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Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Could Steal Coronation Spotlight With THIS Scheme!

A royal family expert believes that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle might steal the spotlight from King Charles at his coronation. And to do so, the Duke of Sussex and Duchess of Sussex would exploit their son Archie. The alleged scheme revolves around the fact that Archie’s birthday coincides with the coronation.

Find out what the royal expert claims about Meghan and Harry. And learn why he believes the two seem so petty as to upstage King Charles. Get all the details below.

Prince Harry And Meghan Markle To Outdo Coronation With Son’s Party?

A birthday party for a 4-year-old might seem unlikely to upstage a king’s coronation seen around the world. But one royal expert believes that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will stage their son Archie’s bash to upstage King Charles.

And when the young prince celebrates his fourth birthday on May 6, Meghan will focus on celebrating even as Charles receives his crown at Westminster Abbey. Royal columnist Lee Cohen admitted it seems “terribly petty. But the Sussexes, who no longer have their royal platform, seem to relish any opportunity to attempt to upstage a royal occasion,” added Cohen via the NY Post.

Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Could Steal Coronation Spotlight With THIS Scheme!

And Cohen noted that the royal family, in contrast to Meghan and Harry, never seeks out “occasions to upstage the antics of the Sussexes. Quite the opposite,” added the columnist. Rumors have soared that Meghan, Archie, and little Princess Lilibet will enjoy a huge birthday bash during the coronation. And it supposedly will include celebrities.

One insider shared, “Meghan’s mother Doria Ragland will be at the bash, along with Archie’s pre-school friends and some celebrity pals of the couple.” Those celebs include Oprah Winfrey, Serena Williams, Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi. However, Archie’s daddy, Prince Harry, will travel to London to watch his own father, King Charles, in the coronation. But Harry likely will remain in London for just hours rather than days.

Prince Harry Will Rush Back From Coronation For Archie’s 4th Birthday

However, if Meghan can arrange it, she reportedly will time the birthday festivities so Harry can attend. And an insider shared, “Harry’s going to make every effort to get back in time for Archie’s birthday.” But this source described the plans as focusing on a more “intimate” celebration. And the insider warned, “It’s not going to be like ‘My Super Sweet 16’ or Portia de Rossi’s 50th!”

But Cohen pointed out another way that Meghan and Harry could steal the spotlight on coronation day. And the royal columnist theorized that the couple could unveil a new picture of Archie. Because the Duchess and Duke of Sussex do like to share pics of their kids on their birthdays, this year might follow that pattern

And some have united to support Meghan and Harry. They believe that the royal family seems unkind to choose Archie’s birthday as the day of the coronation. For instance, one fan pointed out, “May 6 is Archie’s birthday and has been since 2019.” As a result, the supporter claimed that the royal family chose that date “to overshadow a toddler’s birthday.”

Tell us what you think. Do you believe that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will try to upstage King Charles’ coronation? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more royal family news.

Editorial credit: lev radin /

  1. Michelle says

    Harry and Meghan should be ashamed of themselves if attempting to upstage the King’s Coronation. I’m truly sick and tired of reading anything about these two juvenile adults they truly have only matured in Age ONLY!

    1. Joanne C says

      I agree Meghan and Harry could have had their child’s B’day party at any time. It took many people to martialvand plan for the Coronation of King Charles. Archie’s 4 year old B’day party and the Citonation are hardly on the same level!

  2. GapGirl says

    With the royal reporters always talking about Harry and Meghan using Archie. I’m in America so this is my thought… Charles evicted them from a home that was a wedding gift. It’s Archie’s birthday. Why does he have to put off his party. During the Queen’s jubilee they still Lil Bit’s birthday party on her birthday. People need to calm down they are children. After Charles is crowned it will be a new story that will circulate. The thing is we already know what kind of person Charles is.

    1. Sherian McLaughlin says

      WOW, being a very close and personal friend of Charles please do tell us what kind of a person he really is? Example of your conversations with him and what he said and did…thank you…..LOL

      1. Aprylleonard says

        Ohhhh Pleaseeeee

  3. Sheri says

    I wouldn’t put anything past those two juveniles, can’t say adults because they are that in age only. Archie is 4 what difference would it make to celebrate his birthday a day early or a day late. The two so called adults are only doing this to cause more of a rift with the royal family. They need to be exiled and lose their titles.

