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Archie And Lilibet Denied Their Royal Rights By Prince Harry And Meghan

Archie And Lilibet Denied Their Royal Rights By Prince Harry And MeghanAre Prince Harry and Meghan Markle being bad parents or are they just being cautious parents?That’s what a lot of fans can’t help but wonder as there’s heavy speculation that suggests that Archie and Lilibet are being denied their royal rights by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

That’s because Harry and Meghan are refusing to bring them to the UK and worse, denying them a relationship with their grandfather, King Charles. And some royal insiders just think that enough is enough.

Archie And Lilibet – Denied Their Royal Rights By Harry And Meghan

One source close to the situation even told the Daily Mail that Archie and Lilibet might even resent their parents for what  they are doing now when they are much older and have more of an understanding of what’s going on.

The insider even put it this way, I wonder, when they are older, how those kids will feel about being denied a meaningful relationship with the King of England. To deprive them of that experience, with all its importance and heritage, seems very misguided.”

“Of course he wants to see them, but if you force Charles to choose between his duty to the Crown and his personal feelings, he will choose the Crown every time—just as his mother did.”

And while Harry and Meghan keep citing their privacy concerns in the UK, some people just aren’t buying it.

What’s Next For The Duke And Duchess Of Sussex?

The tipster also said, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex personally fund a private security team for their family, yet that security cannot replicate the necessary police protection whilst in the U.K.

The Duke remains willing to cover the cost of security, as not to impose on the British taxpayer.”

“As is widely known, others who have left public office and have inherent threat risk receive police protection at no cost to them.”

“The goal for Prince Harry has been simple—to ensure the safety of himself and his family while in the UK so his children can know his home country.”

For now, let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below.

In the meantime, come back right here for all the latest updates and spoilers on your favorite daytime television shows and The British Royal Family.

Editorial credit: lev radin /

  1. Daniel Boren says

    It simple, since Harry is a non working royal and is denied security, then the same should be especially true to the disgraced non working royal or any non working royal. Example, when they are older, Charlotte, and Louis should not have security, even though more than likely their father will be king by then.
    Also no security for ANY royal.
    But still non working equ

  2. ROBERTA says

    If the King wanted to see the children he could. If others can recieve protection, then so can Harry. I believe the children are in grave danger there. People have so much hate they say they aren’t real. Please, the King never sticks up for them, he knows they are real. Harry is his son, yet he let’s people believe he isn’t. Simple DNA test would solve that for the public. There is no love in the family except the the throne an a crown. Those children are better off never stepping foot in that terrible set up.

    1. H. King says

      What a joke. The King always had Megan back. But she came in there trying to changes everything that been like it is for generations. Megan was nothing. She was only notice as a actress when she started dating Harry. She wants people to think she is all that. I never thought much of here tell she moved here crying Hollywood don’t like her. She wanted to be with the in crowd. But they saw her for what she is. And then she had the nerve to speak bad of them. They were actresses and earn the title. She was just a no body tell she got with Harry. Then she wanted to run over on the royal family. Speak badly of Princess Kate. Then slapped her daughter Princess Charollet for touching her belly. I don’t know of any kid that don’t touch a family members belly when they are pregnant. To me it show how stupid she is. If it would have been most people and you slapped their daughter for touching there belly you would have got knocked on your ass. Princess Kate has to much class and dignity to play her stupid games. At first I felt sorry for Harry tell they got on national T.V. and spoked badly of the royal family members. Megan said that one of the royal members spoked of what color would Archie turn out to be. Would he be to dark. That was a lie. They even said that on the news. They could of care less. He could have been pink. Because he was still Harry son and there blood line. Megan wanted people to pity her. Like she is a victim. She has destroyed Harry future and now trying to do the kids. Won’t let them see there granddad or there cousins. But she cried so she could get the kids there title. Listen to her half sister. Megan calls them trash. Well she come from the same blood line. The sad part is the kids. They deserve to be treated like the rest of the royal. But Megan wants to control to be in charge. Well let’s see what happens when they are older and can make there own decisions. They may turn on her and for good reason. Need to keep a eye on Archibald charity. Who control it. Or is there one. I was told there is. Maybe they can use it for security reasons. They act so scared for the kids.. Most people don’t even know who they are or what they look like. Stop posting pictures if you are scared for there protection. And there granddad won’t be around much longer. Seem like you wanted the kids to control King Charles didn’t work. The crown control him.. When he is gone no one will be on your side. Jealous don’t get you no where. You have to earn respect. Like the in crowd. The ones in Hollywood.

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