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Prince Harry And Meghan’s ‘Archewell’ Failed Because They Didn’t Pay For The Trademark?

Harry And MeghanYou may remember that earlier this week The Telegraph reported that sources told them the couple abandoned their much-touted Archewell charity because, “the couple was responding to current affairs, redirecting their efforts to the Black Lives Matter cause and the wider repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic.”

Except that now comes word that Archewell failed because the freebie-loving pair did not pay the fee for the application for a patent, did not sign the paperwork, the wording was too vague and they did not sign the documents.

Wow. Just wow.

The Duke And Duchess of Sussex’s Trademark Application For Their Non-Profit Company Has Been Rejected?

These details were reported by The Sun who stated that Meghan’s application was rejected by the United States Patent and Trademark Office for being “too vague” and not being properly completed.

Smh. No wonder Liza Minelli went out of her way to say she that she has never, ever, met these two. The couple rejected the royal lifestyle in part so that they could be free to launch their pet projects, one of which was apparently Archewell—maybe they said, oh well, instead?

They also didn’t like their renovated accommodations in the UK, so they fled, leaving the bill to the taxpayers. Now they’ve squatted in two borrowed mansions and counting. Oh well?

Why Didn’t Harry And Meghan Finish What They Started With Archewell?

The Sun states that it has seen documents filed on March 3 by Cobblestone Lane LLC, which is connected to a Hollywood lawyer who has worked with Meghan.

The patent examiner sent the couple an “Irregularity Notice” because they failed to adequately describe the nature of their supposed charity work, according to the documents.

The notice says: “The wording ‘providing a website featuring content relating to philanthropy, monetary giving, volunteer and career opportunities’ in International Class 35 is also indefinite and over-broad and must be clarified to specify the nature of the content provided.”

The notice also reminds the pair that they did not pay the fee in its and did not sign the form. Oh well?

The couple has been told to make numerous changes by August 22 or their application could be “abandoned.”

Archewell will now launch next year according to the pair who told The Telegraph, “We look forward to launching Archewell when the time is right.” A spokesman for the Sussexes had not commented as of last night.

1 Comment
  1. Guest says

    They’re a joke. I’m not shocked they seem to be a hot train wreck.

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