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Prince Harry Receives The Most Heartbreaking News

Prince Harry Receives The Most Heartbreaking NewsThis is something that he certainly did not expect to hear on his end. There’s a new report that says Prince Harry has received some rather heartbreaking news from Buckingham Palace. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Receives The Most Heartbreaking News

As much as the Duke of Sussex wants to go back to the way things were before he and Meghan Markle pulled the plug on their working relationship with the royal family, it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen.

That’s mostly because Prince Harry may never be able to regain the trust of King Charles, Prince William or Kate Middleton ever again.

There isn’t one member of the royal family that trusts Harry or his wife Meghan Markle because of all the times that they threw the royal family under the bus.

If that weren’t enough, Harry’s book, Spare, also did significant damage to his relationship with his family members so much so that they are also terrified of a second book coming out, too. Harry has even said that he’s got enough dirt and material to make a follow-up book happen.

Royal Family News – What’s Next For The Duke of Sussex?

One source close to the situation put it this way,The problem for the King and other members of the family is the worry that if they have a chat with Harry, it will appear in Spare volume two.”

“How do you regain the trust? I don’t think Harry ever can. But from the conversations I’ve had with the King, I would never say their relationship is irreparable.”

And while King Charles is the only person who is willing to forgive Prince Harry, other “members of the royal family who are much more weighted against Harry, that’s the problem.”

Now, whether or not Prince Harry does regain the trust of his royal family members remains to be seen but right now it seems like it’s going to take a very long time before that happens.

We will definitely update you with all of the latest details once they come in. For now, drop us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below.

In the meantime, come back right here for all the latest updates and spoilers on your favorite daytime television shows and The British Royal Family.

Editorial credit: ACHPF /

  1. Helen Hawk says

    Harry, like Diana, had become a problem for the family so the smearing of he and his wife will always be. William especially does not like that she is biracial. They will do anything to get rid of him.

    1. A mentiin says

      Mental illness of the pair you mentioned is the problem… And was never been trusted… They know his well.. Wake up..

  2. Linn says

    Whose to say that any, part or all of what Harry or Megan has to say holds even an ounce of truth. They’ve both lied countless times. I personally don’t believe anything either of them has to say. They’re both whiney and childish.

  3. Ines I says

    Harry, this is what you wanted, to have a wife, make your own money and leave the UK. Well, you got it all. Now you’re not as popular, you have to work, better still, write for your money, but… you still have your wife. Leave her Harry and go to Africa. Start/write your own story and be happy. Harry, it’s over for you. Things will never be the same or even close. Good bye Harry.

  4. noellastober says

    They are both not trusted and for good reason Where MM comes off that she will be accepted even when her husband wont is far beyond and comprehension a normal person could have They deserve nothing, now or never They blew it big time, especially because H never had the balls to put her into her place Oh well the bed is very ruffled and will never be smooth MM you not only stuck it up your husbands bum but you went eve=n farther and stuck it up the childrens bum also I hope you are proud of yourself as no one else in the world is in your corner You are one evil woman and your husband right behind because he has no balls

  5. JJ Hanson says

    LIFE IS SO SHORT! MY GOSH, This is family. I am a stage 4 cancer survivor. I live every day think it maybe my last. My opinion, both sides have fault in this whole family mess. Plus, they have a Father who is dying of cancer and a wife & sister/ sister-in-law fighting for her life too. Needless to say a country that is counting on your family. Grow up, this truly is petty!! Forgiveness is what this WORLD NEEDS NOT What you young men/women & your family are doing right now! I Pray you get get Get Forgiveness in your heart & see what a difference it will make in your lives, your families & your countries lives! God Bless!

  6. Charlotte D Squire says

    It’s time to move on Harry. You got what you want and done alot of damage to the Royal Family and Maghan as well. You’ll never get that trust back.

    And the Duke & Dutchess sure be stripped as they keep using g the name for things that they shouldn’t be using. Plus to have everybody think that they are still Royals but their not. Like I said the name etc should be Stripped.

    1. Lyn says

      As regards the stripping of titles, Prince Harry historically would be difficult as his line of birth goes back a long way, but MM should she doesn’t deserve it. She’s not once honoured the title, she didn’t like the restrictions royal life would be and being a spoilt child she wasn’t having it. Harry should of realised that she would cause so many problems, but loves blind and this is where it’s got him. It’s so very sad lost his family and there are some that would understand his blight. He may see the light at some point, just wish him luck that’s soon.

  7. Deborah says

    Sussex’s have spewed their vile bile worldwide. All trust is broken. They’ve proved that they want money it’s a heartbeat from the press releases. They are now REAPING what they have sown & they hate the taste of consequences.

  8. Valerie says

    Maybe it’s time for the whole family to grow up. Shit happen in all family’s. I would never turn my back on a family member know matter how high and might you all think you are. May God help you all

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