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Meghan Markle And Prince Harry Unfollow Prince William And Kate Middleton On Instagram

Royal Spoilers: Prince William and Kate Middleton A lot of social media fans know that the ultimate diss is when you unfollow someone on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. According to new reports, that’s exactly what happened to Prince William and Kate Middleton this week.

Sussex Royal Instagram Page Unfollows Duke And Duchess Of Cambridge

A lot of eagle-eyed fans noticed that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s official Instagram account, Sussex Royal, unfollowed the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. And yes, a lot of people are now wondering what is really going on between the Sussexes and the Cambridges as there seems to be a divide growing between them more and more every day.

Previous reports have indicated that Prince Harry and Prince William have had a falling out and that things are so bad between them that the two brothers are no longer on speaking terms. Apparently, Harry didn’t appreciate it when William tried to warn him that he was going too fast in his relationship with Meghan Markle back in 2017. Since then, things have been pretty icey between the brothers.

Cambridges’ Page Doesn’t Make The Cut For Sussexes’ Page

Now that the Sussexes have unfollowed the Cambridges, the Internet can’t stop talking about this ultimate diss. But there might be another reason for it. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle want to highlight Instagram accounts that promote “mental well-being, mental fitness, body positivity, self-care, and the importance of human connection.” That is the reason why they cleaned up their follow list. Apparently, the Cambridge’s official Instagram account is not one of them.

The Sussexes wrote on their latest post, “Each month we will honor this same concept and change the accounts we solely follow based on a different theme or cause. Please go to our homepage and click “following” to see each of the select accounts and find out more about their work.”

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May is Mental Health Awareness Month in the US and May 13-19 is Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK. To pay tribute to all of the incredible work people across the globe are doing in this space, we are hoping to shine a light on several Instagram accounts that promote mental well-being, mental fitness, body positivity, self-care, and the importance of human connection – to not just hear each other, but to listen. There are countless organisations doing amazing work for mental health – please consider the accounts we’ve highlighted as a small snapshot of this global support network. We are all in this together. We invite you to explore the extraordinary stories of strength, and the commitment to kindness as seen in the above accounts. Each month we will honour this same concept and change the accounts we solely follow based on a different theme or cause. Please go to our homepage and click “following” to see each of the select accounts and find out more about their work. Please note: Images shared are from some of the handles we are now following

A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on

And while it’s understandable that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are doing this in order to get people talking and following accounts that help support mental health initiatives and awareness, a lot of critics believe that they could have kept the Cambridges on their Instagram accounts follow list.

With that being said, others believe that there truly is a lot of strife between the two royal couples. Of course, fans will find out the truth soon enough. You can’t hide your true feelings for too long, right?

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1 Comment
  1. Guest says

    It’s a shame that 2 brothers aren’t speaking.

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