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Meghan Markle Is Refusing To Stay Quiet Despite Royal Crisis

Meghan Markle doesn’t care what’s going on in the UK, she’s ready to rock the boat in ways that it’s never been rocked before.

There’s a new report that says despite the fact that both King Charles and Kate Middleton have been hospitalized this past month with their health woes, Meghan refuses to stay quiet.

She still wants to write her memoir and tell her side of the story about what happened during her time behind closed palace doors. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News: Meghan Markle Is Refusing To Stay Quiet Despite Royal Crisis

According to Express, the Duchess of Sussex is supposedly hell bent about writing her own memoir.

Meghan Markle Is Refusing To Stay Quiet Despite Royal Crisis

That’s not because she wants to compete with her husband Prince Harry and his book, Spare, but because she is desperate to tell the world what happened during her time as a full-time member of the royal family. Or at least, her recollection of it.

And even though there are a lot of people who are telling Meghan that now is not the time to write a book, she wants to do it anyway.

Paul Burrell, who worked a Princess Diana’s personal butler for ten years, told Express in an interview, I am waiting for Meghan to release her own memoir. It is inevitably going to write her side of the story because of how absent she was from Spare, and that is because she is penning her memoir and telling it from a woman’s perspective.”

He continued, “There is no way she is going to stay quiet: she is going to want her side of the story out there and that will do even further damage to the Royal family and rock them even more.”

Now, whether or not the Duchess does write a book remains to be seen. So far Meghan Markle herself has made no comments about the matter. 

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. Also, watch this space as we have a feeling there is so much more juicy drama to come.

Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals,  We’ve got you covered.

Editorial credit: lev radin /

  1. Sheila B says

    I am tired of hearing the whining of these two who have been biting the hand that fed them! I feel Markle and Harry are just mad because there are so many claims that haven’t been proven, by her own words, If there is proof then put it out there or shut up! You are spoiled rotten both of you acting like you are more important. Harry go back to Britain and quit lying about your grandmother and the rest of the family, she is using you to get notoriety for herself. I don’t even think you two care about their children! Grow up and act like adults and show your children you are not petty and star-seeking twits!

  2. noellastober says

    Of course, it is all about Meghan and only Meghan Wow is her She has been caught lying constantly, ignoring her family, bossing her own husband around, throwing fits of rage when she cannot get what she wants, in desperate need of MONEY, losing all their friends because of her story telling antics, wearing the pants in her family, etc. etc. etc. Harry cannot do nothing without her permission because he is so very weak. He is not the man he is suppose to be and far from a royal at that. He is lead by the ring in his nose, which she is constantly pulling and leading him by. She has had him lose his family, just as she has thrown her won away time and time again. Her family is tired of her bs and so is his All she wants is glitz ,glamour and most of all MONEY . And we must not forget fame All this is what she will never get nor should she She will produce her own ugly book and put everyone down once again and her little puppy dog, Harry, will stand by her once again The royal family should get over these two because nothing will ever change with this picture She will hold her children hostage from him and ruin his life always or he will just stick around, put up with the bs and be a totally miserable, complaining man who will do nothing about it They should just go away, maybe to Africa so we do not have to hear from them. Make names for themselves and create hell and havoc there

    It is so boring but they do not care, it gives them status, ugly or not You call the shot

  3. Lawanda says

    I’ve been watching all of this three ring circus act of hers and her additude toward the royal family is atrocious. For some reason or another she feels that the world owes her. It’s sickening.. This is all because she didn’t get her way, and she can’t stand the fact that she will never be Queen or even Princess. Grow up Megan and Harry, you need to grow apair.

    1. Sandy says


  4. Regina says

    With Megan it’s me me me I am so tired of hearing about Megan nobody cares about Megan if Harry would grow with set and take the kids and go back to the UK he could probably work things out nobody wants them around UK doesn’t want them in America doesn’t want them that should be telling them something and who really wants to read her book it would be good to start a fire with

    1. Wilde says

      I guess you are right there living with them to know that. Huh? Grow up! You don’t know what goes on in their home. Both of them are adults and she shouldn’t get all the blame.
      The problem is the public putting the nose where it doesn’t belong.Ugh good grief!

