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General Hospital spoilers tease that Tristan Rogers, GH’s Robert Scorpio, wants fans to rally round and fight for General Hospital!
Tristan Rogers Says The Show Needs Support To Stay On The Air
Tristan tweeted: “@tristanrogers Hey, I love the response to what we did back then. But like it or love it this is what GH is. The show wants/needs your support. You may not like it but this is what you have. So let’s criticize and bitch but support is important. I respect all the comments . But MAKE THEM.”
If you’re on Twitter you can tweet @nathanvarni – he is the ABC current series exec and he will pass it on to his own higher-ups. You can also write snail mail to ABC Entertainment C/O General Hospital 500 S. Buena Vista St Burbank, CA 91521-4551 or go to the ABC website at and select “Programming Feedback” from the drop-down list. Tristan is saying that support is essential for the show. He says whether they like what they have or not — General Hospital is what it is. Without support and commentary (both good and bad), the last remaining ABC soap could go under.
There Has Been A Lot Of Negativity Among GH Fans Who Post Comments On Official GH Social Media Accounts
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Twitter has been a hotbed for plenty of negative comments about General Hospital. These comments include those fans who miss the older days of the show where Robert, Anna (Finola Hughes), Frisco (Jack Wagner), and Felicia (Kristina Wagner) ran things. There are also those who post about they are not watching anymore because their particular favorites have bad storylines, i.e., Drew Cain’s (Billy Miller) exit, Jasam being broken up, etc. In addition to SUPPORTING the show, instead of CONSTANT COMPLAINTS, fans need to be tuning in to the show for ratings as well.
Contact ABC if you record the show on your DVR to watch later, or watch it on Hulu or Daily Motion or other sites they cannot monitor for ratings, because the plain and simple truth is, if the viewership drops, General Hospital will be in danger of cancellation. Tristan Rogers wants fans to understand clearly that while they may miss what the show once was, it is what it is now, and that is all viewers have. In addition, speaking out on social media, on the official GH pages for Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, sharing and commenting on the show’s posts, and tuning in are all ways viewers can help to make sure General Hospital remains alive and well. Tristan Rogers revealed that he personally enjoys the comments he receives and to keep them coming!
Stay tuned to GH and keep checking General Hospital spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!
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Love GH . Been a fan from the beginning .
I have been a fan since 1968. Love it. It gets frustrating sometimes but so does real life. I need the escape of watching other people deal with problems. Hope the show stays for many years to come.
I’m still a believer!!!!
I been big fan of the show i will never leave the show love all the fans so please keep it going they took off AMC and OLTL I will keep watching
I have watched GH from the beginning, when I would come home from school and my mom would be watching, so would I. And I will continue to do so, but let’s admit some of the story lines have been sort of boring, drawn out and way too long, so how about picking up the pace a little?
Please keep GH on the air. Don’t cancel it. Save GH! Plus, it would make it better if they had more exciting stories and that they don’t drag them out for so long. A properly told story should be about three or four months long maybe. Maybe five. They shouldn’t take over a year. The baby swap has gone on too long. But I will still watch regardless
I love GH I would be so upset if it was canceled, please stay on
I have watched General Hospital since the age of 5. I am now 53 and STILL love it! Would be VERY upset if cancelled!
Please don’t take our last soap away from us. I may not like the way a story is going but I won’t stop watching it. And yes I do record it and watch it later.
I have been watching for 42 years. True fans love the show. Sometimes I think when people complain about something thats not a bad thing. That means they are into the person. I wish people wouldn’t say they are not watching anymore you know they are lying. Stop saying things like that or we will loose our soap. It’s the only one left. It is nice now you don’t have to worry about sitting in front of the TV when it comes on. We can watch it we don’t have to miss a word or story. I am glad they have improved the Friday cliff hangers so you can’t wait to watch it again on Monday. ABC, you have cheapened so many shows with reality and cheap game shows you are making a mint. Leave our story alone. It will always have ups and downs, Thats why we are all still watching. Don’t give up in it..
