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Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Have Become A Laughing Stock For This Reason

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have become a laughing stock. At least, that’s what one royal commentator believes as there are less and less people who are taking the Sussexes seriously. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Have Become A Laughing Stock For This Reason

Royal commentator Rafe Heydel-Mankoo says that while 2023 was perhaps not the best year on record for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, he doesn’t think 2024 is going to get any better for them.

In fact, he thinks even more people are going to distance themselves from the Sussexes because they don’t want to be associated with all of their negativity.

Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Have Become A Laughing Stock For This Reason

He put it this way, “I think this has been a disastrous year for the Montecito duo topping and tailing with two disastrous books, Spare as you said, which made them into a laughing stock globally that and South Park their worldwide privacy tour.”

Rafe continued, “We saw them being mocked by Family Guy in every late night talk show. And ending the year also with Endgame written by Omid Scobie. Their poll ratings took a nosedive. They’ll be very happy to see an end to this year.”

What’s Next For Harry and Meghan?

With that said, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex haven’t made any comments about all of the criticism they’ve received and at this point it’s doubtful that they will say anything.

Meghan knows that the only way they can thrive – and not just survive – is if they change their strategy.

That’s why she wants to become a separate entity from her husband. Now, that doesn’t mean the two of them are going to separate, but instead she just knows that she needs to become a brand on her own.

Being a royal is just to poisonous for her at this point. Not only that, but she also wants people to stop laughing at her, obviously. Watch this space as we have a feeling there is so much more royal drama to come.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts.

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Editorial credit: Sarnia /

  1. C says

    They both fabricate life as they see it, narrating it to their advantage to fit their means. This means including people around them in their distorted views and fabricated world. They both need to get a life, they aren’t getting any younger.

  2. Tamela says

    The best thing Harry could do is take his children back to the UK

  3. Marjatta says

    Prince Harry made a big mistake by marrying Meghan Markle. She is a narcissistic drama queen, who wants the royal title and nothing else to do with the royals.
    She will continue manipulating (and lying on the way)
    the marriage as well as her own desired position in Hollywood.

  4. Scout says

    How sad ! He decided to give up so much . Time will tell how long this marriage last

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