    1. Sheila says

      I totally agree. Archie can have his birthday the day or week prior or after the Coronation. He is only 4 not Fourteen

    2. Joslyn says

      Archie’s Birthday is May 6th why should they have his birthday party on any other day Sheri?



  5. Debby says

    Harry played polo last year on Archie’s birthday. Go tell…
    I believe if they can they will. They’re soooooo jealous

  6. Julia Hyde says

    I think Meghan is a troublemaker and yes she may do something disruptive for the coronation of King Charles 111! She could have postponed Archie’s birthday young children don’t have a good understanding of what day is their actual birthday? A birthday compared to a coronation of a King is no comparison, she should understand the King Charles’s coronation is history making and Archie‘s 4th birthday is not!

    1. Andria says

      I totally agree with you. If nothing else they all could flown in to celebrate the King and perhaps had a party later on for Prince Archie at 4 I hardly believe he would have known any difference.

  7. Annie says

    Based on the fact that the service in England will start at
    —-3am Pacific time —– Just exactly how are they going to be able to throw an ” Upstage event ” childs birthday party complete with guests at that time of day and have it broadcast on world wide television?

  8. Maryjane says

    They never look at the positive, Grandpa’s coronation is on Archie’s birthday, no they have to whine. If they were still a part of the royal family, they would all be together to celebrate.
    Megan and Harry chose to leave. Now they need to shut up and go away.

  9. Dee Walton says

    But why would they do that ?
    How mind-numbingly childish.

  10. noellastober says

    H&M are just totally ridiculous if this is the way they think They are toxic people who deserve to have nothing to do with the royal family H has become a big ass and lets his wife push him around We will see what happens but the royals will win out in the end I cannot wait for May 7 to come so we can go over all the bs H&M has caused Enough is enough with these two and their children are the ones who suffer in the end as they are the ones who are really missing out What a pair H&M are and they deserve each other and their new found friends across the pond who in the end have been smart and stayed out of this stupid drama

  11. Janet Eckhart says

    We are talking about a toddler birthday party , not a national holiday. How many 4 year olds have a birthday on May 6th? In no way does that upstage a kings coronation.

    We don’t have royals in the US. OUR REVOLUTION broke us free of that mantle. This entire situation is a national embarrassment for us. Harry needs to decide where he wants to live- in the US or Britain. We already turn a blind eye to his self proclaimed drug use, yet he is allowed to live in the country and whine on how hard his life is and how mean his family is.

    Just get over it! There are so many real problems we all face without the wishing and boohooing Our media needs to focus on REAL issues, not petty gossip and sniping

  12. Sandra says

    I don’t understand why the people of UK hate Megan and Harry so much. Dam if they do and Dam if they don’t. Charle knew Achie birthday was the on the 6th, he could change the day of his coronation. So stop putting all the blame on Harry and Megan for the decision they make for there family.

    1. Laurinetta says

      I agree

  13. Edith Hamilton says

    The only ones feeding this timeline is the gossip rags. I have heard nothing directly from Harry or Meghan. Everyone judging Meghan and or Harry are just just gossip mongers. How should anyone out do the Kings Coronation without the pop-er rotsy and gossip rags? And choosing Archie’s Birthday was very rude!

  14. Fran says

    Could people just leave them alone and be happy that Harry is now happy and feeling love and family? People constantly bashing Megan is just so hateful and keeping the media so happy

  15. Alice says

    Harry and Mike will try to over Show their son’s birthday more important than the coordination make sure but you know if you think that a child of 4 years old knows the difference they don’t and it’s for Harry and Megan you are the dumbest people I know and anybody that thinks that you’re right is dumber than you Because a child does not know anything about birthday parties until they have a moment and that is a routine for them and they will have quite a few birthdays coming up and the 4th birthday is OK it’s important but not as important as his grandfather being crowned king. So in many ways people do not know what’s the most important thing in your life I am sure you couldn’t take the child and be in part of the coordination but you could have taken the children and Ben that 3 Or 4 weekseks and she don’t work anyway You could have those children there to see and meet their grandfather so who the h***’s the one that’s not thinking you and Harry so your mother’s going to the boy’s birthday what happened to the grandfather there in the United States why is it Hey going you’re waiting for him to kick the bucket And that is horrible you will have it in your mind and I wish and pray that you do have it in your mind knowing that you did something wrong to your father or your children’s grandfathe.

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