This is why the powers maybe need fans input. We fall for the character on he show then when they have no stories for them they take them off contract until they need them. Money is another problem with GH. They need to keep the big names on everyday. The stories drag on and on . fans starts to get bored and what the story to end so new stories can begin. These writers are using old stories and re-writing them.
I started watching the show 6 years ago and I love it. I find it has lots of action and I love all the story lines…….I’m a true fan. Please please don’t get rid of it.
I have watch this show since I was in High School, and I am now 61. Sometimes I don’t like the story line but then it is a soap Opera. Alot of the show on the other channels I don’t watch at all. This is the story that I will never miss. I don’t understand why you would want to remove this show. What to put on a game show or something else just leave things alone. I will complain everyday and I will never watch this station again.
Been watching 50 plus years, Please dont take my soap away!!
Been watching 50 years, also DVR the show everyday to watch later
I started watching General Hospital with my Grandmother and Mother. I am 80 years old and never miss it. I have gone to two Meet and Greet in Indianapolis and Chicago. Please Dont ever take away our show. I feel these wonderful people are my family. yes some of the storylines are silly but life is silly sometimes. Then other times they are wonderful I love the way they have a story on real life problems like Sonny and Lauras baby and Mikes alsheimers. It helps people who have these family problems, especially when they turn out good. I do watch on Hulu sometimes.
I been look at general hospitals since it first came on PLEASE keep it on it truly becoming like the ol days i enjoy it don’t take the last story away
I always watch GH or tape it. Would be disappointed if it gets cancelled!
I don’t post negative stuff about GH. Occasionally, there are characters I really don’t care for but these are just people doing their job to the best of their ability. Kathleen Gati is truly a gem. Genie Francis has shown time & again why she’s one of the best. But, I also think GH has struck gold with youngster William Lipton. It’s a great show!
I totally agree with what Tristan Rogers has said about showing support for General Hospital. I have watched GH for many years. I enjoy the different storylines. However, there are some story lines that take too long to finish (i.e. Michael’s son, the DOD story line, ) I also don’t like the fact that Shiloh is being brought back after so many fans wanted the story line over for good. Personally I do not want it to have more mobster story lines. Those days are over and we have to move on.
I love the show, and although I may get frustrated with some storylines, I have watched it since 1979 and I don’t miss an episode
Been watching for 40 years! Please dont cancel
I love GH, would be so disappointed if it went off the air 🙁
I love general hospital I have watched it since I was little with my mom and I still watch I’m 60yrs old and I look forward to watching for the rest of my life
Please don’t take my GH away. I moved to a different town a few years ago, and was so alone, I turned on GH and felt like I found my best friend, something that I have known as long as I can remember. I needed that, and I need to keep tract of all my friends on the show, it helps detract from all that is going on right now.
Gud I hope gh do get cancelled because lack support they did show thier fans especial when they broke up drew and Sam brought back Steve buron they wonder boy s so bid I not support gh
I would love watching general hospital I watch it every day I don’t agree with it some of the turnouts on some of the situations but that’s what it’s so popper is but I do love the show I’ve watched it for over 30 years
I think the writers should listen to the fans and give us better writing. Fans are turning off GH because of the bad stories. Give the fans what they want: Jason and Sam, Julian and Alexis, Franco and Liz, more romance and for goodness sakes GIVE MICHAEL HIS SON BACK!!!!
I record it every day and watch later. I would miss it so much if it was not on!!!
i thought we were number 1 here… surprised at this request but of course I love this show and have been watching since i was a teenager… keep it going ok.. thanks to all
I can’t wait to see GH every day! It would suck if it was taken off, I’ve been watching since 78, and even when my TV had no picture but did still have sound I would listen to it thats how much I love the show.
I LOVE MY GH i record it and i also catch it on hulu,and when they preimpt it i get so mad so please dont bother my GH
i have been watching GH for a lot of years i went through the Luke and Laura era and alot of story lines i didn’t like but i have never given up on GH i love Sonny ,Jason, Sam and all the other characters please don’t take GH off those people that are not happy with the story lines they still watch they just have to complain
I’ve watch GH since it began. I complain on occassion but its an institution all by itself, not just an industry leader.
