best cops, GH fans might see themselves furious with Jordan as well.

GH Spoilers – Who Can Trina Robinson Trust?

Something many people never seem to consider is the consequences of constant lying. GH viewers ought to think about the fact that teens like Trina need adult figures in their lives whom they can trust. If GH viewers can, they should imagine how they might have felt if every adult in their lives had lied to them about something, they knew to be true. That would be terrible right?

Right now, every authority figure in Trina’s life is a liar, except for perhaps, Ava Jerome (Maura West). Have none of these adults considered the consequences to Trina? (No. They obviously haven’t. In all honesty, Jordan seems to be one of the most selfish people in all of Port Charles.)

All of these lies, especially right after all of the horrible, traumatic events Trina has recently experienced, could lead to severe trust issues in the future. GH viewers might see Trina withdraw emotionally. They may see Trina begin to express negative, limiting beliefs. Trina might begin to feel that she can never let her guard down.

She might begin to feel that if she opens up to anyone, they’ll only smash her treasured beliefs. GH fans may also see Trina become difficult to be around as a friend. Cameron Webber (William Lipton) and Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy) may not enjoy Trina’s company so much moving forward.

General Hospital Spoilers – Trina’ Robinson’s Hurt And It’s Everyone’s Fault

The truly horrible thing here is that there are a lot of GH characters who are supposed to be “good guys” who are deliberately, and intentionally, harming Trina. She is an emotionally vulnerable young woman at this point, and it’s really not cool to see Trina experiencing this kind of abuse from people who are supposed to be role models.

GH viewers may agree that Jordan, Curtis, maybe Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr), all of them … they ought to be ashamed. The sad part is that unless the truth comes out, shame won’t stop them from continuing on in their lies.

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