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Prince Harry Sued Mirror Group Newspapers For His Wife Meghan Markle

He’s not only doing it for himself, but also for his wife, Meghan Markle. There’s a new report that says Prince Harry is suing Mirror Group Newspaper simply because he wants to stop the abuse, intrusion and hate that the British tabloid media has shown his wife, Meghan Markle. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Prince Harry Sued Mirror Group Newspapers For His Wife Meghan Markle

According to The Telegraph, Prince Harry has revealed his motivation behind his latest court case. And yes, Harry has spent a lot of time inside courtrooms these days.

This week Harry told the High Court that he has been thinking about how he could defend his wife without involving the royal family’s legal team and that’s why he decided to take on this lawsuit.

Prince Harry Sued Mirror Group Newspapers For His Wife Meghan Markle

The Duke of Sussex put it this way, “I think it was a discussion on how to somehow find a way to stop the abuse, intrusion and hate that was directed towards me and my wife,” he said. “And to see if there was any way to find a different course of action without relying on the institution’s lawyers.”

Of course, it didn’t take long at all for both royal fans and critics to add their two cents about the matter, too. Some people believe that Harry has every reason in the world to do what he’s doing.

Some said, “The way these outlets are impressed with how well Harry did while testifying is pathetic. This man has not only gone through therapy but has had to deal with his rage monster brother physically attacking him. He’s stronger than they realize,” along with, “He’s always been stronger than they realized. He must have been to survive, and eventually combat, the continual underlying, insidious abuse they collectively put him through his whole life. He’s superior to his brother and father by every single measure possible.”

What’s Next For Prince Harry And Meghan Markle?

Another royal observer wrote, Harry is the best thing to come out of the Royal cult. He is by far a person of integrity, strength and perseverance. Harry will continue to do well in his lifetime and bring good things to others. Good King Harry.”

So far Buckingham Palace has not made any comments about the matter.

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Editorial credit: Loredana Sangiuliano /

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