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King Charles Hates It That Prince William Keeps Stealing His Thunder

He’s the King of England, yet it seems like he might as well be a prince or a pauper with the way that everyone seems to be ignoring him lately. There’s a new report that suggests King Charles is absolutely livid that his son Prince William has once again stolen his thunder.

It seems like no matter how hard he tries, King Charles just can’t manage to find his time in the spotlight and stay there. Here’s what you need to know.

King Charles Hates It That Prince William Keeps Stealing His Thunder

According to the Daily Mail, King Charles is none too pleased that William decided to give a major interview only a few days before Charles’ birthday celebration, the Trooping the Colors.

In his interview with The Sunday Times, the Prince of Wales talked about his ambitions to end homelessness in the UK. However, he also failed to mention his father’s efforts to provide housing when he was still in charge of the Duchy of Cornwall.

King Charles Hates It That Prince William Keeps Stealing His Thunder

If that weren’t enough, King Charles also rolled his eyes at the fact that William released a Father’s Day photograph of him and his children just in time for the Sunday papers and before Charles did on social media.

Are Charles And William Feuding?

Now one source close to the situation says that Charles definitely feels irritated by it all. The tipster said, “The timing of the interview will certainly have raised eyebrows at Buckingham Palace. The interview and the Father’s Day picture have blown His Majesty off the front pages on the weekend of his first King’s Birthday Parade. It could have been sequenced better, especially given that the Duchy social-housing initiative isn’t being launched for a while yet.”

Many royal critics commented on the matter with, “Of COURSE Willie planned this to hog the headlines. This just adds to the planning of his own coronation, and the quite frankly ridiculous fawning coverage he and Kate,” along with, “Well, there’s this: Can anyone see a good reason to celebrate Charles as a father? Of course William was being as petty as his father. Seems like the war is on.”

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Editorial credit: Simon Ward Photography /

  1. Bobbi says

    Looks as tho there might be another accident like Princess Diana’s if William don’t quit over-shadowing his cheating, weak father. Poor little king phillip.

  2. Deborah says

    Charles pouting & blaming his own for upstanding him. Getting his PR work out is for KC to do himself. I can see where Harry postings & sulking came from.

  3. Meg says

    Do people actually know what King Charles is thinking? Seems like a lot of speculation as usual@

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