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Todd Chrisley Denied Church Services, Targeted Unfairly

Todd Chrisley spoke out again with News Nation. He claims that he was denied church services. The Chrisley Knows Best alum claims that he was targeted unfairly. His critics doubt his claims. Keep on reading to learn more.

Todd Chrisley – Denied Church Services

The former USA Network star accused the prison of denying him church services. He feels that he’s being unfairly targeted.

This isn’t the first time that Todd Chrisley has spoken out about the prison conditions. He previously told News Nation about the problems with mold and expired food.

Todd Chrisley Denied Church Services, Targeted Unfairly

Now, he’s sharing more details about his life behind bars. Both Todd and Julie Chrisley are currently serving time in federal prison for bank fraud and tax evasion.

While Julie has kept a low profile, her husband has been speaking with News Nation. He wants to fight his way out of prison.

According to a new report via News Nation, Todd Chrisley revealed that he’s not allowed church services. He feels that he’s been treated unfairly because of his Christian faith.

The former reality star is upset that he can’t speak to his wife on the phone. They communicate via email, but those emails can take days to receive.

“That was their way of trying to intimidate me. I just walked out and said, ‘It’ ain’t going to change what I’m going to say,'” Todd said.

His attitude might not shorten his time behind bars. Todd wants a shorter sentencing.

The Federal Bureau of Prisons released a statement saying, “Humane treatment of the men and women in our custody is a top priority.” They also shared that inmates from all religious backgrounds can practice their faith.

“God is going to take me out of here,” Todd Chrisley continued. “God knew when I was coming in here, and he knows when I am going out.”

Chrisley Knows Best – Alum Concerned About Fellow Inmates?

There are also questions as to whether Todd is concerned about his fellow inmates. He says that he witnessed one suffer a heart attack.

This has caused him to think about himself rather than others. One fan posted a link to his News Nation interview on Reddit.

One fan wrote: “Todd should have turned to jesbus before he started being a fraud and tax evader. Even jesbus thinks Todd deserves to rot in prison and or hell. [SIC]”

Another user commented: “He did not attend while not in prison nor should he have because he has the most vulgar language.”

Other fans wonder if there’s more to Todd Chrisley’s story. There could be a reason why he wasn’t allowed to attend church service.

A previous report revealed that he was on a 30-day lockdown that included no privileges. Todd spoke out about the prison refusing Jewish inmates to practice their faith.

What are your thoughts on Todd Chrisley’s latest interview with News Nation? Do you believe that he’s being treated unfairly in prison? Sound off below in the comment section.

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