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Kate Middleton Instantly Knew Meghan Markle Was A BAD Apple

British royal family news divulges that there is no love lost between Princess Catherine and Princess Pinocchio. Meghan Markle bullied Kate during her infamous 2021 Oprah interview, and her second husband, Prince Harry, exposed Kate’s text messages in his bio Spare.

The scope of destruction that Harry and Meghan have unleashed on the royal family since their 2020 defection is breath taking.

The depth of venom expressed toward the late Queen Elizabeth, King Charles, Queen Camilla, and Princess Catherine is without precedent.

The million-dollar question in hindsight is, did anyone recognize the warning signs when Meghan cocooned in the palace? The answer is yes according to one royal expert. Read on to discover which royal saw right through Meghan Markle.

Kate Middleton Instantly Knew Meghan Markle Was A BAD Apple

Royal Family News: Meghan’s Reputation

According to royal pundit Ingrid Seward, the Duchess of Excess broke the bond formed between Harry and Kate. She claims that Kate knew that Meghan was “bad news” from the start when Harry was dating her.

Seward told The Express that Harry introduced the girls he dated to Kate, before anyone else. Before Meghan came along he also called Kate the “sister” he never had.

Harry and Meghan wed in 2018 after a brief dating period. Seward said “Every time he had a new girlfriend, the first person that would meet her would be Kate.”

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But when he met Meghan, things reportedly changed between Harry and Kate. Seward said “And then Meghan came into the mix, and it was disruptive. It wasn’t like the other girlfriends. I think that Meghan must have been incredibly envious and then jealous of Kate.”

Royal Family News: Was Meghan Jealous of Kate?

A former palace aide echoed Seward’s opinion saying that “Kate knew from the start that Meghan was bad news.”

The sourced added that “William is also very astute, as he gets that trait from Princess Diana, but he gave Meghan a chance before finding out how she operates.”

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But Kate wasn’t the only one to reject the former basic cable actress who has a new brand, American Riviera Orchard.

The source claims that the late Queen Elizabeth “figured Meghan out in the first meeting, and Prince Philip grew to despise her very quickly.”

“They all knew, but they also knew that she had manipulated Harry like a dog begging for a piece of meat.” Ruff.

Tell us royal fans, do you think Meghan is jealous of Princess Catherine?

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Editorial credit: Isaaack /

1 Comment
  1. fjio says

    Kate is a bltch and she got what she gave.

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