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James Duggar Launches Duggars Gone Wild YouTube Channel Despite Family’s Strict Rules

The last time the Duggar fans heard of James Duggar was in May, after the sentencing hearing of his big brother Josh Duggar who was sentenced to 151 months in prison for child pornography.

Not that anyone was worried about James’ absence from social media but, his comeback sure made noise. For his comeback, James launched “Duggars Gone Wild” YouTube channel.

James Duggar — Contents Of James’ “Duggars Gone Wild” YouTube Channel

I guess you are wondering why James’ online return is the talk on every Duggar fans’ lips. We’ll get to that shortly. Right now, let’s talk about James’ YouTube channel and its contents.

James Duggar

James’ “Duggars Gone Wild” YouTube channel is a spin from Joe Francis’ 1997 “Girls Gone Wild.” The 21-year-old uploaded several videos including one in which he was petting the head of a black cow.

The video of him petting the cow was recorded in a junkyard. James also interviewed the youngest daughter of his parents, Josie Duggar. James went on to ask his followers to pick the kind of content they want him to dish out from the variety of videos he posted.

Now, speaking of why his return was so noisy. It all had to do with James breaking the strict family rule.

The thing is that the Duggar family calls themselves Christians. Their father Jim Bob Duggar introduced some strict rules in the family to help keep his children from the world.

One of those rules was owning a personal social media account. Now, James didn’t just own a social media account but the contents of his account are in every way against what his family stands for.

Lots of Jim Duggar’s daughters have already broken some of those rules and are considered the black sheep of the family. E.g., Joy-Anna, Jill, Jessa. James just added to the list.

James Duggar — James’ Controversial Christmas Post

Right before James made the posts on his YouTube channel, he uploaded a video that sparked great concern from his fans online.

In the video, James woke up from sleep and stared at his bedroom wall. The wall featured weapons such as automatic guns etc., (some were fake, while some were real). The guns were properly arranged like wallpaper in the room. At a point, James playfully fired one of the game assault rifles and that got critics talking.

Someone asked, “Just curious, why does a man of faith who’s a God-fearing man require so many automatic guns? Isn’t the Lord our protector?” Another said, “Well, I was going to watch this. But assault rifles? Why on earth would anyone have those?”

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with James Duggar right now. Come back here often for all the James Duggar’s spoilers, news, and updates.

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