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3 Reasons Why Prince William Needs To Get On A Plane To L.A. ASAP And Save Prince Harry

 Prince WilliamIf there’s anything that we’ve learned about Prince William and Prince Harry over the years, it’s that family means everything to them. Whereas there was a time in which their brotherly bond was unbreakable, that has certainly changed, but what hasn’t changed is the love between them. Seeing how his brother needs him the most right not, here are three reasons why Prince William needs to get on a plane and head to Los Angeles as soon as he can.

#1 Lonely In L.A.

This is his first time in his adult life that Prince Harry has ever been away from the rest of the royal family for such a long period of time. If there is anything that he could use right now – especially in the loneliness and isolation that he has been forced to live with these last few months – it’s a familiar face and a familiar voice to tell him that everything is going to be ok. After all, moving to a new place with a young family is never easy, let alone moving across the world and to a different country, culture, and space. Prince Harry could sure use someone familiar to talk to right now.

#2 Prince Harry Could Use The Support Right Now

The only life that Prince Harry has ever known is the royal one. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle might have moved to Los Angeles with a specific plan in mind, but that plan was upended thanks to the global pandemic that has been the coronavirus. With no place to go, sitting at home all the time, and very few people to talk to, Prince Harry could certainly use the support right now and Prince William could show him what kind of big brother he is and was always meant to be. As the future King of England, if there was ever a time to take the lead it would be now, right?

#3 Only Prince William Knows How His Brother Feels

What makes Prince William and Prince Harry’s situation so unique is that they are the only two people on this planet that can fully understand what the other one is going through. After all, William and Harry are two royal brothers who have lived in the spotlight all their lives.

They’ve gone through so many ups and downs with all of the drama behind closed doors at Buckingham Palace and of course, the death of their mother Princess Diana, that they need each other for their emotional well-being. While they might be feeling the strains of their relationship right now, soon enough they will come around and realize that family will always come first.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the British Royal Family right now. Come back here often for all the latest British Royal Family spoilers, news, and updates.

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