There are very few programs without base and very unhealthy direction in series. GH is an exception. It appeals to all ages, is an opportunity to broaden the fan base with solid storylines and offers more recognition to production, actors and value.
Stay the course!
GH is my favorite soap! I hope it continues on. I have watched since the 80’s. Luke and Laura days! Now I love Elizabeth and Jason!!!!! Even though they may only be friends from now on, I would still like to see more of them together!!!! I love Cam! I so hoped Tyler could come back as Nikolas, doesn’t seem like its really him. I hope he won’t be bad Nikolas!
I dvd tape it so if I’m not home I will be sure to have it available to watch. I also do the same for a couple hours early in the night in case it’s pre-empted just so I don’t miss a single episode. GH is the ONLY show I watch consistently. If it weren’t for GH, I wouldn’t have the TV on and wouldn’t watch any other ABC shows/news that happen to follow or are advertised. Plenty of us who don’t post negative comments who watch. Don’t take it off the air for a few loud mouth complainers.
I have been watching this soap opera for years and I would not like it all if it didn’t come on. Maybe don’t like all the the people that is on there but they make the show interesting. Please leave my General Hospital alone.
I’ve watched GH since the 1960’s. I’m now 69.
I DVR it every day, in case something comes up, but mostly watch it when it’s on.
We all should know that constant negative comments can be disastrous. We can’t always be happy with a storyline or a character, so please refrain from criticizing.
Please help keep GH on everyone!
GH is the only show I can’t miss. I am heartbroken if it doesn’t air. To avoid missing any of it I dvr it to watch ASAP. Please keep our only soap alive. Hearts will be broken if it’s cancelled, heaven forbid.
I have been watch General Hospital for over thirty years. I love the show , I hope it will stay on! There are so many people that love the show.
Love the show. Please keep it going.
I have been watching GH since Oct. 1963–I loved all the different story lines even though some have been very boring– the only thing that I really am getting tired of is that Michael still doesn’t have his son back—I even got my husband into watching it– he loves the roll of Sonny—please don’t get rid of this show–I am 74 and my husband is 77– we do record it every day so please keep it on–it relay makes me mad when they interrupt the show for stupid things–
I love the show. I try to watch it everyday when it is on, if not I watch it on my DVR. Sometimes I get home about 10 mins late. So I watch it on my DVR from the start because I don’t want to miss that 10 mins. Please don’t take it off. I don’t care for talk show. I want my soaps. I have been watching for 50+ yrs.
General Hospital is part of my life. I grew up with it, I married with it, I am retired with it. I record it every day in case I have something to do or get interrupted. These people are my friends. I know their history, Please do not take this away.
Please please do not take off are only ABC soap I love General Hospital I love all the characters the actors it would be devastating if we lost GH
I have been watching this show on an off since I was in Elementary school. Than from my late teenage years to now age 41 I have watched it,recorded it,seen it on YouTube and on Demand all the time. I love it and I always wanted to be in GH. I get upset when the President etc. Interrupt my soap operas on ABC and CBS. I follow GH and Y&R and sometimes the B&B. I used to watch Port Charles, The City,Loving,All my Children, One life to Live ,As the world Turns and Another World and Dallas. If GH goes off I will be heartbroken. If all the soap operas go off the air make them air them in reruns from the pilot episode please.
Please don’t get rid of GH I love watching I DVR it I would be totally devastated if you got rid of my favorites show
We have asked them several times to move the story lines faster. Michaels baby? That should have been revealed already. To drag a storyline out for 2 years is stupid. People get tired of it. No more twin stories. They just beat a dead horse.
oh, more stories means more writing. The writers can’t do it? Get someone else. They best shows on t.v move their storylines. Amen , Sorry Robert.
You can’t take my show away!! I would be lost without it at this point in my life. I’ve been watching GH since 1968. If not home, I record it. I seriously would be miserable without my General Hospital..