  5. Scarlett says

    tell Megan to sut up

  6. Susan says

    Let her talk! Nobody cares what she has to say anyway and we don’t believe a word out of her mouth. The more she talks the less people like her! She’s cutting off her nose despite her face!!

  7. Marjatta DeSchepper says

    Meghan Markle is bad news. She’s a heartless narcissist who only cares about herself. Her need to malign the Royals has no limits; she wants to pen her book about “her side of the story” while a working Royal. First of all, Markel’s credibility is poor, and secondly: who cares about her stories. Quit whining and grow up, Meghan.

    1. Wilde says

      Maybe people that’s all in their feelings about people you don’t know need to grow up. So what,if she wants to tell her story or not. She can and it’s their business not

  8. Diana hammer says

    There must be a reason that Megan is so spiteful toward her husband’s family. Her future father-in-law walked her part of the way down the aisle and furnished her with a fabulous wardrobe the first 2 years of her marriage. Makes no sense to respond so hatefully. All families have issues however she is trying to destroy not just a family but a dynasty and a way of life for a country. Maybe the reason is she is just spoiled and downright mean

  9. CindyD says

    Well Bless Her Heart! Hasn’t she already told her story on Netflix and Oprah? A lady she is NOT. Hasn’t she caused enough turmoil in everyone family. Go away please.

  10. Harriet says

    Harry has a book. So she wants to be in the spot light . She is a disgrace to UK and US. She will go to no ends to be in the news. Harry go home and get away from her. She is dragging you down to her level. Harry your one big mistake was marry Megan. She is one conniving woman. Wake up Harry. People are tired of seeing her face.

  11. Vanessa says

    I think Megan Markle wants to whine. She married into the Royal Family and had to know there would be areas where it would be difficult and not agree. I think out of respect she should not write a book. Just let it go, I for one don’t want to read anything she writes

  12. Wilde says

    People need to wake up and stop believing everything they read. The key word is she hasn’t said anything about it yet. The people that have hate and don’t know her need to wake up and look in the mirror. If she wants to write a memoir she can and who is to say it’s about the royal family. People need to get a life. They write about her everyday and it is despicable. I say time to leave her and her family alone and stop speculating. The only reason people act that way is because of Megan sister wanted fame when she married Harry. Megan sister didn’t say nothing til Megan married Harry. Grow up!! I think this article is baseless with no facts because it is more on speculation to write an article.

    1. Phyllis says

      We do not read what she says we watch Oprah and her other interviews and use her words! She said it time after time! This woman was taken by the hand , got the marriage she never even dreamed of, was escorted by the King of England, had two wedding receptions, was driven in the Queens Coach, was given a 7 bedroom, four reception room umpteen bathroom house which was called a cottage because it belonged to her husbands ancestors! Her food, clothing, furniture, and refurbished house which cost millions was paid for her! She has the latest cars and transport, and all her bills were sent to and paid for by the now King of England! She is a 43 year old woman, previously married and divorced woman! I was a grandmother when I was her age! She was never a Hollywood star, she worked on a soap opera in Canada! Her ex husband was a Hollywood producer and even he wouldn’t hire her in his films! She does not speak to her father or siblings, nor does she speak to Harry’s family, so with all these people blanked by her, who do you honestly think is at fault here? Give me a break, this middle aged woman has been around the block a few too many times. She is a fake!

  13. Tina says

    I think all of this is just publicity for her. I doubt she ever loved Harry. Just loved the idea of being royalty.

  14. Hens says

    She is a spoiled brat, she destroyed her own father and without him she would be nothing!
    She is trying to destroy the royals.. like I said she is a vindictive, lies a lot. She should be ashamed of herself. They should take her title away!

  15. Kathleen says

    She is all about her self no one else she needs to keep up with the rich people . I don’t believe her so selfish king has cancer Kate had stumach surgery

  16. Catharine March says

    It is all about her always has been. She should leave the Royal family alone.

  17. Cally says

    She needs to be slapped into kingdom come. That’s the only way she will ever get there. I’m sick of her.

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