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Sister Wives: Kody MOCKED, Compares Himself To Shakespearean HERO

Sister Wives news and updates reveal Kody Brown making a statement that sounds like a Saturday Night Live satire skit. And Sister Wives followers mocked the patriarch for his narcissistic, egotistical personality as Kody compared his life to a “Shakespearean Love Story.”

Meanwhile, while Shakespeare scholars around the world recoil in horror, Kody continued to describe himself as a suffering Shakespeare hero starring in a tragedy. Keep reading for all the bizarre details.

Sister Wives Spoilers – Kody Brown Sees Himself As Shakespeare Hero

According to Sister Wives patriarch Kody Brown, his life resembles a Shakespearean love story that became a tragedy. And the dramatic reality TV star described himself as a suffering hero to People.

Sister Wives: Kody MOCKED, Compares Himself To Shakespearean HERO

“I’m struggling to see what the future holds, maybe because I just haven’t let go enough of the past,” Kody confessed. And the Sister Wives patriarch explained that he doesn’t understand why his polygamous family fell apart. However, Kody also complained that he didn’t get the future he envisioned when he built his plural marriage.

And the Sister Wives star, 54, admitted that his life took “a major turn here, almost a U-turn” after watching three of his four wives quit. It all began in November 2021, when Christine Brown exited the plural marriage after 25 years. And one year later, both Janelle Brown and Meri Brown split as well.

Sister Wives Spoilers – Kody Brown Feels ‘Cynical’

Meanwhile, Kody’s fourth wife Robyn Brown stands by her man. But she has made her misery clear about seeing their plural marriage shift to monogamy. And the Sister Wives patriarch poured out “a lot of heartbreak.” 

But Kody then complained that it seemed “everybody else was unhappy. Because I felt like I was lodging all the complaints,” he added. “It just made me cynical. I loved [our situation]. It just seemed like not everybody else did.” 

And the Sister Wives patriarch also wants to avoid becoming “the guy that has this family that I struggle with until I’m dead. Then they all get along just great after I’m gone. I don’t understand why we can’t transcend this now. It broke my heart that we couldn’t transcend our differences. It’s part of life. I loved the life we have,” he added. 

Sister Wives Spoilers – Kody Brown ‘Loved And Lost’

And Kody then became poetic. But after hoping he will “love the life that I’ll get,” the Sister Wives star called the collapse of his family “a Shakespearean love story that’s a tragedy.” And Kody added, “It’s just we loved and we lost.”

However, he feels that 2024 could bring more “optimism. I remember this great life that we had,” noted Kody. “And what an experience to be a team with these 22 people.” However, shifting metaphors, the Sister Wives star then described himself as “just trying to survive the rapids of life.”

And Kody summed it up as “great. There’s my optimism. It’s back. I’m seeing my past again and saying, ‘It was lovely.’ It’s changed now.” And he added, “Maybe I’ll find that optimism for the future. In the end, hopefully we just love each other and let each other move on.”

Tell us what you think. How do you feel about Kody’s Shakespearean references? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more reality TV news.

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