If you guys are going by the comments that you C Facebook or some of these other soap blagge’s I don’t blame you forward threatening to cancel the show I love it myself but these people do nothing but complain they complain every day out everything that you do so of course you think well you don’t just get rid of it I’ve heard himself never watch it again of this happens I’m not watching it anymore of Adnan watching it for how many years and I’m back and do it anymore because I’m mad or dish that well then you know what then they don’t need to complain now. I hope you don’t remove it I look forward to it every day but I don’t blame me if you go in by what people put on these blacks because they do nothing but complain about the writers and put use down and talk about everything and how they think it should go.
I record and watch later. Please donot cancel
us, we love the show. I record it just in case I can not watch it as it airs. Some of us may not like the story line but we still want it to air. Please don’t let it die……..
I love general hospital been watching for years love all the characters good guys and bad guys. I would be very upset if the show was cancelled
I always watch GH everyday I record just in case I’m not home and then I watch when I get home.I love GH and have watched it ever since it’s been on, I’m 72 years old now . Please don’t cancel it.
GH is the best part of my day. I have to dvr show to watch later. I have watched for many years and the characters, actors and story lines always are transitioned in nicely. I enjoy as well now as when Laura and Luke were marrying. Please do not ever take GH off air
Fran, when you post could you please use some punctuation…maybe a period, or a comma. Hard to tell if you said anything relevant because its to difficult to decode.
Please don’t cancel GH. GH will always be my favorite, love all the actors and most of all JaSam is my favorite couple always will be.
I love GH have been watching since Luke and Laura and would be very disappointed if it was cancelled. This show is one of my many ways of sitting down and watching and relaxing. Please do not I say not do not cancel. I do not know what I would do. In fact I also love CarSon and JaSam of course some of the storylines I am not happy with however I still watch or DVR, please do not take my GH away.
Unfortunately I cannot understand what you are writing however Just as Tristan Rogers mentioned sometimes we do not love the storylines but that should not stop us from watching. So it is unfortunate that you feel the way you do. So if you are smart do not give up continue to watch and maybe someday down the line you may like what you see.
Love GH however I do not love Jason with Liz during their time it was very disappointing because we knew he loved Sam so do not stop watching make the best of it.
I also watch on Hulu! Always!
I love General Hospital, and would be very upset if it were to get canceled. I started watching when I was a kid with my parents, back when there was one small nurse’s station with Audrey and Jesse (I’m 58 now). I love all the characters I grew up with and all the new ones, some stories aren’t as good as others but that’s just an opinion, everyone can’t like the same thing. Here’s to 58 more years of GH I watch on Hulu!
No,No,No, you can’t take General Hospital off. I have watched for 50 yrs. I love this soap, there are many who love it. You take it off, I will never watch your station again.
I watched for around 40 years and then I just couldn’t anymore and stopped watching several years ago. They destroyed all my favs and the writing was horrible. There isn’t one couple I like on the show now and I hate Franco and Sam, so it’s hard to watch and still have something to watch when you’re fast-forwarding through all the writer’s pets. They just make most characters so unlikable and it’s just drama for the sake of drama, no considering character history etc. It’s just angst and people being miserable day in and out. People get tired of that. I can’t watch something I hate. I still had it recording thinking that at least that was supporting it, but apparently it’s not which is stupid in this day and age because people are not home to watch it when it comes on. I don’t want it to disappear but I tried writing and writing and nothing has changed. They don’t listen or care. I remember when I was in college rushing from class to see GH. It was so awesome and now, bleh. It’s just rinse and repeat. If they fail, it’s the writing and leadership, not the viewers. I tried to hang in there but I can’t watch something I can’t stand.
You had me until Jasam and Sam and then Franco and Liz. They are two of the main reasons I don’t watch, but I agree about the writing and Michael’s son. Ridiculous.
lol he was with Elizabeth even before Sam and they have history. Jason has loved several people. When Jason was with Liz, he loved her and wasn’t thinking about Sam and vice versa. Why is that so hard to admit? hate Sam and just can’t watch her, especially after she hated his son. She was horrible. Anyway, it’s hard to watch when there isn’t 1 couple you like and they have destroyed all your favs. The writing is horrible.
