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Meghan Markle Declares She And Prince Harry Are REALLY HAPPY Despite Legal Trouble

Meghan Markle Declares She And Prince Harry Are REALLY HAPPY Despite Legal TroubleBritish royal family news reveals that one day after her Nigerian Riviera Tour ended, and on the heels of Archewell being declared delinquent by the State of California, Meghan Markle crowed to People about her outsized happiness.

In Nigeria Meghan was crowned a “princess” and shared how much she missed her kids. Which led to questions about why she was nowhere her kids on Mother’s Day, and why her allegedly 86% Nigerian mother Doria didn’t make the trip to be crowned as a queen? So many questions with the Harkles, so few answers.

The good news is that Meghan is happy. Here’s what to know about the duchess erm, princess, finding a silver lining among the clouds.

Royal Family News – Meghan is Happy

Despite using the last four years since Megxit to troll her in-laws and the monarchy, Meghan claims that she and her husband are both “really happy” now, making scam-jam and rescuing chickens.

Although they have avoided their families like the plague, they weren’t too busy to fly to Nigeria when the country’s chief of defense, General Christopher Musa, invited them.

Without an ounce of shame Harry told People “These trips are about us being able to go out and go and focus on the things that mean so much to us. And being able to be on the ground, to us, is what it’s all about.”

It’s been reported that all told they spent a total of about five hours over three days taking selfies and video for their Netflix obligation.

Royal News – Meghan’s Nakedness

The impoverished nation paid for the couple’s security and Meghan had this to say about the freebie trip: “It’s really meaningful. Just being able to connect to people … that’s what makes it special.” Because nothing says special like taking selfies with unsmiling strangers as opposed to making time for one’s actual family.

Plus, Meghan made a spectacle of being undressed everywhere she went (in a very traditional country) to the point that civilians threw towels and blankets at her. Google it.

Royal Family News – Harry And Meghan Are Oh So Happy

In today’s interview with People Meghan did not comment about being legally forbidden to spend any of Archewell’s dollars but she claimed “We’re just doing great. And happy to be watching our family grow up and evolve. Of course, I’m happy. We’re really happy.” And if you buy that we have some oceanfront property in Arizona, from the front porch you can see the orchard …

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Photo by filedimage – Deposit Photos

  1. Joan says

    Just sickening.

  2. Debby says

    Total B.S. This is their PR team they pay humongous bucks to make them look good. Doesn’t work!!

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