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Meghan Markle Just Thumbed Her Nose At King Charles, A Feat Impossible to Ignore

Meghan Markle Just Thumbed Her Nose At King Charles, A Feat Impossible to IgnoreBritish royal family news reveals that Nigerian Warrior Princess Meghan Markle allegedly blew King Charles a big raspberry when she was over in her homeland.

Many royal experts think her over-the-top display of excess was an attempt to show the regent she doesn’t need the UK monarchy to be royal.

Keep reading to find out that royal pundit Tom Quinn has to say about the optics of her Nigerian Riviera Tour.

Royal Family News – Meghan Snubs Charles

The expert told The Mirror that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were on nothing more than a quasi-royal tour that fooled no one.

“The fact is that Harry and Meghan are cocking a snook at their relatives back in the UK and this will further damage relations with William and Kate, and King Charles.”

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He added “When Meghan and Harry were told they could not be part-time working royals it was assumed at Kensington Palace and Clarence house that they would go quietly.” Not on your life: “the Nigeria trip was Meghan and Harry’s way of saying, ‘We don’t need your permission. We will organise our own royal tours.”

Quinn thinks that King Charles and Prince William understand that dealing with the Markles is like trying to herd cats, but this flagrant disregard for their family “will harden attitudes and make it far less likely the wayward couple will ever be forgiven.”

Royal Family News – The Markles Are Hardening Attitudes

The fact that Harry and Meghan are behaving so atrociously is all the more nasty given that the king and Princess Catherine are sidelined and undergoing cancer treatments.

Thankfully, the Markles’ rants have had no ill effect on the monarch according to royal expert Rebecca English. She posted on X that Queen Camilla has only positive things to say about King Charles’ health.

She posted: “The Queen revealed today that the King is ‘getting better’ before joking: ‘Well, he would be if he behaved himself.’”

Camilla made the comment while talking with guests at a garden party at Lamb House, Rye. The comment comes after the king has been busy with more engagements this week now that his doctors have signed off on performing more public duties.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Editorial credit: Shaun Jeffers /

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