So you expect people to watch something they don’t like just for the sake of it? Sorry, my time is pressure. They’ve destroyed all of my favorites and most characters are unlikable. I would never ask someone to watch something they get no enjoyment from. How about the writers stop the madness and be creative. If something happens later on, I can come back.
Been watching since Day One.
Please don’t take our GH off the air, ABC. You took AMC and OLTL away. I still miss them both. I am 66 and have watched this since it began. Love my GH!! Have it set to record always in case I can’t watch it when it’s on. Please keep it on.
I love GH. Been watching since about 1967 Or earlier when my grandma was watching. Genie Francis is amazing as well as Maura West, Roger Howarth, Maurice Bernard, Kin Shriner ,Laura Wright, William Dvry, Fiona Hughes. James Patrick Stuart, Kirsten Storms & all the rest of the cast. I use my DVR from DISH & record everyday. I watch on when the episodes are pre-empted. Please do not take my absolute favorite show off the air. I do have to admit that the Michael baby story I wish would end. I miss Rebecca Budig as Hayden & Vanessa Marcil as Brenda. I am glad Ingo Rademacher is back as JAX. I miss Ryan Paevy as Nathan. Glad Chloe Lanier is sometimes back as Nelle. It’s weird that the storyline with Christina co-insided with my life as my daughter met some scammers & she took off with them(cult). She’s back, but scarred. Also another storyline with Sonny’s dad Maxwell Gail having Alzheimer’s. My grandma had alzheimers pretty bad where she actually stopped eating & had a feeding tube until she died. My dad has dementia now & is living with me. He is not as bad as Mike now, but that storyline actually helped me in my life when Michael actual started agreeing with his grandpa & Sonny stopped arguing with him when he gave him good memories instead. I loved yesterday’s show when Nickolas showed up with a wet Ava & claimed his fortune. I was sad for Valentine & Nina. These characters are apart of my life everyday. I don’t want to see it change & not be able to see it.
do not take GH off I watch on Hulu everyday cuz I work till 5 do not take it off I’ve been watching since I was 10 years old
Love GH been watching since the 60’s. It is the best soap on tv. Always record it as it comes on at the time I am at work. I always look forward to coming home
from work to watch the show to relax. I even name my pets after the characters past and present. I’ve had Nicky, lulu, Casey, lady Jane,Chloe,Ellie,lucky,holly, Kate. Some are no longer but I love the show and name my pets for them. Please leave GH on. The actors are the best!!!!!!!!
Love GH and would be lost without it. How do we show our support online?
It is the only soap that I watch. I have been watching it for 50 years. I record it everyday so I can watch it at night because I work during the day. Please don’t take it off the air.
I agree. There is No chemistry between Jason and ‘mumbling’ Sam nor Franco and Elizabeth or Curtis and His wife. Why keep Tying to make them couples of the year….when the chemistry is Clearly Not there. ( M.S’s ) Nina and Valentin had Amazing Chemistry. So Does Julian and Alexis, Michael and Sasha, Chase and Willow.
And while Most of the Residents of P.C. have done some rather Unscrupulous things. Rapist Luke Spencer, Murderer Sonny Corinthos, Franco Baldwin, among the many Snakes slithering around Port Charles. But it appears that Valentin Cassadine is the Only Villain the Writers are making Pay for His Sins, Stripping Him of Everything He Loves Most. It is Over-Kill. I Love the Relationship between Valentin and Charlotte. There’s is a Beautiful and well-acted chemistry No Other child in Port Charles possess with a Parent. Don’t Take That Away From the Viewers…or the Actors.
And can Laura PLEASE restrict her activities to Mayoral duties instead of Always playing Detective ? Give Her an Affair with Curtis. They certainly have Lots of Chemistry Together and it would be a hot and Unexpected storyline.